



I give up. I have no grammar skills left. I will no longer bitch about poor grammer. I don't care anymore if I use it even. I am sure I will still bitch when people use the wrong names and what not, but let the grammar and spelling go to hell. Who am I to police this anyway? If my life revolved around correcting dumb mistakes, I would never get to ride. Yay bad grammar. :dancing:


binary visions said:
With all the crying you've been doing lately, I think I should buy stock in Kleenex...

That just doesn't make sense. I don't think they give you the product just because you own stock. I said I abandoned grammar, not reason. :eviltongu


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
loco-gringo said:
I give up. I have no grammar skills left. I will no longer bitch about poor grammer. I don't care anymore if I use it even. I am sure I will still bitch when people use the wrong names and what not, but let the grammar and spelling go to hell. Who am I to police this anyway? If my life revolved around correcting dumb mistakes, I would never get to ride. Yay bad grammar. :dancing:

I blame "IMing" and "texting" for the most recent accelleration into the downward spiral and I teeter perilously close to jailtime whenever my dinner out is interrupted by technogeeks in the next booth doing so loudly in a pathetic bid for attention. In fact, I may very well snatch & spike the next chirping nightmare that is the digital walkie talkie. Instead of chirping your way through every line item on the grocery list while others around you try to enjoy a meal out, why not just stretch fvcking dixie cups-n-string across the restaurant while wearing folded funny-pages pirate hats. Even MORE people would notice you then. :mumble:

OK...I feel better now, too.


llkoolkeg said:
I blame "IMing" and "texting" for the most recent accelleration into the downward spiral and I teeter perilously close to jailtime whenever my dinner out is interrupted by technogeeks in the next booth doing so loudly in a pathetic bid for attention. In fact, I may very well snatch & spike the next chirping nightmare that is the digital walkie talkie. Instead of chirping your way through every line item on the grocery list while others around you try to enjoy a meal out, why not just stretch fvcking dixie cups-n-string across the restaurant while wearing folded funny-pages pirate hats. Even MORE people would notice you then. :mumble:

OK...I feel better now, too.
Way to stay on topic. :thumb:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
loco-gringo said:
That just doesn't make sense. I don't think they give you the product just because you own stock. I said I abandoned grammar, not reason. :eviltongu

Lots of product sold = higher stock prices.

You crying = needing tissues = lots of product sold.

You crying = higher stock prices.



binary visions said:

Lots of product sold = higher stock prices.

You crying = needing tissues = lots of product sold.

You crying = higher stock prices.


But I don't use kleenex. When the nose starts running I just blow snot rockets. Maybe I should by stock in carpet cleaners though.


Oct 17, 2002
when loco-gringo rants, why are people surprised? I mean, his name kinda let's you know in advance.

Loco, fight the good fight bro.


douglas said:
and WHY do people text message me even at the times when calling is free, and texting (for me) is never free ??

As a whole, people are not smart. I use that to answer most questions these days.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
douglas said:
and WHY do people text message me even at the times when calling is free, and texting (for me) is never free ??

i hate talking on the phone. i would prefer to text message someone before i would want to talk to them. i avoid this altogether by not having friends. :)


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
llkoolkeg said:
I blame it on the skunkenberry... :evil:
Thats a reason to stray from topic :confused:

BTW, got some top notch Oklahoma mystery nug from a buddy. Best I have seen in a year. Basically I got 1 fat nug in a bag... when I went to transfer it from bag to jar it out it clung to the bag so much that it turned the bag inside out and then I had to pull it free like velcro. Looks like AK, but no taste like AK. It's indica, but thats about all I can tell.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
golgiaparatus said:
Thats a reason to stray from topic :confused:

BTW, got some top notch Oklahoma mystery nug from a buddy. Best I have seen in a year. Basically I got 1 fat nug in a bag... when I went to transfer it from bag to jar it out it clung to the bag so much that it turned the bag inside out and then I had to pull it free like velcro. Looks like AK, but no taste like AK. It's indica, but thats about all I can tell.
Hmmmmm...when it grabs on to the baggie like that, it is usually because the nug is not completely dried out and cured. Trichomes rupture and spill their sticky resins onto the leaf material when buds are handled before fully dry. Once they dry out and cure fully, the petioles are crisp and snap like fall twigs even after a few days in a sealed container. Leaf surfaces are puffy and stop being sticky to the touch once they dry out unless they are handled roughly or dipped in hash oil. Don't let it dry out too much, though, are you are left with brittle buds that flake like crazy when trying to pack 'em. :cool:


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
llkoolkeg said:
Hmmmmm...when it grabs on to the baggie like that, it is usually because the nug is not completely dried out and cured. Trichomes rupture and spill their sticky resins onto the leaf material when buds are handled before fully dry. Once they dry out and cure fully, the petioles are crisp and snap like fall twigs even after a few days in a sealed container. Leaf surfaces are puffy and stop being sticky to the touch once they dry out unless they are handled roughly or dipped in hash oil. Don't let it dry out too much, though, are you are left with brittle buds that flake like crazy when trying to pack 'em. :cool:
Yeep, it was a little too fresh, however it is good as hell.

I let it sit out overnight. Now its in the frige in my bud jar :thumb:

Note, Ive had my fair share of KB that was way too dry (pinch it between your fingers and it turns to powder) :(

I've also had a bunch that was not dry enough (stick a bud the ceiling and it will stay there overnight)

The condition of it usually depends on where I get it... If it comes from the coast its usually perfect. If it comes from town its usually too sticky, I'm not too picky about that thoug, unless its too dry and brittle.