
Getting over the pesky cold...


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
So I'm sick...first time in a looong time that I've been sick enough to merit staying home.

Went to the docs this morning, it's not Strep throat (thank god!) since one of my coworkers kindly exposed us all to that last week. Just a nasty head cold that has managed to dry my throat out so bad that I've got little more than a few squeaks left.

So what are your tips and tricks for healing up quick to be back on the bike? Getting your voice back? Etc...

Right now - sucking on Earl grey with lemon and honey.

Starving a cold rarely works for me, but this one definitely has sapped my appetite, so I've been sticking primarily to fluids....though with a good cook and food lover around on the weekends it can be hard to say no...I got sushi for dinner saturday night, and crepes for dinner yesterday, not to mention the yummy poppyseed cake!!!

:) So what do you do to feel better?

sleep lots?

starve yourself?
feed yourself?
take two of these and call the doc in the morning?
go walk around the block (I don't know why but going out doors and walking is always so tempting when I'm sick)...


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Echinacea Tea and immunity booster pills from a health food store.

Together I am taking like 2000% of everything possible.


Get your pork here.
Sep 26, 2001
COlo style
Me too Jr. I am starting to feel better after a weekend of rest. :)

I have yet to find anything that works on colds. Ride it out. :)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Lots of water and sleep.

When I'm ill I usually lie in bed or on the couch and alternate between naps and reading a book. Depending on what I have, like a chough, I might take something to help me sleep though the night.....

Oh and having someone take care of you

;) is always a bounus too :)


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
A ton of water, a bit more sleep than normal, but not huge amounts(at least for me that equals 8-9 hours a night s I'm usually at 6-7 hours), green and herbal teas, vitamin C, echinacea, and some light workouts.

I find that a mixture between more rest and slightly less physical activity(advisable to stay inside, ie. gym, rather than biking) helps me fight a cold. I'm a big believer in staying active through an illness or injury, i t works for me.

Good luck.

The Ito


Jan 11, 2004
Casa de Motionboy
has right now, I can say that its a nasty little bugger to recover from.

Tru dat to everything listed above, and I found that when I had it a humidifier and some Vapo-rub worked wonders. Until I used both of those methods, I was up coughing all night and only getting like 2 hours of sleep....


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Hey thanks everyone! I'm staying up on the juices and waters big time. Normally I tend to overdose on fluids, but the doc emphasized needing even more than I normally do in order to regain my voice...that and I'm not supposed to talk much (oh dear! :eek: )

I'm also a beliver in a little exercise during, though mine tends to be long walks in the cold, though not necessarily in the rain. I'll be cooking myself up some chicken noodle soup in an hour or so to finish off the day.

Rest is unfortunately a tough one for me, though I did take today off of work, I'm still trying to stay focused on schoolwork (much as I really really don't wanna!).

I'm not good at supplementing for colds, I don't keep stuff like echinacea and Vit C around the house, or Zinc as my mother insists I need.


Nov 8, 2003
Atlanta GA
Chicken soup is a miracle cure for colds. Eat it every chance you get. Also, double doses of vitamin C with all the juice you can drink. I never starve a cold, I feed it. I get REALLY hungry when I catch a cold. I guess I need calories to fight off the bug?? The more I eat, the faster I recover. Go figure.

Anyway, lots of rest too. Nyquil is a good way to get some sleep.

Hope you get to feeling better.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
if they make a tea for the symptom, i've got it.

throat coat
herbatussin (cough tea)
immune booster
cold care
cold care pm
breathe easy
breath thyme
tummy tea
detox tea

i drink tons of tea and i eat a lot when i am sick. its the only time i allow myself food for comfort. i just lay around all day watching movies or reading, drinking tea, and eating.

i also take echinacea like its going out of style. i swear by it.