
Gravity East Series 2009

Whelp...Its about that time of year again. Time to start fighting off that little bit of cold left and get out there to train.

Are there any lady monkies that will be riding in the Gravity East Series 2009? I plan to hit up atleast 8 of the 11 races. If anyone is from Maryland, DC, Virgina car pooling is always an option as well.

Cant wait to get out there!!! :cheers:


Jan 31, 2006
MD by way of Austin, TX
I may hit some of the races now that I am in MD -- not sure. I have gravitated to 'pleasure' DH more and more. I get so nervous and competitive (I guess that is the point, huh?) when racing.
YEah I can understand that. I dont feel like racing is what it used to be. Then again I have only been racing for 4 or 5 years now. Since Im out of college it is an activity that keeps me on my toes and still makes me feel part of a team. Where in MD are you located? Im always looking for someone to ride with.


Jan 31, 2006
MD by way of Austin, TX
All the more reason to come!! At first I felt a little intimidated by all the guys out there, but I can actually say I ride better than some of them. I take my time and let them all race down the trail. I want to start heading out there again soon (I sort of took the winter off from riding a lot). I think you'd really enjoy it out there. It really is an awesome opportunity to practice and session things.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
:thumb: I have debated giving DH racing a try for a few years. I am actually really interested in Super D this season because I have a great new bike for it. If you ladies do end up coming, I'd love to atleast meet up and ride, not sure if I'll actually race but who knows...stranger things have happened.


Sep 14, 2007

You need to make it out to the Shed a lil more with me. Now that I don't have my partner in crime. The only fat kid I ahve to ride with is you so get use to me draggin your a$$ out.
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