
~~Happy Humpday Morning!!~~


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
welcome to my life

so yesterdays randomness>

right after volleyball I went over to my friends house, and she had to walk her dog...so right down the street some dude was in his front yard with a flashlight talking to himself, then I realized it was my friend that is on my volleyball team! I didnt even know they were neighbors.

closer inspection I noticed he had a beer in one hand, a flashlight in the other and was talking on his cellphone will looking for something in his front yard :twitch:
The high point of my day was going to the gym. I was going to drive an hour and a half a way to do a group night ride basically so I could ask some mudhunny out but I was too lazy.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
he kept his hand on the mic stand, and i got a pic of the star tats on his knuckles.

the TS bass player looked a lot like original Whigs bassist john curley, but i'm pretty sure that greg called him scott. he had 'GIVE' and 'TAKE' tattoed across his fingers.

was that when he was w/ Screaming Trees?
He has a really good stage persona/presence, and his voice is like whisky soaked velvet!

Yep that was one of the funniest shows and by my recollection one of the more bizarre shows I had seen at the time. When Gary Lee, jumped up and did a “David Lee Roth” style kick/split off of one of the monitors and landed wrong and his knee just buckled under him. He kept playing while rolling around on the floor in pain! He gathered himself together at the end of the song and didn’t do another jump that night! (I have probably told the story before but great memories)

Freaking great show though…. I had seen them a bunch, and my friends and I had met them several times, and were acquaintances, but it made you feel pretty important to have someone like them say “hey thanks for making the trip! How are you guys?” over the pa… when you are 18 or 19 its kinda impressive in a “hey look at me/juvenile” sorta way!


May 24, 2006
I've got a little bit of a sore throat and cold though and that sucks. Anyone got any advice as to the latest and greatest over the counter cold remedies??
I think Airborne works the best, take it early and often.

Went on a great night ride last night, had about 11 riders and we didn't get rained on.

It's windy as all hell here today too. There have been gusts recorded in the high 50's.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
He has a really good stage persona/presence, and his voice is like whisky soaked velvet!

Yep that was one of the funniest shows and by my recollection one of the more bizarre shows I had seen at the time. When Gary Lee, jumped up and did a “David Lee Roth” style kick/split off of one of the monitors and landed wrong and his knee just buckled under him. He kept playing while rolling around on the floor in pain! He gathered himself together at the end of the song and didn’t do another jump that night! (I have probably told the story before but great memories)

Freaking great show though…. I had seen them a bunch, and my friends and I had met them several times, and were acquaintances, but it made you feel pretty important to have someone like them say “hey thanks for making the trip! How are you guys?” over the pa… when you are 18 or 19 its kinda impressive in a “hey look at me/juvenile” sorta way!
nice one. very cool.

i saw the guitar player for opener Stars of Track and Field hanging around in the corner as i shuffled out w/ the crowd, and went over to talk w/ him a bit. he was definitely psyched to hear i thought his band was good and i'd send some pics his way. they rocked way harder than men wearing ascots have a right to.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Good morning. I'm stuck at work. The wife took the day off for a shopping road trip, but I have meetings at the office that I can't miss. Stupid work suckage. :mad:

Had a good leg workout at the gym last night...my third legs workout after an MTB-season-long break. I guess MTB does a pretty good job of keeping one's legs strong. :)
Is she going to Woodbury Commons?


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
The high point of my day was going to the gym. I was going to drive an hour and a half a way to do a group night ride basically so I could ask some mudhunny out but I was too lazy.
A 90 min drive for a weekday ride.....yuk

I get so bored so easy nowadays, its like I constantly need things to be better/bigger/faster/more whatever to keep me entertained...


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Morning y'all!

Work has been crazy busy ... training my replacement ... being trained for my new job. I made my first important decision today ... I told my assistant that it is ok if she wants to take off next week. Whew, I don't know if I can handle the management part of this job.

Edit: have to share my new office, here's a pic of the guy

I'm totally jealous!

I want one so badly!


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Good morning. I am about to shower and head out for golf that I wish were refundable. We booked our tee time online, so there is no cancellation.

Here's our forecast. :banghead:

Sunny. Very windy. Cooler. Highs in the mid 60s. Northwest winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts to around 50 mph.
I'd suck it up and find something else to do.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
they rocked way harder than men wearing ascots have a right to.

too funny! the only bands I have seen that come close to that (as far as attire goes) were Shudder to Think, and Urge Overkill. Both wearing some pretty uppity clothing to be rockin out the way they did!!!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
A 90 min drive for a weekday ride.....yuk

I get so bored so easy nowadays, its like I constantly need things to be better/bigger/faster/more whatever to keep me entertained...

The point of the drive was not about the ride:biggrin: .

Your getting old. The bigger faster thing will wear off. Soon the high point of your day will be bingo.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning! Not much going on today in casino land. Got a new (to me) stem and bar in the mail yesterday. O/S Hussefelt bar and Hussefelt stem. Stem is 50mm so it's going to change the feel of my Steelhead quite a bit for the better I think. Except for general trail riding, we'll see how that goes... Should have them mounted up and ready to go for Friday's ride after work. :)
Where are you riding Friday. I NEED TO RIDE MY BIKE!!!!


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Where are you riding Friday. I NEED TO RIDE MY BIKE!!!!
I was going to ride teh stables before the trail commitee meeting, but it looks like its going to be raining on/off right through the weekend so it's going to be sloppy back there. Any other suggestions? Road ride? I've just got to be at the Mexican Connection by 7pm. Wait...so do you! :cheers:


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning all. Busy week for me. 2 half days filled with report card problems let's just say, our new system isn't working out so well and I had to input my interims twice and now my report card grades twice...they're finally right though. I am so glad that I am anal and double check these things because I would have to deal with some unhappy students & parents otherwise.

Other than that, we've made some outstanding progress on the basement/bar remodel project and are going to seal the countertops tonight. We're going to have to have a "bar opening party" sometime soon!!!

Syd had her 9 month check-up and has grown 3" and gained just about 3lbs since her 6 month appointment. That's great news because her growth chart was a little on the slow side (weight wise) and now her weight is starting to catch up with her height. She's 18lbs. and 28" tall! She was SO good at the Dr. office and has been in a GREAT mood the past couple of days. She's now trying to walk everywhere which is funny because she doesn't really know how and ends up falling down a lot, grumbling and getting right back up to try again. She's TOO funny!

Anyway, I am off to make some photocopies...yeah!!!


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
I was going to ride teh stables before the trail commitee meeting, but it looks like its going to be raining on/off right through the weekend so it's going to be sloppy back there. Any other suggestions? Road ride? I've just got to be at the Mexican Connection by 7pm. Wait...so do you! :cheers:
LOL! I do....and I am thinking I can con Sq-Earl into baby duty so I can get a ride in. I'm up for either...let's keep watching the weather and make a decision Tomorrow afternoon. I can meet as early as 3:30pm if need be.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Morning monkeys! I am off to my garage to clean the air filter on my dirtbike, then I must design some vehicular graphics for the new Victory Circle Graphix truck and trailer, a little bit of business stationery design, and then I am off to ride mtn bikes with a mudhunny.

Go me.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I'm gonna be tired.

Band practice 4 hours last Fri, 10 hours Sat, 6 hours Sun, 4 hours last night, a little more tonight, then we leave for London tomorrow morning to play on Sat night. I'm back home on Sun night and back to work Mon morning. About 36 hours of travel time from now until Mon.

More practice next Tue and Wed and then we head to Portland and Seattle next weekend. 1600 miles of driving.

Then I print orders for a week.

Then I record a session for a video game for 1-2 weeks in Dec.

Then more band practice.

Then we head to Chicago to record a new album the day after Christmas.

Somewhere in all this I am somehow supposed to sleep.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
LOL! I do....and I am thinking I can con Sq-Earl into baby duty so I can get a ride in. I'm up for either...let's keep watching the weather and make a decision Tomorrow afternoon. I can meet as early as 3:30pm if need be.
Sweet! I could probably swing a 3:30 start time too if necessary. :happydance:


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
BTW - Folger's coffee sucks a pit bull's dick. Ack! I hate it. I forgot to bring in my own to work. Jesus Tap Dancing Christ this is bad.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
while on the plane, listen to some arcade fire or modest mouse; that sh!t will put you to sleep faster than a handful of quaaludes chased w/ a handle of JD.
Modest Mouse will throw me into a blind rage and I'll be taken down by air marshals.

Hmm... It will break up the boredom of a long flight...


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I should shut up. These days you can 5-10 years just for joking on the internet that you might get upset on a flight.