
~~~Happy Humpday Morning!!~~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I did nothing last night after I left work at 6pm.
I did however watch Kill Bill II which kick ass.

How is everybody today? It's kind damp now but it's supposed to get nicer out later. We've had some great fall days here in NY lately.

Oh and another thing... anybody notice that stores have been putting out Christmas decorations already? I mean I'm as excited as the next guy to put my santa hat on good ole Bobby McNally but come on.... it's not even Halloween yet...


Mar 4, 2004
New York
stosh said:
Oh and another thing... anybody notice that stores have been putting out Christmas decorations already?

Word. I went to CVS to score some candy corn (one bag/season - the stuff is like crack to me :drool: ) and right there at the end of the candy isle - candy canes.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Mackie said:
Word. I went to CVS to score some candy corn (one bag/season - the stuff is like crack to me :drool: ) and right there at the end of the candy isle - candy canes.
well speaking of candy canes I could go for some of the fuity ones.... although Candy corn does seem more fitting right now...


Nam I am
It is a Weee bit damp here too. I got 2.68 inches of rain yesterday , and that was before the heavy stuff moved in. at least it waited till after the weekend.

and I fiannly made an Appointment with my orthopedic about my right knee. the swelling is still not gone down :( unfortunatly it is not till mid next week.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
splat said:
and I fiannly made an Appointment with my orthopedic about my right knee. the swelling is still not gone down :( unfortunatly it is not till mid next week.
Sorry DOOD. You're going to owe me some ice rides this winter when you heal up. :)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Mornin Stosh.

Yep - lots of soggy weather of late, but lots of beautiful leaves. Supposed to be a nice afternoon... waiting to get a few trail condition reports to see if tonight's ride is going to happen.

Even if it does... the boss made plans for us tonight, which may or may not pan out. I love how she always seems to plan things for Wednesday nights... the only night of the week the local MTB club rides. grrr... I'm going to have to say something about this.


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
Good Morning...Beautiful weather here. It was 59 this morning, and is suppose to get to 84 today. My boss is take our organization to the state fair today. So it should be a short day of work. Hang out with the org for a couple of hours, and head home hopefully by 1:00 or 2:00. Anyway I didn't ride yesterday, but I did perform a brake job on my 4Runner. The brakes had been squealing for a week, and I couldn't take it any longer.
Have a good one.


Good morning yo. Had a good ride last night. Think I am gonna drive up and ride with Wumpus tonight.


Jul 30, 2004
portland or
good morning.
I agree w. stosh kill bill 2 does rock.
i had a small polak gathering last night to celebrate my friend getting his citizenship so i didnt get any riding in... keepin my fingers crossed for today though


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
mornin'. I was off yesterday (& today) so we rode some xc, came home & chilled out (ate some special fudge :D ), then went to happy hour for sushi. one thing we have figured out is that if we dont drink cocktails we can eat more, so we feasted & then went for desert at a french sidewalk cafe near my house. We ended the night with Goodfellas & a bottle of port. Tonight my brother & my cousin from Germany are coming over for tequila & fajitas. should be fun.

Chirstmas sucks.....Festivus rules!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
bella said:
good morning.
I agree w. stosh kill bill 2 does rock.
i had a small polak gathering last night to celebrate my friend getting his citizenship so i didnt get any riding in... keepin my fingers crossed for today though
nice man!!! What did you guys eat?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
TN said:
mornin'. I was off yesterday (& today) so we rode some xc, came home & chilled out (ate some special fudge :D ), then went to happy hour for sushi. one thing we have figured out is that if we dont drink cocktails we can eat more, so we feasted & then went for desert at a french sidewalk cafe near my house. We ended the night with Goodfellas & a bottle of port. Tonight my brother & my cousin from Germany are coming over for tequila & fajitas. should be fun.

Chirstmas sucks.....Festivus rules!
special fudge??? WTF?


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Mornin'. Nothing going on here. Working. Blech. My new light (Mawri Elite Pro) should be in today, and I'm hoping to get that all charged, emptied and recharged (or whatever you have to do to it) before this weekend. Oh...UPS man should be dropping off my new 661 gloves and Crack Bros. mini-pump at the house today. That's kinda fun! :thumb:


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Good Morning Stosh! :D

I'm hoping to end a month long saga today, for an auction I won on ebay and I still have not recieved the shoes. :mad:

Other than that not much going on. Have a good day!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Shyrmp said:
Good Morning Stosh! :D

I'm hoping to end a month long saga today, for an auction I won on ebay and I still have not recieved the shoes. :mad:

Other than that not much going on. Have a good day!
yeah my stuff is on the way finally a week later which isn't bad. However I don't like it when the seller takes a while. It starts to get me worried. I called on Monday and all I got was a bunch of different departments where nobody spoke english and kept giving me weird excuses.


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
stosh said:
yeah my stuff is on the way finally a week later which isn't bad. However I don't like it when the seller takes a while. It starts to get me worried. I called on Monday and all I got was a bunch of different departments where nobody spoke english and kept giving me weird excuses.
I've given up all hope on ever receiving the shoes...I politely asked for a refund, and when he did not respond in two days, I was nice enough to send an e-mail from my work account, which clearly labels me as an investigator from a PI firm....he responded rather quickly after that. :p :D

Unfortunately he only wants to give me a refund, minus shipping (of which I have no proof of him ever trying to ship). So I still have to try to get the full amount back....sigh. Oh well.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
special as in made with a special mexican ingredient. ;)
no nuts.....i hate nuts. I will never put nuts in ANY fudge, brownies, cake, pie, etc....
but seriously.....I HATE NUTS.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Shyrmp said:
I've given up all hope on ever receiving the shoes...I politely asked for a refund, and when he did not respond in two days, I was nice enough to send an e-mail from my work account, which clearly labels me as an investigator from a PI firm....he responded rather quickly after that. :p :D

Unfortunately he only wants to give me a refund, minus shipping (of which I have no proof of him ever trying to ship). So I still have to try to get the full amount back....sigh. Oh well.
ha, thats awesome having an e-mail addy from a PI place.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
bigginsis said:
i love Kill Bill 1 and 2 - but watched eternal sunshine of the spotless mind last night. it was cool
ha funny story.

My friend was dating this asian girl. Well apparently she ended up with the producer of that movie and ended up breaking up with my friend. Now... she ends up leaving the producer to hook back up with my friend. So my friend goes to pick her up at this dudes place and they go into the bedroom to get her stuff and there are pics of her naked humping the producer of Eternal Sunshine strewn all over the dresser. Nice huh!
I'm looking forward to seeing that movie. It wasn't in the store when I went the other day.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
bigginsis said:
why do you insist on taunting my poor woman-less brother with the rump of your live-in love slave? cruel. very cruel.
actually even though I have an over active labido, I'm usually the one who's asking for a break.....