
Get well BMXman.


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
marlopez said:
the only thing is that my ankle is pretty sensitive if i hit it against stuff. while if i hit my good ankle on something harder it doesnt even hurt. how long until that goes away?
I'm new to the broken ankle crowd...you tell me...I hope mine heals differently...D


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
ok I just had a thought...maybe the metal in your leg carries the vibrations more efficiently so small hits hurt more???....just a theory...D


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2004
BMXman said:
ok I just had a thought...maybe the metal in your leg carries the vibrations more efficiently so small hits hurt more???....just a theory...D

Interesting theory....maybe it's like a tuning fork.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Mine only hurts if I hit it right on the metal. Other than that I don't feel a thing... hot, cold, rainy or dry.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Ciaran said:
Mine only hurts if I hit it right on the metal. Other than that I don't feel a thing... hot, cold, rainy or dry.
Mine only hurts if I break it. :eek:

:p :D

Just remember, physical therapy is key....

And of course...beer! :thumb:

Romic tech

Jan 15, 2002
Hey D hope you are feeling better. Guess we should have taken your manapoo off befor your race. Are you going to the Southridge party this weekend?


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Romic tech said:
Hey D hope you are feeling better. Guess we should have taken your manapoo off befor your race. Are you going to the Southridge party this weekend?

no :(...I wanted to but my doc advised against it....hey and thanks for your support...I wish there were more companies like you in the industry...D

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
BMXman said:
ok I just had a thought...maybe the metal in your leg carries the vibrations more efficiently so small hits hurt more???....just a theory...D
I don't know but the metal plates and screws in my hand and wrist are very sensitive!! It's probably because they are so close to the skin you can feel some of them. They are on the bottom side too so I brush that area up against stuff all the time and it still feels really unsettling over a year later! I wonder if there is a medical reason behind it? I will ask my orthopedic surgeon next time I see him!


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
The metal is a foreign body and your body doesn't like it. Doesn't matter which material (titanium, stainless, Nitinol [sp?], etc), or where it is in your body (bone or soft tissue). Your body wants it out and will always be attacking it.

Plus that metal is in a place where the bone used to be, and your bones are still growing so it is trying to fill in the gap (even though it is occupied by metal).

Screws typically will back out after time - not because they were not put in correctly, but b/c the body doesn't want them there! I have heard that many doctors will leave them in until the screw can be felt just under the skin, then make a small incision and take them out (this is an 'office visit' situation... not additional surgery). The associated plates have fused with the bone (by design), so they will stay in place.

Almost all metal implants are sold with wording that states they will eventually fail, and that it is up to the doctor to determine when to remove them. Typically, they don’t b/c the additional surgery is not worth it (lots of scar tissue to cut through, and why risk messing with the muscles again…).


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
thanks Boomer for the info. I just came back form my first follow up visit and I got a new cast and my staples removed. The staple removal hurt more than I thought it would....but my second cast is much more comfortable and form fitting...I would post pics but some folks get a little squirmy :D


Jan 25, 2003
West LA
BMXman said:
thanks Boomer for the info. I just came back form my first follow up visit and I got a new cast and my staples removed. The staple removal hurt more than I thought it would....but my second cast is much more comfortable and form fitting...I would post pics but some folks get a little squirmy :D
oh man! the staple removal was the worst! i think it was worse than breaking the ankle and it turned out worse than the whole process once everything was done. so the bright side of this whole ordeal is that the worst is over and it's only gonna get progressively better from now on


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
marlopez said:
oh man! the staple removal was the worst! i think it was worse than breaking the ankle and it turned out worse than the whole process once everything was done. so the bright side of this whole ordeal is that the worst is over and it's only gonna get progressively better from now on
yeah everyday I feel a bit better but I reallly hate just laying around. Today though my fork came from Marzocchi so that was the highlight of my day...oh and daytime TV sucks!!...D


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
SirChomps-a-Lot said:
Are you ****ting me? The highlight of my life was watching Dr. Phil all day whacked out of my gourd on morphine.
My wife went out and bought me a few new games so lets just say I think my X-Box may explode soon :D


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
BMXman said:
thanks Boomer for the info. I just came back form my first follow up visit and I got a new cast and my staples removed. The staple removal hurt more than I thought it would....but my second cast is much more comfortable and form fitting...I would post pics but some folks get a little squirmy :D
pm that pic donnie i really wanna see it. i should come over and we can have a halo 2 tournement.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
BMXman said:
thanks Boomer for the info. I just came back form my first follow up visit and I got a new cast and my staples removed. The staple removal hurt more than I thought it would....but my second cast is much more comfortable and form fitting...I would post pics but some folks get a little squirmy :D
That reminds me.
When I had my compound fracture of my tibia/fibia, I had to wear that external fixator thing (like a halo). I had 3 steel rods going through the top of my lower leg, and two right around the ankle.
On a follow up visit, the Dr. asked me if I was having any problems, and I said the rods were bothering the inside of my other leg when I was sleeping, because they are too long. He said, Hold on, I will fix that.
He came back into the room with a big pair of boltcutters to cut the rods down. Everytime he cut one, it would send a huge shockwave through my whole body. It was brutal. I could have just slept with a pillow between my legs, but no, I had to speak up. From then when they asked how I was everything was hunky fu@*ing dory. :help:


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Jeremy R said:
That reminds me.
When I had my compound fracture of my tibia/fibia, I had to wear that external fixator thing (like a halo). I had 3 steel rods going through the top of my lower leg, and two right around the ankle.
On a follow up visit, the Dr. asked me if I was having any problems, and I said the rods were bothering the inside of my other leg when I was sleeping, because they are too long. He said, Hold on, I will fix that.
He came back into the room with a big pair of boltcutters to cut the rods down. Everytime he cut one, it would send a huge shockwave through my whole body. It was brutal. I could have just slept with a pillow between my legs, but no, I had to speak up. From then when they asked how I was everything was hunky fu@*ing dory. :help:
damn!...now I don't feel so bad....my doc did ask me how comfortable I was in the cast and I said I was ok but....I should have STFU....D

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
BMXman said:
yeah everyday I feel a bit better but I reallly hate just laying around. Today though my fork came from Marzocchi so that was the highlight of my day...oh and daytime TV sucks!!...D
Definitely the worst part!!! It's entertaining for the first few days and then it just plain out sucks!!! I had surgery on my fett back in '94 and was on bed/hourse arrest for 4 a solid weeks. After 4 weeks I was allowed out on a very very limited basis....you get quite a few odd looks when you're 20 years old and using a walker!

They removed a piece of bone from each of my "pinkie" toe bones and then pinned 'em. Thankfully they used pins that dissolved so I never had to have them removed. Every once in a while when the weather acts up my scar area hurts, or if my foot gets stepped/skinned moved in the wrong direction.

The only suggestion I have for the tv thing though...flip your schedule for a bit and stay up all night to watch tv so you can see some different shows!

Glad to hear you're on the mend!


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
BMXman said:
yeah everyday I feel a bit better but I reallly hate just laying around. Today though my fork came from Marzocchi so that was the highlight of my day...oh and daytime TV sucks!!...D
good to hear you're healing up nicely.
When I was hurt, I used the time to knock out some books on my reading list... and of course there's netflix too!


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
dump said:
good to hear you're healing up nicely.
When I was hurt, I used the time to knock out some books on my reading list... and of course there's netflix too!

yeah I'm finishing up The Lost World and just started on The Prophet...D


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Man Bumm Deal on the break.....Get well soon....Little fun to add.....Donny<Other Donny that runs Southridge> Was talking about your injury Right as i was lining up and teh Intensity of how bad it was....Ya know right at the 30 second mark.....Any who My wife was the Poor lady You almost crashed on and she sends her apologies For no being Much help.....She Was trying to Not Throw up on you when she saw How bad it was ......Get well Fast And Ride again...See abouts at the wonderfull Fontuky
Live sex webshows
Last edited:


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
DirtyMike said:
Man Bumm Deal on the break.....Get well soon....Little fun to add.....Donny<Other Donny that runs Southridge> Was talking about your injury Right as i was lining up and teh Intensity of how bad it was....Ya know right at the 30 second mark.....Any who My wife was the Poor lady You almost crashed on and she sends her apologies For no being Much help.....She Was trying to Not Throw up on you when she saw How bad it was ......Get well Fast And Ride again...See abouts at the wonderfull Fontuky
yeah thats not a good thing to hear before a run, i know i heard about it when i got to the top and it bugged me. specially since its someone i ride with


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
DirtyMike said:
Man Bumm Deal on the break.....Get well soon....Little fun to add.....Donny<Other Donny that runs Southridge> Was talking about your injury Right as i was lining up and teh Intensity of how bad it was....Ya know right at the 30 second mark.....Any who My wife was the Poor lady You almost crashed on and she sends her apologies For no being Much help.....She Was trying to Not Throw up on you when she saw How bad it was ......Get well Fast And Ride again...See abouts at the wonderfull Fontuky
Thanks and tell your wife thanks as well....I remember a couple of years ago at the BB national I was told about a friend and former teamate who crashed and had spinal damage. I ended up not even racing at all....D


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
lovebunny said:
i think we got it the first time donnie ;)
hmm..not sure what happened but I fixed it....yesterday I got my cast taken off and now I have this huge boot that's removable. I finally get to wash my left leg:thumb:...it was getting pretty gross in there :D