
Guitar Hero....what am I missing?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
So during another youtube search I came across
. Now I admit that I have never played or seen Guitar Hero, but apparently you play a fake guitar to the "tab" on the screen.

For what that game costs, why don't kids just buy a cheap guitar from the pawn shop and learn the real thing?? Do teenagers not show of their "metal licks" to "questionable" (i.e. easy) metal chicks anymore??

I'm missing something. School me. :bonk:


May 19, 2008
Northern Bay Area
It's easier to play five "notes" on a fisher price guitar than it is a lot more than 5 on the real thing.

Admittedly, playing the real thing (I'm a bassist btw) is more fun AND you get to be in REAL bands that write their own music and play shows and stuff.

Granted it took me four years to get here...


I guess what I was trying to say is GH is for the kids who want to have their make believe fame right away and it doesn't actually last or mean anything anyways. It's fun to play at parties (I've had many a party lost to that game), but pretty useless otherwise.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
On the guitar, I can play a few chords.

I think of GH as a game, and I enjoy it that way. I do wish I played drums in Rock Band more.

fed tom

Jun 23, 2008
guitar hero is the most annoying, boring, unsocial game ever. try talking to someone whos playing it...

much rather play my sg...


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
But, without it, what would have drug Slash from the depths of obscurity and Axel's shadow? Sure wasn't Velvet Revolver....

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
I've played guitar for 10 years. I suck at GH, and I hate it. To say GH is a lame/weak attempt at learning an instrument is pretty comical.

Like Blue said, it's a great game to play when you're wasted. Get trashed, dress up like 80's hairmetal bands and rock out with a bunch of other dudes.

Wait, what?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Video games themselves are the most antisocial thing since Thorogood.

A buddy of mine recently got GH and when a couple of us showed up at his house with beer, he continued playing it only pausing between tracks to glance over his shoulder and offer token verbal solicitations of inclusion. We took our beer and went out on his patio and started drinking it. Within 10 minutes, he got the hint, turned off the friggin toy and joined us.

During college at our fraternity house, the damned Playstation was the bane of parties and social gatherings because some tool would always turn it on and start playing the latest iteration of Madden. Within 5 minutes, all joyful conversation would end, the mindsuck would begin and the party would break up shortly therafter. A couple of us finally learned to hide the AC adapter an hour before a party was to begin.


Yoshinoya Destroyer
Jan 20, 2007
Hills of Paradise
It's just a game. Vidgeogames are just methods for escapeism. Just a brief (well it's supposed to be brief) break from reality. I have one and only play it after the get together winds down on it's own and you're kicking it with the people waiting for the buzz to wear off before they go home.


High Priest or maybe Jedi Master
May 2, 2006
Ventura, CA
Video games themselves are the most antisocial thing since Thorogood.
I have to disagree somewhat here. Video games in my house are more likely than not to be a group activity. My GF and I play games together and have a lot of fun doing it. We rarely play solo.

A couple of buddies used to come over and we would all play Gran Turismo and have some drinks and other refreshments. Since I totally suck at GT (and it was my game) I was the Team Owner and my buddies were my drivers winning me cars and credits and sh*t. My GF is worse than I amd but no one can crash like she can.

All in all a very social experiance


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
I actually like video games (even though I have little time to pay them). I just didn’t “get” this one.

So….it’s actually nothing like playing a real guitar. Ok, good enough.


Feb 26, 2008
yeah i think most people see guitar hero as an entertainment type deal at parties. and hey whoever said that guitar hero couldn't impress girls? lol


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Video games themselves are the most antisocial thing since Thorogood.

A buddy of mine recently got GH and when a couple of us showed up at his house with beer, he continued playing it only pausing between tracks to glance over his shoulder and offer token verbal solicitations of inclusion. We took our beer and went out on his patio and started drinking it. Within 10 minutes, he got the hint, turned off the friggin toy and joined us.

During college at our fraternity house, the damned Playstation was the bane of parties and social gatherings because some tool would always turn it on and start playing the latest iteration of Madden. Within 5 minutes, all joyful conversation would end, the mindsuck would begin and the party would break up shortly therafter. A couple of us finally learned to hide the AC adapter an hour before a party was to begin.
I think this was your issue, not the Playstation...

But really, you need to see a Wii with a bunch of party games, three handles of Jack, and 20 drunken college students in action to really understand.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I am just not turned on at all by any video games. Although I burned my share of brain cells earlier in life playing them on my trusty Atari 2600, todays just dont do it for me.

The Wii is intriguing tho...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 5, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA
I've played the guitar ever since I was 7 but I still find guitar hero fun. Either way, I rarely play either anymore...all I do now is work, ride my bike and sleep.


May 2, 2002
Tucson, beatch!
I'm on the "I don't understand the thrill" side. Doesn't do it for me, but neither do video games in general. If you like them, more power to you. I guess I get disturbed when people think they're the shiznit because they can press a bunch of color-coded keys really, really fast. When it comes down to it... it's just a game.


May 26, 2006
NH / Mass (ugh)
Gran Turismo 3, 4, and 5 (when its out) are really the only games that I play. I've even gone as far as unloading some money to get a wheel and pedals. It's definitely an antisocial game as I absolutely obliterate anyone that i know, even won a $350 gift card in a tournament once.

My sis plays GH all the time and its fun to mess around on here and there, but still nowhere as rewarding as actually spending the time to learn real guitar.


Feb 23, 2006
Chinafornia USA
OK, maybe this kid could stand to go outside some.

I've been playing a real guitar for 20 years and I think that is one of the most stupid fvcking things I've ever seen someone waste their time doing. I hope these dumb ass kids realizes they can count out their lifes saturdays in marbles, and actually fit them all in one large glass vase.