
~~Good Tuesday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
HOw the F' is everybody today?

I'm f'ing busy at work today. To much B.S. sometimes working this job.

Anyway I have a meeting so I'm outty!
Hope ya all have a great F'ing day!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Mornin Stosh.

Got home from work yesterday to a racoon laying in my driveway. My immediate thought was rabies, though there seemed to be nothing wrong with it. However, with 2 dogs and 2 little kids, I wasn't taking any chances. I made some phone calls, after everything was said and done, a town cop came up and shot it. Exciting huh? Then I watched some damn good hockey last night. Granted, my team (the Devils) won, but even so... it was a helluva game.

Going to be one of those f'in days. I ordered breakfast pizza for the office (comfort food), but likely someone will burn themselves on it and sue me. God, I gotta get out of this f'in rut I've been in.

At least it's my b-day again today, that's pretty cool.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC

Busy week for me.......the suits are over-scheduling us peons out here in production and it's getting a little f'ing irritating. I predict a drinking problem before the end of the f'ing year.......:help:

Did a little drivetrain work on the Preston last night......I think my BB is going to the great crunchy bearing eternal dirtnap. Things are sounding like a bowl of rice krispies in there, so I'm going to investigate further this evening and see what's going on. BTW.....clean chains rock.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
Good F'n Morning

Bek left with Emma this morning for her parents camp, I guess to get it ready for the summer. I worked on my Father-in-law's bike last night putting a new chain on, and re-lubin the hubs etc. I rushed to get it done then I find out this morning they cant fit the bike with all the other crap they are taking:rolleyes:

tonight is going to be the first stages of laying out our new trail system in our local park. I was so stoked about it, I could hardly sleep last night! that may be the reason I am tired today!

Have a great F'n day you F'n Monkeys!


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
Good F'n morning. All of my friends have no class today for some mayfest nonsense...I on the other hand still have class. Well off to take a quiz and be bored out of my mind for a while.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar

I actually have a cool bikeshop story to share today! I went to my local shop to have a headset pressed and buy some tubes. I went in a gave the mech my frame and cups and we started chatting. He thought my frame was really cool and started asking me all about it. So I was telling him it was a freeride / trail hardtail. A little more versatile than a dirtjump bike since it was a little bigger / more comfortable. When I told him that, he said he rides a dirtjump bike and competes in lots of dirtjump contests. We chatted a little more and he mentioned that he had just gotten back from SeaOtter and really shyly mentioned that he had won the "best trick" in the DJ contest there. Turns out my bike mechanic was Jim DeChamp (second only to bikerfox in front flipping abilities). I had no idea he worked there. So we ended up talking trails and bikes for about a half hour. He's a really cool guy and I hope to get to ride with him soon.

Oh yeah, the shop is cool to. They charged me $20 for a head set press and 2 tubes. The other shop in town would have made me wait three days in their cue just to get the cups pressed.


Good f'n morning. Doing more administrative BS here. Not happy about that.

Going to the shop to talk logistics with the owner, so hopefully I'll know something soon about a new gig.

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
Morning. Back from vacation and I'm somewhat ready to ride. Left a bag of gifts on the shuttle back to our car and it hasn't turned up yet, the parking people kind of soured when I suggested that I would put in a police report as I had a hounded dollars worth of booty, including an awesome framed pic of a barracuda.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
jdschall said:

I actually have a cool bikeshop story to share today! I went to my local shop to have a headset pressed and buy some tubes. I went in a gave the mech my frame and cups and we started chatting. He thought my frame was really cool and started asking me all about it. So I was telling him it was a freeride / trail hardtail. A little more versatile than a dirtjump bike since it was a little bigger / more comfortable. When I told him that, he said he rides a dirtjump bike and competes in lots of dirtjump contests. We chatted a little more and he mentioned that he had just gotten back from SeaOtter and really shyly mentioned that he had won the "best trick" in the DJ contest there. Turns out my bike mechanic was Jim DeChamp (second only to bikerfox in front flipping abilities). I had no idea he worked there. So we ended up talking trails and bikes for about a half hour. He's a really cool guy and I hope to get to ride with him soon.

Oh yeah, the shop is cool to. They charged me $20 for a head set press and 2 tubes. The other shop in town would have made me wait three days in their cue just to get the cups pressed.
that is a cool story!

that is the kinda shop Manhattan and I work at. super laid back and never in it to gouge anyone! :thumb:


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
Got about 3 hours of sleep last night for all the right reasons...so im running on coffee hardcore...Productive day thus far...

Brungeman and i are going to begin laying down a crazy new trail here in PA today...

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
morning all.

not much going on here today. just school and then work after school. although i did get an 85 on this big tv production presentation. pretty good seeing as how it was riddled with problems. i did a little talkshow thing on bicycle safety yesterday after i showed up to school at 10, 30 minutes late for the class, and the roll in footage that i had was in the incorrect format so we couldnt use any of it during the presentation. but luckily i just fixed it and it saved my grade. i was about to have an anxiety attack yesterday because i expected my teacher to flip out at me but he was surprisingly calm about everything. im just glad its over and now i can focus on getting riding footage for the music video that i have to make for the class. and sometime later this week i should be getting my m1 that im buying off of a coworker. so far so good right now.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
loco said:
Going to the shop to talk logistics with the owner, so hopefully I'll know something soon about a new gig.
I've seen this metioned a few times, but I don't know the whole story. You buying the place, or just managing/running it? What brands do they carry?

I looked into buying a shop last summer, but I'm pretty sure it would have been a bad investment, so I passed on it.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I Are Baboon said:
Well look on the bright side: They are not the Rangers.
I think that Philly is a far bigger surprise than the Rangers. The Rangers struggled the last few weeks of teh season and the Devils came into the playoffs tearing it up. Buffalo is good when they have their act together, but I don't think most people expected them to be up 2-0 on the Flyers. I'd bet that the Devils being up 2-0 doesn't surprise a lot of people.


jacksonpt said:
I've seen this metioned a few times, but I don't know the whole story. You buying the place, or just managing/running it? What brands do they carry?

I looked into buying a shop last summer, but I'm pretty sure it would have been a bad investment, so I passed on it.
It would be managing. They carry Giant, Trek, Specialized, Haro and Redline. There is some dabbling in some small name makers building some road bikes. I have built quite a few Masi and Interloc bikes with Dura-Ace groups for around $1800 or so. It's cool to put some folks on really nice bikes for not so much money.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
loco said:
It would be managing. They carry Giant, Trek, Specialized, Haro and Redline. There is some dabbling in some small name makers building some road bikes. I have built quite a few Masi and Interloc bikes with Dura-Ace groups for around $1800 or so. It's cool to put some folks on really nice bikes for not so much money.
That's cool. Gotta be easier coming into a shop that already has a solid line-up of bikes. Good luck with it all.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
jdschall said:
Turns out my bike mechanic was Jim DeChamp.

he's the guy who almost killed himself @ the '04 red bull bike battle. this is a crappy pic, but you get the idea. he tried a front flip on a step up to concrete, and it didn't work out so good.


I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
jacksonpt said:
I think that Philly is a far bigger surprise than the Rangers. The Rangers struggled the last few weeks of teh season and the Devils came into the playoffs tearing it up. Buffalo is good when they have their act together, but I don't think most people expected them to be up 2-0 on the Flyers. I'd bet that the Devils being up 2-0 doesn't surprise a lot of people.
I agree that NJ is no surprise. The Rangers have pretty much ZERO chance of coming back against them. If the Flyers win their series, that would not surprise me. At least the Flyers played a very tough game one. The Rangers have gotten completely blown out twice.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I Are Baboon said:
I agree that NJ is no surprise. The Rangers have pretty much ZERO chance of coming back against them. If the Flyers win their series, that would not surprise me. At least the Flyers played a very tough game one. The Rangers have gotten completely blown out twice.
I have no idea what woke up Buffalo, but 13 goals in 2 games, especially against the Flyers is nuts.

Game 1 in the rangers/devils series wasn't a good indicator of what the series would be like... the devils had 13 power plays and there was more powerplay time than there was 5-on-5. I think losing Jagr hurt them more than losing the game.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
loco said:
Why does narlus have 2 green squares???
according to the mouseover, it is because i am 'regarded highly'.

start posting quality posts unlike yr normal crap and maybe you can get into the green instead of the red



Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Morning all. I went on a long ride after work yesterday out into the farmland Northwest of Bend. A herd (is that what you call them), of deer was trying to cross the road but they had to leap this really tall fence and as I waited, the last one couldn't make it. I think it was afraid to clip it's front feet and endo into the road :) Great ride though.


narlus said:
according to the mouseover, it is because i am 'regarded highly'.

start posting quality posts unlike yr normal crap and maybe you can get into the green instead of the red

There is nothing "crap" about my posts. :mad:

Beauty in the eye of the beholder. :eviltongu