
/// gmt Wednesday \\\


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
What up :monkey:?

Last night's ride was good. I felt slow but don't mind. One year I'll realize taking winters off is a bad idea.
Coffee work blah blah blah....

Have a great day yo.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
I rode this weekend! Hooray!

I'm not sure, but I think I really like my new boss. He didn't seem to get mad at me when science didn't work. That's...different. And he got my coworker a promotion when she deserved it. This is all very confusing to me. He's supposed to be combative and non-supportive, right?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Nother beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Doing a presentation to a group of trade Commissioners today (the people the government pays to live around the world and facilitate trade deals with Canadian companies). I haven't done a presentation in a long time.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
I rode this weekend! Hooray!

I'm not sure, but I think I really like my new boss. He didn't seem to get mad at me when science didn't work. That's...different. And he got my coworker a promotion when she deserved it. This is all very confusing to me. He's supposed to be combative and non-supportive, right?
If he also fights unrealistic expectations and calls out his mgrs' bullshit, tell him you love him while he is still around. ;)


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

I'm new to this whole tubeless tire thing. I burped the rear tire something fierce last night and ended up with a bunch of leaves under the bead of the tire. Buddy on the Giant Anthem ate shit hard on this steep section of trail. Luckily he came out with just a bunch of brush rash and scratches. I told him he needs to tell his wife, that this is a perfect example of why he needs a better bike. :D

Ride night tonight. Its the first "official" group shop ride, so we'll see how many people show up. A few of us have already come to the conclusion that we'll be switching up the Wednesday night locations, as there is sometimes too many people there. While an 18 dude train on the trails can be fun on DH trails, on XC it can a little cumbersome. Plus, riding the same spot every week gets pretty damn old.

And stuck in the office all day, with a small screened laptop. Need to find an HDMI cable to connect to this monitor. And my mouse doesn't work, what the balls.


Sep 8, 2009

Went for an hour long bike ride last night around the neighborhood with the mini-me. He loves riding around with the tag along bike but is still wont leave the driveway with his own bike (w/ training wheels). I haven't pushed him too hard about riding his own yet cause he never really caught on with his strider type bike. We had lots of fun and the tag along bike attached to mine gives me a little more exercise so I can't complain.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Why good morning!

House is officially on the market. Showings start tomorrow and run through Sunday. With any luck we will come back Sunday afternoon to a pile of offers. Feels weird knowing that the place we called home for the past 4 years will no longer be soon enough.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Friend told me about Live Home 3D so I installed it last night and started playing with house ideas. The property we were supposed to look at last Sunday has been pulled off the market (not sold). But it made us realize we are in no position to up and move and build a house.

So I am putting together the build plan and she is making a list of all the house items that need attention before it can be listed. Once we have an idea of our true house budget and a better idea of expenses, we can do more than talk and dream.

Riding this weekend while I try and justify to the wife a need for teh enduroz. A kid at the BMX track asked if I would ever consider selling my RM7. The wife yells from the side of the track "NO, because then he would have to buy a new one!" :rofl:


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
exactly. generic, dry, booooooooring, government-speak powerpoint. would you like me to read the slide for you, or would you like to read it yourself?! (gonna have to avoid that!)
You need fancy animated gifs and cool slide changes. That wows folks more than content.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!!

It's another bluebird day out there....sometimes life has a funny way of showing its appreciation - like when your lawnmower's steering gear self-destructs right after you put 160lbs of lime on your yard....in the South.....in Spring. Most of my evening was spent disconnecting the mower deck and removing the steering shaft/sector gear. The steering shaft gear was still in good shape, so we're keeping it, but that sector gear and bushings were rounded-off toast. That's 20 good years of turns, so I think it held on really good. New parts on order.....now it's a race against Mother Nature....

Y'all go out there and solve problems and make the world better.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
These big ass orange liqui-pills Im taking are making me feel tired af or like I just took a huge line of some primo.
Benadryl sleep is deep but doesnt feel like real sleep.

Not sure how hiking in the Sangres is gonna be this weekend. :/


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
um, awesome?
Dude. these allergies have me miserable.
Gonna try for Cottonwood Peak. 11 miles, 5,500' vert....& I had to stop & blow green snot out of my head twice walking up the stairs at work between hacking up lung butter. x.X


You might feel a little prick.
Sep 1, 2015
San Diego
Sounds like most of yall are good. Im conflicted, major business decision a foot that i cant really talk about with anyone except those involved. Thats stressfull. Also im kinda a hoarder. But its good stuff so technically im a collector. Just feeling overwhelmed.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here.Study failed early last night due to lack of sleep night prior. Hannah woke up 3x last night as well, which should make tonight interesting for study as well. Wife's mom is in town today to close on her new condo, as she will be moving to CO when she fully retires in a few months. That should buy me a few evenings to study with no kids.

Just found out that the new team didn't get funding, so that opportunity is off the table. Another opportunity has opened up, but it's very similar to what I am currently doing. Both my manager and the manager of that team brought it up to me. I would be the first person on that team in Denver, so while I wouldn't be building the team I would be point for growth. I have a brain picking session with one of the guys on that team later today to get an idea on comp numbers. Still want the analytics job, but have to hold out until August for that.

So fucking tired.