
Hampton Roads southside monkies


Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
Hey boys and girls...

It has become apparent that EVMA is not serving the needs of those of us who live on the southside. They are more attuned to the needs and wants of folks in Williamsburg, and it seems that by action they intend to shut us out of the process for new trails.

Would any of you be interested in putting together some loosely affiliated crew/club on the south side? Currently I want to put efforts into Gatewood and Indian River, two sites that have been neglected by the current trail group. They are currently attempting to state that they have rights over these parks, but the simple truth is that they have nothing from either city, and don't have the vision or the drive to do anything with them.

So if you have some interest, I am going to start putting the ball in motion. I am gone in six months to parts only the Navy knows, but I do know how to get something like this off the ground so that I can pass it on to someone else.

Drop a line, shoot up a flare, send off some smoke signals.