
-= Good Tuesday Morning =-


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
*stosh, ya F'in slacker...*

Mornin :monkey:s - how goes it?

I had a great weekend, worked a half day yesterday, then had a great afternoon/evening. Had some quality time with my kids, played some golf, did some yard work, got in a ride, hung out with some friends, saw some family... it was truely a great few days for me.

But now I'm exhausted.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
2 days, 1 paper and 1 exam before I leave for Pisgah to ride. Camping, so it'll be cold and great. Woohoo!


Apr 1, 2005
**Yawns** good morning...., well, whatever good it is... Biking to school today, like every other day, wish me luck :-D

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Good morning. I'm tired.

Had a great three day weekend. I rode all three days, drank some good beer, watched some football. I think I'm getting too old for freeriding. I was more sore from all the drops than any XC ride I've done all year. :dead:


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Morning all! Had a decent night last night. Got home, played with the kids and then headed down to the local brewpub for their 10th Anniversary party. Had a bison burger and sampled several yummy beers, listened to my friend Jeff play some guitar... Filled my growler and headed home and watched Heros and then the football game. Not a bad night in my book! :)


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
tired, and scrambling to finish up the stuff for the haunted trail I got suckered into helping out with!

that is all!


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
awesome day to take off...great weather, did a trail ride w/ Miles, did a solo road ride, grilled a big-ass sirloin steak, and miles' 2nd tooth fell out. sucks to be back at work.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
The cleaning lady sucked up the cord to my headphones in her vacuum cleaner. No more headphones. It's going to be a mind numbing day at work with no tunes.


May 11, 2006
Boulder, CO
Yesterday was cold and drizzly and the commute in sucked....luckily I got a ride home. Today it's still cold but at least it's not raining anymore. The foothills got snow and it looked pretty cool on the ride in this morning.

Nothing much planned for tonight....maybe a run after work, dinner and a movie.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Morning - great long weekend!!

Liam's team had one win and one tie over the weekend and they are still undefeated at 5-0-1 for the season. Connor's Mite B team (My team) won one and lost one over the weekend. On Sunday we got our first win --a home game- - with a 2-1 victory over S. Windsor whilie missing three of our better players. The kids kicked ass and worked really hard for the W - it was sweet. So the Mite Bs are now 1-1-1 on the season.

Yesterday all six of us (Me and the boys and Laura and her girls) went for a great ride on the Farmington River Trail. Unfortunately I got a flat on the way back (that's what you get when you ride a road bike on loose gravel and rocky terrain). Capped the night off with a skills clinic for Liam at the rink. It was run by the head coach of the UConn men's hockey team and they really put the kids through the paces. Good stuff.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 10, 2005
Med. to Well-Done in Phx
Good morning,

Flew back to Illinois over the weekend to see my folks. Had flawless weather the whole time. Got to visit with old high school friends at a party out at the lake. Found my first bike (early to mid 60's vintage) stashed in a shed, forgot they still had it and hauled it for a pic. Ain't too pretty but it's all there.



Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
major tired here......hopefully I can keep from doing this at my desk

yesterday, 2 mudhunnies & myself did a mtn ride after I got out of work - damn sun sets fast these days

oh, and I picked up a new cell phone after mine lost a battle with a leaking poly water bottle, luckily I only had to pay $4 for a $150 phone


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Trainwreck - THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a 75 minute massage yesterday afternoon and it was heaven!


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!

Wife's b-day this past weekend, so we hung out with her parents on Sat. evening at the Mexican place down the street. It rained all weekend here, so indoor activities were the actions-du-jour. We had plans to meet some friends out at the bar, but that kinda fell through for various reasons and such. Sunday was her actual birthday, so..........*sigh*............. you see, she's been dying to go to this frou-frou fondue place for, like, evah. Not being the "fondue type" (whatever that may be), and knowing the $$ that corresponds with said fondue at this place, I've always tried to consciously "steer" her away from this establishment in one manner or another over the last few years.

No dice this year.

I think I just plain ran out of diversions. Reconciling defeat, I made "the call" to her friends and a call to one of mine to join us in this unique venture down metrosexual, yuppie-food lane. All totalled, we had 8 people.

OK....if you've never eaten at a fondue resturant, you're in for an interesting couple of hours. Me being one of those people, I was a little more than overwhelmed with the whole spiel. Cheese this, cheese that, boullion base or oil, this style or that, what wine for what cheese, do you have your skewers, don't cross-contaminate, long and detailed explanations of cooking times, cheese, more cheese, breads, fruits, cheese.......................Holy Cow!! I won't be pooping until next Wednesday......madness, I tell you.

You should have seen my parents--total trip. Neither one of them being the hipest-of-hipcats, apparently missed the whole "fondue revolution" back in the 70's. I don't know what was funnier.....watching them struggle with skewering and cooking their shrimp in the little cauldron, or watching me struggle with skewering and cooking my chicken!!! :busted:

Normally, I'm pretty much the bomb in a kitchen. I can whoop it up and make Bobby Flay cry, but this......this was a completely different beast. OK.....so I'm going to boil this meat in this little pot?! Let me get this straight---I do all the cooking and yet you charge me twice as much for two as a steak dinner for four? OK......here we go.......:bonk:


And when the bill came, all of a sudden pooping seemed like it could happen pretty easily.


Nov 28, 2005
little late but it is morning somewhere...nice three day weekend here too.I took Friday off and went up to Mt.Monadnock nice to go hiking with just the wife while the kids are at school..We have talked about doing it for a couple years.Sat work around the house day, same story as most weekend don't get as much done as I wanted but something is better than nothing..Sunday we had a nice day for racing best part of the day was seeing a bear run across the trail in front of me.Worst part of the day is trying to keep up to my nephew the little bastid is starting to leave me in the dust...:rant: :rant:


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Afternoon all! Had a long morning after a wonderful day of playing with Sydney and doing housework yesterday. She said her 4th word too and it still wasn't "mommy" :( So far, she says, Ba-ba (when referring to her bottle), Da-Da/daddy, Hi and now Poop! I don't even come before poop! :p

Time for my rant: The orchestra teacher at my school is really quite nuts! She has conversations with her self and yet she can't remember a conversation she had with me or her students! She is completely out of line 90% of the time and rude. She sleeps through meetings and then expects everyone to tell her how to do things that she missed. Well, I refused and now she is on a tirade because I am unprofessional and rude for not helping her. WHATEVER! Perhaps she'll leave me alone now! (rant over)

Tonight I have a lesson at home and then I plan on hitting the roads or the rollers...not sure which just yet as it depends on what time Sq-Earl gets home to watch Syd.