
Going to see Pearl Jam in T-minus...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
11.5 hours! I have nothing useful to share, I just wanted to brag!

For your viewing pleasure, an excellent Pearl Jam site:

In case you're curious about the concert, there are still tickets for sale:

<insert happy dance here>


I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Cool, I saw them in Hartford when the released the No Code album. GREAT concert, even though security pepper sprayed the audience (luckily I was not in the firing zone :D ).

dh girlie

binary visions said:
No shhit man! I saw PJ a couple of years ago and they were just as good then as they were when they came out with 10, even though I don't care for a lot of their new stuff...I'd much rather listen to that washed up 90s grunge band than any of the new crap coming out today! Have fun at the show!

Oh and I'm a firm believer that the grunge movement was just way to short!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
dh girlie said:
I'd much rather listen to that washed up 90s grunge band than any of the new crap coming out today! Have fun at the show!
:thumb: Me too, and thanks! Still one of my favorite bands, even a lot of their new stuff. Riot Act was a little sketchy, but it's just an evolution of their music and it's certainly not bad.

Haven't picked up Lost Dogs yet - anyone have an opinion on it?

WestCoastHucker said:
pearl jam???
I repeat: :nuts:



Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
I saw them back when they were touring with Neil Young and Blind Melon. They were pretty unremarkable for such a big name, but I will never forgive them for launching 10+ years of whiny ass bands.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Man, PJ kicks so much azz live it is unreal.
I saw them 2 years back in Charlotte, and they were incredible.
It was one of the concerts that they made a CD out of, so that was sweet.
I pretty much hate all new rock that is now played on the radio, alot of which still tries to sound like Pearl Jam, yet I still like them though.
But hell, what do I know, I have been listening to underground hip-hop for like 6 months straight now.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
4.5 hours and counting...

Leaving work in 20 minutes, gotta finish some stuff and then I'm headed out to Boston.

Have a great afternoon everyone!


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
dh girlie said:
DUDE! At the Gorge??? I was there! When PJ was on and those people up in the bleachers tore down that fence! That was an AWESOME show!
We had tickets for that show originally but it was too facking hot, so we scalped them for like 3 times the price we paid and got tickets for the next day in Portland. We made enough off 3 ticktes to pay for the new tickets, gas there and back, t-shirts and food.

dh girlie

Tenchiro said:
We had tickets for that show originally but it was too facking hot, so we scalped them for like 3 times the price we paid and got tickets for the next day in Portland. We made enough off 3 ticktes to pay for the new tickets, gas there and back, t-shirts and food.

That was a great show...great venue...that phucker Neil Young piggybacking on young popular bands like PJ and BM...he didn't show his face for like 2 hours after PJ! And my older sister...she's REALLY old...used to see NY in the old days like back in the 70's, she said he used to pull that crap back then too...not come out on stage for hours, what an old bastard...but he's got some great music.


May 14, 2003
Santa Barbara county
Tenchiro said:
I saw them back when they were touring with Neil Young and Blind Melon. They were pretty unremarkable for such a big name, but I will never forgive them for launching 10+ years of whiny ass bands.
My wife saw that tour as well (we're from WA too, so it was probably the same concert). She said Pearl Jam was pretty boring...just like 'ok...here's our songs, can we go now?'. I rented a Pearl Jam Live Concert DVD a few years back and they were equally unremarkable on that- sort of detached an unemotional.

She said Blind Melon was great, and Neil Young was even better though.

I didn't even realzie Pearl Jam was still together.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
binary visions said:
Haven't picked up Lost Dogs yet - anyone have an opinion on it?
lost dogs rawks! but for the true fans (like yourself I am assuming) there is no new material, it's all b-sides and singles etc. It is nice to have them all in one though. I also just got the bootleg form the Benaroya Seattle show last year, that is really good as well.

I just flew up to Seattle friday to see them at the showbox (900 person venue) it kicked ass big time! The opening band was smoosh (pronounced like vermouth) They are two sisters age 10 & 12 who play drums and keyboard and sing, they freakin' rock! you can hear them live for free here:Smoosh I saw them last year at the Santa Barbara bowl (also tiny venue) when there was the unannounced temple of the dog reunion, now that show pretty much took the cake. Guest stars included Jack Johnson, Chris Cornell, Jack Irons (old drummer), Jon frusciante (chili peppers) and a few others. I have seen them about 1-2 times a year since 1993 (SJSU Events Center w. Rollins band) and I actually met Eddie at Shoreline in Oct. 2000. He is a very nice person.

For those who think PJ are either broken up or washed up and unemotional, PJ is selling out shows worldwide and selling thousands of copies of the bootlegs they produce from almost all of their shows. They are alive and very strong! They have a huge fan base and in case you can't tell I'm one of them.

Have fun tonight Binary!!!

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
punkassean said:
lost dogs rawks! but for the true fans (like yourself I am assuming) there is no new material, it's all b-sides and singles etc. It is nice to have them all in one though. I also just got the bootleg form the Benaroya Seattle show last year, that is really good as well.
I agree about Lost Dogs. I think it's excellent. One CD is kind of mellow, the other has some faster stuff. It's got Yellow Ledbedder on it too, which is the first time it's on a mainstream CD (I have a bootleg of it).

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
punkassean said:
lost dogs rawks! but for the true fans (like yourself I am assuming) there is no new material, it's all b-sides and singles etc. It is nice to have them all in one though.
I was looking at the song list and recognized 98% of them, so I figured there was no new material. I have a ton of bootlegs, lots of live .mp3's, etc. but I think I'll pick up the CD anyway - looks like it has a lot of good stuff on it.

IAB, Ledbedder is one of my favorites, I've got several bootlegs of it and one that sounds like a studio recording.

As far as the concert went last night, it rocked. Plain and simple. I've always been a little ambivalent about PJ's live music because it sounds so much like canned studio work on most of the MP3s and CDs I have - kind of flat. I don't know if this was a particularly good concert or if you just have to be there in person, but there was just a huge amount of energy coming from the stage.

They did a 10 minute rendition of "Even Flow" with a couple long guitar solos that kicked ass. Just about everything they played was old stuff - lots of tracks from Ten, some from No Code, Vitalogy, and others... They snuck in "Last Kiss", which I don't like, but even that wasn't bad.

The only thing I didn't like about the concert was the political undertones. The first opening band just sucked (really, really sucked) and every song they played had a political agenda. Then, at the end of the concert, Vedder came out and started rambling about the West Memphis Three who are "wrongfully imprisioned" and blah blah blah the justice system blah blah could happen to anyone - hey, I came here for music. If I wanted to hear politics, I'd turn on CNN. I suppose that's his right, though - he's the one with the mic.

Regardless, the whole night rocked. I was pretty wired when I left the concert, but a long T ride, and a very long wait in the parking garage drained me. Was a rough ride home, especially in a driving rainstorm the whole way, but I had luck on my side and noticed two speedtraps in time, drove over (as in, I didn't hit it - went between the wheels) a skunk in the middle of the road, and avoided plowing over a fox. Quite an exciting ride home.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
binary visions said:
The only thing I didn't like about the concert was the political undertones. The first opening band just sucked (really, really sucked) and every song they played had a political agenda. Then, at the end of the concert, Vedder came out and started rambling about the West Memphis Three who are "wrongfully imprisioned" and blah blah blah the justice system blah blah could happen to anyone - hey, I came here for music. If I wanted to hear politics, I'd turn on CNN. I suppose that's his right, though - he's the one with the mic.
Yeah when I saw then (8 years ago?) they were the same way. Eh, let him rant. :D

I particularly remember their "Porch" and "Rearviewmirror" performances seriously kicking ass.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I Are Baboon said:
I particularly remember their "Porch" and "Rearviewmirror" performances seriously kicking ass.
I was disappointed that we didn't get to hear Nothingman.. We did get a nice rendition of Dissident, and a bunch of acoustic music including Elderly Woman, and at 7:30 sharp when the opening bands were supposed to start, Vedder came out and jammed for 10 minutes or so by himself.

They wrapped up the concert with "Alive" which just rocks by itself, let alone live.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Nice. I really enjoyed Ten, but to me, everything I heard from them after that seemed forced. Like they found a formula for their "sound" and just kept at it. Just my opinion, tho. Don't mind me.

T minus 1 day, 12 hours and counting till I go see the Pixies!

dh girlie

I am JEALOUS! Everytime I've seen PJ (probably 5 or 6 times?) live they've blown me away. Ten is probably one of the best cd's EVER. I could never get sick of that cd. Glad to hear that the show was good, I was not surprised to see you post that it kicked ass. Was this the first PJ show you've seen?

I also hate when bands go off on political crap. I went to see U2 about 18 years ago at the Oakland Coloseum (where the lame ass Raiders play) and they had just played a free show in the middle of SF, and they had painted (defaced) a veterans memorial which was complete BS. Anyway, when they played the next night in Oaktown, they went off forever on political crap, and then had a veteran in a wheelchair come out on stage and paint on their backdrop. Theres a fair trade. :rolleyes:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
dh girlie said:
I am JEALOUS! Everytime I've seen PJ (probably 5 or 6 times?) live they've blown me away. Ten is probably one of the best cd's EVER. I could never get sick of that cd. Glad to hear that the show was good, I was not surprised to see you post that it kicked ass. Was this the first PJ show you've seen?
I agree that Ten is a fantastic CD. Not only is it a great CD, it's one of the best debut CDs of all time.

Yep, first concert I've seen, but definitly not the last!

Bunch of kids in front of us who, judging from the interesting touching/rubbing, constant (illegal) cigarette smoking, tons of water, and general cracked out behavior, were on ex. One of 'em got a little too "into the groove" during the opening song (Release), and fell forward, tumbling down three sets of seats.

dh girlie

binary visions said:
I agree that Ten is a fantastic CD. Not only is it a great CD, it's one of the best debut CDs of all time.

Yep, first concert I've seen, but definitly not the last!

Bunch of kids in front of us who, judging from the interesting touching/rubbing, constant (illegal) cigarette smoking, tons of water, and general cracked out behavior, were on ex. One of 'em got a little too "into the groove" during the opening song (Release), and fell forward, tumbling down three sets of seats.

HAHAHAAH! I would have loved to have seen that. I went to see Tool once, and I'm 5'2" at best and I had great seats, and some TOOL in front of me about 6' f'n 5", was on E I think, and he was doing the Grateful Dead arms in the air, sway back and forth dance all f'n night...all I saw was his ass and back and long ass monkey arms all night I was so phuckin pissed off...I wanted to punch him in the back of the head so bad and scream have some phucking consideration for the people behind you f ucker! I really hate people.


dh girlie said:
HAHAHAAH! I would have loved to have seen that. I went to see Tool once, and I'm 5'2" at best and I had great seats, and some TOOL in front of me about 6' f'n 5", was on E I think, and he was doing the Grateful Dead arms in the air, sway back and forth dance all f'n night...all I saw was his ass and back and long ass monkey arms all night I was so phuckin pissed off...I wanted to punch him in the back of the head so bad and scream have some phucking consideration for the people behind you f ucker! I really hate people.

[Ready to laugh] - I went to see Duran Duran in '88 and some fat bitch wouldn't get down from this guys shoulders in from of us. I held a lighter to her ass until it was too hot for her to stand it, and soon, fat girl down. Yay. No more fat ass blocking our view. :thumb: [stop laughing, I was 17 and I at least burned some chicks ass:D]


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
pixelninja said:
Nice. I really enjoyed Ten, but to me, everything I heard from them after that seemed forced. Like they found a formula for their "sound" and just kept at it. Just my opinion, tho. Don't mind me.

T minus 1 day, 12 hours and counting till I go see the Pixies!
Agreed totally.......I mean Pelican?? WTF is that all about?? 10 rocked but it was all down hill FAST after that.

The Pixies, now there's a band or was a band, the reforming will never be the same.

dh girlie

loco-gringo said:
[Ready to laugh] - I went to see Duran Duran in '88 and some fat bitch wouldn't get down from this guys shoulders in from of us. I held a lighter to her ass until it was too hot for her to stand it, and soon, fat girl down. Yay. No more fat ass blocking our view. :thumb: [stop laughing, I was 17 and I at least burned some chicks ass:D]
It's not so uncool to see Duran Duran in 1988....if you're a GIRL!

Didn't her clothes catch on fire? and how was the dude able to hold a fat chick on his shoulders?


dh girlie said:
It's not so uncool to see Duran Duran in 1988....if you're a GIRL!

Didn't her clothes catch on fire? and how was the dude able to hold a fat chick on his shoulders?
You're not funny!!!!!! :nope:

I didn't put charcoal starter on it first. It was an art. Once she started squirming, the bitch was going down. :thumb:


I Are Baboon said:
Hey, I saw Kool and the Gang last week. :D

Just thought this was a good place to say that.

I saw them when I was 8 at Ft Hood. There were Kool cigarettes everywhere.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
dh girlie said:
SHUT UP...did you really!
Well it's not like I bought a ticket. They played a "party" I went to (14,000 people at a private party). It was them and Train. Interesting combo. Kool and the Gang was 10 times better than Train. :D

dh girlie

I Are Baboon said:
Well it's not like I bought a ticket. They played a "party" I went to (14,000 people at a private party). It was them and Train. Interesting combo. Kool and the Gang was 10 times better than Train. :D
I'm sure they were better than train...I love the old skool bands. I'd go see em if it was convenient. It'd probably be really fun. I just saw a great old skool funk fest a month ago...it was Gap Band, Midnight Starr, Sugarhill Gang, Lakeside and Whodini. It was a great show. I actually got to go up on stage during Rapper's Delight! hahaha!