
Golden, CO to get a bike park?


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Where the riding is good
Copied from MTBR FR forum post:

Golden Bike Park: Need your help!!!


The rumors and plans are becoming reality! The Golden Bike Park is very close with final plans with approvals coming up quickly. The Golden Bike Park development Team needs your assistance on a few matters; and its only a quick email away:

The Golden Bike Park is meant to appeal to everyone. We are planning to have several elements that include:
-Gravity fed flow trail
-Gravity fed jump trail
-pump tracks (2 initially, one for smaller kids and one for bigger kids (adults))
-cyclo-cross / XC loop
-DH skill trails
-drop zone
-Dirt Jumps
-progression & obstacle elements trail

All of these elements will be phased in over time, and our window for phase one approvals is getting very close.

How you can help:

1. Support
2. maintenance crews
3. Trail construction

1. I would like to get your support. All you need to do is send me an email, stating your support of the park.
-please include
-your full name
-your address, city, state
-email address (this is for communication only, I WON'T SPAM YOU!!!)
-telephone number (optional)

2. We are putting together a long term maintenance plan for Golden Parks & Rec's Dept. Because they have never maintained a facility like this, short term, we need your help with a maintenance plan. If you would like to volunteer some time, helping with trail maintenance and other bike park help, Please let me know in the email!!!
-state in the email: Please contact me for help with bike park maintenance.

-our expectation is that we'll run a voluntary once a month (initially) crew to keep the dirt in the right places and make sure the trails are the way we want them.

3. Longer term, we'll be putting together new trail plans and Bike Park Idea's from you. We want this to be a place where everyone (XC, DH, DS, DJ, DS, FR, Cyclo-cross, kids, teenager, groms, wives, beginners to seasoned experts) can come and ride. In addition to your support, please realize that when you send your support for this park, that you may be a part of its longevity as this grows into something for everyone. Building trails can be a lot of fun, please let us know if you're interested in that as well.

So please, send me an email, with the above info (your name, addy) and let us know if you're interested in being a part of the trail crew (both routine maintenance and long term planning input).

Please send emails to: goldenbikepark@gmail.com

If you know people that would be interested, please forward this text and info to them!

Thank you for your support

Taylor Shull
Golden, CO


Turbo Monkey
Dec 22, 2004
Golden, CO
Yeah, you musta missed the memo about all the new restrictions imposed by Jeffco at Apex due to people treating it like a bike park. :rant:


Turbo Monkey
Dec 22, 2004
Golden, CO
Update: We've gotten approval from the Golden Parks and Rec board, and we're heading for City Council this Thursday at 7pm.
We got just a taste of the neighborhood opposition's fight at the Parks and Rec meeting, and can use all the support at City Council that we can get. Luckily, the majority of the opposing arguments are based on ignorance - they don't understand what we're building or what it will mean to the community. But this won't be a debate. The head of the Parks and Rec department will present the proposal to Council, and at some point the meeting will be open for public comment (3 minutes per person).
Thanks for your support, and I'll see you there.


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Where the riding is good
Another update. BE THERE!


Golden Bike Park supporters,

We are at the final point in getting the Golden Bike Park approved by the City of Golden. Thursday night (March 4th) the Golden City Council will make the final vote for the Bike Park. We need your support more than ever before.

The meeting will be held at Golden's City hall at 7pm, March 4th. Council will be voting on Resolution 2042; The Bike Park. Seating is limited, so we need everyone to show up between 6 & 6:15pm to ensure we have more supporters than opponents. Please signup to speak if you are in support of this park. The opposition will be pulling out all stops to kill this proposal.

Golden City Hall
911 10th Street
Golden, CO

After party celebration will be held at:

The Spot Bar & Grill
111 North Ruby Drive
Golden, CO

The Spot will have beers available for happy hour prices earlier for the bike park supporters (you).

We'll have a Golden Bike Park donation/tip jar. All proceeds will go to Comba for the support of the bike park.

Schedule: (March 4th)
6-6:15pm: Arrive at City Council chambers, City Hall
7pm: Start of Council meeting
~9pm: The Spot Bar and Grill (if the vote is in favor of the park)

The complete proposal: http://goldenco.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=2&event_id=26&meta_id=16541

For any additional questions, please contact us at: goldenbikepark@gmail.com

Golden Bike Park group


Turbo Monkey
Dec 22, 2004
Golden, CO
And it is being built! Heavy machine work is going on this week on the dh flow trail with Jason Wells (IMBA world class trail builder) through Thursday, then we'll be hand finishing and working on the other trails and pumptrack areas. Check in at goldenbikepark@gmail.com if you want to help out.