
gwen ifil's "conflict of interest"


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Forthcoming Book Draws Attention To Ifill Before Debate

so the book ("Age of Obama") is due out on inauguration day. i know that i'm supposed to react apoplectically, but here's why i'm not so quick to either call for her to be removed from moderation of the vp debate, or that her book not be published.

first & foremost, gwen is a journalist. should a journalist suddenly stop writing books purely b/c it's either a tell-all or based upon current events? is the fact that she's writing (or already written) a book supposed to imply some bias in moderation, and therefore impact the outcome of the debate? (side note: can anyone point out a vp debate which re-shaped an entire campaign?)

i'm fairly certain an exclusion contract would be inappropriate. maybe i should listen to (more?) rush, b/c while i see personal bias, i just don't see the conflict.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
It's not like she was hiding the book or something.

You could argue the sales of her books would increase/decrease based on an Obama win/loss. People could want to read the bias of voters due to race if he wins OR if he loses. But I agree, I don't see a conflict.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
It's not like she was hiding the book or something.
maybe the mccain camp didn't expect that she could write w/ a bucket of chicken & 3 babies under her arm
You could argue the sales of her books would increase/decrease based on an Obama win/loss. People could want to read the bias of voters due to race if he wins OR if he loses.
i think repubs look foolish when they get on record as opposing it, but not giving a persuasive - or any - argument.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
There is definitely a conflict of interest there, but it Palin will and has ****ed up on her own, without help from moderators


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
so should those who would write anti-bush tomes only do so when bush's numbers are up?

free people. free market

ed: yeah, palin will have the largest influence on the outcome of the debate


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
so should those who would write anti-bush tomes only do so when bush's numbers are up?

free people. free market

ed: yeah, palin will have the largest influence on the outcome of the debate
The moderator is hopefully someone that is neutral, and there to guide the debate, hit the key points, and that kind of thing. Fox will claim liberal media bias no matter what, all it does is give an excuse to people that are diehards.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
The moderator is hopefully someone that is neutral, and there to guide the debate, hit the key points, and that kind of thing. Fox will claim liberal media bias no matter what, all it does is give an excuse to people that are diehards.
Gwen Ifill's reputation as an impartial, unbiased journalist is rock solid. I have every confidence that she'll fairly moderate this VP debate.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
Gwen Ifill's reputation as an impartial, unbiased journalist is rock solid. I have every confidence that she'll fairly moderate this VP debate.
Oh no doubt, I'm not assaulting her credibility, it is just that Republicans will play off any Palin fvckup as moderator bias


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
There is definitely a conflict of interest there, but it Palin will and has ****ed up on her own, without help from moderators
Palin is the master of the "Non Answer".

Andrew Halcro said:
Palin is a master of the nonanswer. She can turn a 60-second response to a query about her specific solutions to healthcare challenges into a folksy story about how she's met people on the campaign trail who face healthcare challenges. All without uttering a word about her public-policy solutions to healthcare challenges.

In one debate, a moderator asked the candidates to name a bill the legislature had recently passed that we didn't like. I named one. Democratic candidate Tony Knowles named one. But Sarah Palin instead used her allotted time to criticize the incumbent governor, Frank Murkowski. Asked to name a bill we did like, the same pattern emerged: Palin didn't name a bill.

And when she does answer the actual question asked, she has a canny ability to connect with the audience on a personal level. For example, asked to name a major issue that had been ignored during the campaign, I discussed the health of local communities, Mr. Knowles talked about affordable healthcare, and Palin talked about ... the need to protect hunting and fishing rights.
At least it seemed to work in Alaska, but we will see if it flies on a global stage.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
Oh no doubt, I'm not assaulting her credibility, it is just that Republicans will play off any Palin fvckup as moderator bias
I didn't mean to suggest that you had question her credibility...I was just giving my positive view of Ifill as a good choice for a debate moderator. And yes, I agree that the GOP spin machine is probably already geared up to attribute any poor debate performance to bias from the Eastern Media Elite.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Moderators do not pick questions, nor do they actually set the rules of engagement...right?
Theoretically, the moderator should not be able to effect the debate...


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
They already have...

The day before the Joe Biden-Sarah Palin debate, columnist Michelle Malkin wrote in the New York Post about Ifill's book, saying "she's so far in the tank for the Democratic presidential candidate, her oxygen delivery line is running out."
And I liked Ifil's response..wish more politicians had the nuts to answer like this:

"I've got a pretty long track record covering politics and news, so I'm not particularly worried that one-day blog chatter is going to destroy my reputation," Ifill said. "The proof is in the pudding. They can watch the debate tomorrow night and make their own decisions about whether or not I've done my job."


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
Moderators do not pick questions, nor do they actually set the rules of engagement...right?
I believe the two campaigns negotiated and agreed upon the rules of engagement and format issues. However, from what I understand the moderator comes up with the questions. I sat in on a taping of Washington Week (hosted by Gwen Ifill) a few weeks ago and she said then that she hadn't decided yet what she was going to ask the VP candidates.

Clearly I'm in the tank for Ifill. :D


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
As far as I know, both campaigns have to approve the moderator before they are announced. Could this be another case of lack of research on the McCain campaign's part?

And yes, huge conflict of interest.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
I'm surprised the McCain camp hasn't called for a delay of the debate and a re-suspension of their never suspended campaign.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
There is definitely a conflict of interest there, but it Palin will and has ****ed up on her own, without help from moderators
That's really sad that Ifill did not recognize a conflict of interest and excuse herself from the debate.

I know if Jerome Corsi or even Sean Hannity was the moderator, Dems would be up in arms.

Considering that Ifill did not write this book in a vacuum, but interviewed Obama herself (and probably several of aides and associates), it is impossible to imagine zero bias.

Obviously, this favors my side, so I am not troubled about the results. But it is not impartial.
Last edited:

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
That's really sad that Ifill did not recognize a conflict of interest and excuse herself from the debate.

I know if Jerome Corsi or even Sean Hannity was the moderator, Dems would be up in arms.

Considering that Ifill did not write this book in a vacuum, but interviewed Obama himself (and probably several of aides and associates), it is impossible to imagine zero bias.

Obviously, this favors my side, so I am not troubled about the results. But it is not impartial.
Pfffft....you haven't seen Jim Lehrer's book extolling the virtues of the Bush Doctrine and watched him vigorously pump McCain's viagra'd vein???

Where you been?




Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
can someone plainly explain how she's conflicted? she's not using her influence to get her book favored to the exclusion of other competing books. there is no "unfair advantage" in free market of ideas. people will either buy the book or they won't.

if moderating the debate will increase her earning potential, how does this create the conflict? should she also be recused from doing a speaking tour, book signings, and the tavis smiley show? maybe you (sanjuro & transcend) aren't saying that.

i guess what i look for is public-to-private meddling, unfair advantage, or insider information. tax dollars are funding the debate, but no part of her writing/publishing. information gathered to write her book may be unique, but not necessarily privileged (insider info).

bias =/= conflict


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Palin is the master of the "Non Answer".
that usually gets your name crossed out when applying for a job. ("here's your hat; what's your hurry"?) good thing for her no one takes being 2nd in command that seriously. we'll see if she's found her sea legs tomorrow.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
It had to be repeated to me, but Ifill announced the book in July. The moderators were agreed upon in August.

The time to complain was August, not 2 days before the debate.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
that usually gets your name crossed out when applying for a job. ("here's your hat; what's your hurry"?) good thing for her no one takes being 2nd in command that seriously. we'll see if she's found her sea legs tomorrow.
In past elections I would agree. However the controversy surrounding Palin in terms of historical significance, her debatable qualifications, and the age of McCain has developed greater concern on the part of the voting public.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
I don't care how unbiased or impartial she may be, even having the slightest appearance of being biased should have disqualified her from moderating the debate. It will inevitably cast a pall over the "results" when Biden fvcks Palin in the ass with a rusty spoon tomorrow.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I don't care how unbiased or impartial she may be, even having the slightest appearance of being biased should have disqualified her from moderating the debate. It will inevitably cast a pall over the "results" when Biden fvcks Palin in the ass with a rusty spoon tomorrow.
But again, they agreed on the moderator and had plenty of time to research it. If you wait for the last minute, it just makes you look like a douche.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
With as little respect for media as I have, it's still grossly unfair to compare those two names to Ifill.
Honestly, I figure Ifill will be totally impartial.

There is not a lot to debate moderation. You have a list of questions, you tell a candidate the time is up.

It is not like Ifill is going to ask slam dunk questions going either way.

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
Anyone watch the last VP debate? Ifill was totally unbiased. I am also a Pol Sci nerd (yes, I have a degree in it) and watch Ifill every week on Washington Week in Review. I think it's truly one of the most balanced shows out there.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Anyone watch the last VP debate? Ifill was totally unbiased.
i'm pretty when edwards brought up cheney's gay daughter she said "oh snap!"
Jim Mac said:
I am also a Pol Sci nerd (yes, I have a degree in it) and watch Ifill every week on Washington Week in Review. I think it's truly one of the most balanced shows out there.
b/c she's on pbs & not a flamethrower, her ratings are almost dead last among news analysis shows. can't help but wonder if the fact she's a black female this may also play some role in low viewership (pbs, while less sexy, is more widely available than cable), as the avg news-anal viewer is less likely to personally identify with her. shouldn't matter, but it may.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
b/c she's on pbs & not a flamethrower, her ratings are almost dead last among news analysis shows. can't help but wonder if the fact she's a black female this may also play some role in low viewership (pbs, while less sexy, is more widely available than cable), as the avg news-anal viewer is less likely to personally identify with her. shouldn't matter, but it may.
Viewers don't want balanced, impartial news, they want some blow hard screaming at them with their political leaning version of newsertainment.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
can't help but wonder if the fact she's a black female this may also play some role in low viewership (pbs, while less sexy, is more widely available than cable), as the avg news-anal viewer is less likely to personally identify with her. shouldn't matter, but it may.
[Nice baiting, you sneak. We know you well enough to know that left-wing innate self-flagellating racism is your bread and butter.]

Or maybe the fact that it's undramatic, low-production value, anti-sensationalist approach doesn't peel folks away from the poo slinging that has proven again and again to draw audiences.

She's proof of why we need publicly funded news, not an indication of societal racial bias.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Flip Flop much?

John McCain 2 days ago said:
"I think that Gwen Ifill is a professional, and I think she will do a totally objective job because she is a highly-respected professional."
John McCain yesterday said:
"Frankly, I wish they had picked a moderator that isn’t writing a book favorable to Barack Obama."

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
ohio said:
Or maybe the fact that it's undramatic, low-production value, anti-sensationalist approach doesn't peel folks away from the poo slinging that has proven again and again to draw audiences.

She's proof of why we need publicly funded news, not an indication of societal racial bias.
I know that whenever our local news ends the actual news segment and switches to op-ed "investigations"...I switch to PBS. It's no nonsense approach is rather refreshing.

And, on the plus side, I don't have to watch blurred out shots of the latest streaker at a baseball game or some sh*t.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
she's so far in the tank for the obama that her oxygen delivery line is running out

i wonder if she'll be sporting her Obama - Change is Fresh teeshirt?