
Happy birthday, TreeSaw & BAH!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
TreeSaw, hope your Tequila chugging skills are called upon tonight. Big birthday this year!

BAH, if you or your wife have anything exciting planned, especially if it involves any of the scantily clad women in your galleries... take pictures :D

Happy birthday to both of you - sorry you had to share a thread :p


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Happy birthday T!!!!!!!! :love: :D Hope you have a super day!! I'll buy you a b-day shot after the Friday night ride this week! :thumb:

HBD Derek!! Hope you evening is full of many beverages of your choice!! :)


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Birthday on the same day? Has anyone ever seen them in a room together? I sure haven't. Happy birthday you master of disguise.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Derrique is celebrating his 783rd, he's actually an alien from the moon Zepthar 5. So to him it's not that big of a deal.

Treesaw on the other hand will celebrate only a fraction of that, so Happy Birthday!!!!!!:) :) :) :) :)


The Red Baron
Sep 29, 2005
Skookum said:
Derrique is celebrating his 783rd, he's actually an alien from the moon Zepthar 5. So to him it's not that big of a deal.
haha skookes, I miss riding with you:rofl:
Happy B day Treesaw and thanks all for the birthday wishes.
I had a few friends over for a nice birthday dinner cooked by the sweet sweet wifey and then we went for a cruiser ride.
Oh yeah and I got this as a birthday present :)

That was the first part of my birthday present, when finished it will looke something like this except with the taller handlebars...

:help: :help:

I'll have some photos of the ride up on my bikerubbish site today too probably :)


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
BAH said:
haha skookes, I miss riding with you:rofl:
Happy B day Treesaw and thanks all for the birthday wishes.
I had a few friends over for a nice birthday dinner cooked by the sweet sweet wifey and then we went for a cruiser ride.
Oh yeah and I got this as a birthday present :)

That was the first part of my birthday present, when finished it will looke something like this except with the taller handlebars...

:help: :help:

I'll have some photos of the ride up on my bikerubbish site today too probably :)
Nice new wheels!!! I got a large gift certificate to spen at the Roosevelt Baths and I am looking SO forward to it!!!


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
stosh said:
Happy b-day you two!!!

So who cooks Treesaw her b-day cake?
Actually, I did :think: Coconut bundt cake drizzled with melted dark chocolate and topped with a bit of fresh toasted coconut. I didn't even take a picture of it! :rolleyes: But, trust me, it was good. Tasted like a mounds bar!