
Headline on the newspaper today.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Well according to the newspaper, every latino in Charlotte, NC is going to strike and call in sick on Monday, just to show us how much we need them. How childish.


Oct 17, 2002

I dunno, if it's effective then awesome!

Childish is when you make $2mil/year, but strike cuz you want $3mil/year


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
LordOpie said:

I dunno, if it's effective then awesome!

Childish is when you make $2mil/year, but strike cuz you want $3mil/year
Why is it awesome? No one has ever denied that we need migrant workers. Everyone understands that fact except that they dont understand that we understand, so they're striking because they're stupid. What do they expect to get? If I had immigrant workers, Id fire them as a matter of principle and hire new ones who didnt strike out of spite. **** that. You're here illegaly, making WAY better money than you could back home, LUCKY you dont get arrested and deported, and now you want to strike? Yeah, good idea:rolleyes:


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Dirtjumper999 said:
Well according to the newspaper, every latino in Charlotte, NC is going to strike and call in sick on Monday, just to show us how much we need them. How childish.
Wow, let me guess:

White male, 20-30, family income 70k+


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
sanjuro said:
Wow, let me guess:

White male, 20-30, family income 70k+

no, italian. 18, and probably like -20k a year. and i apologize, i said childish for lack of a better word. the best word is probably going to be niave. thats not the best way to protest. the ultimate way is to get signatures of as many people as possible saying that immigrants are a valuable part of the community. If the majority of a city considers immigrants to be valuable to society, then who can argue with that. I for one would like to see more people doing that than going on senseless boycotts of working or buying consumer goods.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Dirtjumper999 said:
no, italian. 18, and probably like -20k a year. and i apologize, i said childish for lack of a better word. the best word is probably going to be niave. thats not the best way to protest. the ultimate way is to get signatures of as many people as possible saying that immigrants are a valuable part of the community. If the majority of a city considers immigrants to be valuable to society, then who can argue with that. I for one would like to see more people doing that than going on senseless boycotts of working or buying consumer goods.
Petitions are great if you are trying to get a park bench built in the suburbs. The menial laborers have almost no political power because they have almost no money.

Their only asset is the work that they do, and striking is pretty much the only effective means.

Keep in mind the most successful Mexican-American political leader is Cesar Chavez, who was a labor organizer.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
uhhhh this whole immigration strike thing is really pathetic.

"hi, we are illegal immigrant workers that are paid not so well but still 3 times more than we would make back home. Not to mention we are covered by the government for health care in hospitals and american citizens are not. However we want more money for our illegal work so we are going to go on strike to prove to you how much you need us so you will pay us more."

only in america my friends can the illegal go on strike.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
There is some big protest scheduled here today. Dunno how big it will get but the news was of course predicting millions of people...

The Amish

Dumber than N8
Feb 22, 2005
Dirtjumper999 said:
Well according to the newspaper, every latino in Charlotte, NC is going to strike and call in sick on Monday, just to show us how much we need them. How childish.
Or prove how much we dont


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Also, can someone link an article? From the first post it sounds like every Latino is striking, not every illegal . There is a very big difference between those two events [side note: how many people here wouldn't know the difference...?]. If it's every latino (and I'm guessing it is... illegals would have hard time doing this on their own), then it's a pretty amazing show of solidarity.


Jul 10, 2005
ohio said:
Did I miss when Italians stopped being white?
You beat me to it! I do know someone who escaped flunking out of ucla by blaming his bad grades on "the pressure of growing up as an Italian-American."


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
LordOpie said:

I dunno, if it's effective then awesome!

Childish is when you make $2mil/year, but strike cuz you want $3mil/year
You've changed your tune - last week you wanted to lynch the public transport employees who were striking.

Or were they making $2mil/year?


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
biggins said:
uhhhh this whole immigration strike thing is really pathetic.

"hi, we are illegal immigrant workers that are paid not so well but still 3 times more than we would make back home. Not to mention we are covered by the government for health care in hospitals and american citizens are not. However we want more money for our illegal work so we are going to go on strike to prove to you how much you need us so you will pay us more."

only in america my friends can the illegal go on strike.
Hang on, you need these guys to do these jobs; they may earn more than they would back home but they also have a higher cost of living and no benefits, yet they cannot become citizens.

Maybe you should take up the fight to get slavery back.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
biggins said:
uhhhh this whole immigration strike thing is really pathetic.

"hi, we are illegal immigrant workers that are paid not so well but still 3 times more than we would make back home. Not to mention we are covered by the government for health care in hospitals and american citizens are not. However we want more money for our illegal work so we are going to go on strike to prove to you how much you need us so you will pay us more."

only in america my friends can the illegal go on strike.
You know, many of the protestors are legal immigrants, 2nd and 3rd generation children.


Oct 17, 2002
fluff said:
You've changed your tune - last week you wanted to lynch the public transport employees who were striking.
Did I?

If you were doing something other than trolling, you'd remember that I said they should strike, just not 100% of the work force... keep public transport lines open, just at a significantly reduced rate.

That way, the people who most need public transport can still have it and, ya know, get to work.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
LordOpie said:
Did I?

If you were doing something other than trolling, you'd remember that I said they should strike, just not 100% of the work force... keep public transport lines open, just at a significantly reduced rate.

That way, the people who most need public transport can still have it and, ya know, get to work.
Oh yeah, I remember; a strike that doesn't affect people too much, trouble is that tends to be less effective. You can't have it both ways, but it always seems different when it affects you personally. (That's a generalised 'you' btw, I'd use 'one' but then no-you would have clue what I meant...)


Oct 17, 2002
fluff said:
Oh yeah, I remember; a strike that doesn't affect people too much, trouble is that tends to be less effective. You can't have it both ways, but it always seems different when it affects you personally.
They could just stopped running public transport service to the sport and cultural events, that would've been just as effective.

Or are you in favor of poor people getting fired for not being able to get to work?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
the italian thing was kind of a joke, but after i got off the computer i realized it wouldn't be effective. but yeah its all latinos that went on strike today. i think if it were just illegal immigrants it would be an open invitation to deportations. My scale isn't leaning towards any side really. On the one hand they are ILLEGAL immigrants, then again we are supposed to be excepting to any incomers seeking financial aid or aid from tyrany or etc, etc. now if the jobs that are being taken up weren't having any affect on the young american workers, then i'd be totally for it.

but to go against myself again, they work there asses off for little to nothing, because they know the meaning of the word work. I know that majority of the people in my generation, look for the jobs where they have to do the LEAST work.

I was listening to NPR the other morning and an anonymous contractor got on and explained how even if the workers were legal, he'd totally hire them anyway because they get the work done and ask no questions. And thats true for the most part.

I worked for a brick laying company a while back that had a tendency to hire illegal immigrants. i saw some amazing work and i saw some slack work. once they a guy was 20 feet from a porter potty. he got in a fork lift and drove to the porter potty. this is the end of my rant for a couple hours. its ride time.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Bah.... I just looked at their route and the timing.

I basically work smack dab in the middle of their route, and I get off at 3:30 which will put me right in the middle of it.



Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Whre the hell am I supposed to get an enchilada tonight prepared in a very unsanitary kitchen with sub grade meat(s)?!

If only they'd come back to work!


Apparently in local news, many American flags were stolen from homes...

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
stinkyboy said:
Whre the hell am I supposed to get an enchilada tonight prepared in a very unsanitary kitchen with sub grade meat(s)?!

If only they'd come back to work!


Apparently in local news, many American flags were stolen from homes...
You expect them to buy their own American flags??:rolleyes: :rofl: :help:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
okay back to rant again. the thing is that on the one hand we have a huge population taking up a lot of space and sucking our taxes away for their free health care and such. They are taking a lot of jobs that are supposed to go to citizens, and they are here illegally yet they hold up their Mexican flags and say they hate this country.

But again on the other side theyusually come make money and leave, just to be replaced by another. They do work hard, and they usually have a good head on their shoulders. They know really just one word, money, and thats typical among some of the highest business men.

So above al of that, I guess its no wonder why its such a huge contraversy. Both sides hold a strong arguement. But here's my stand:

1. Set up stronger border patrols- if they want in they can come in the right way, through our naturalization process.
2. Every illegal alein found must either be deported, or sent through the big Naturalization process.
3. Any crime commited by any immigrant calls for immediate deportation without question. (In the past 5 months there have been more than 7 car accidents caused by drunk illegal immigrants, driving on the wrong side of the road. one of which claimed a dear friend of mine. And none were deported.)
4. Immigration laws should be regulated on the state of the economy. If we don't have enough jobs for our own citizens then why bring more in?
5. Keep a strict regulatory watch on all immigrants prior to their becoming U.S. citizens.

Most of you will probably think that all I am is a stupid 18 year old that knows nothing of politics, and you are right I don't. but i know what seems the most effective, and what isn't working.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Dirtjumper999 said:
1. Set up stronger border patrols- if they want in they can come in the right way, through our naturalization process.
2. Every illegal alein found must either be deported, or sent through the big Naturalization process.
3. Any crime commited by any immigrant calls for immediate deportation without question. (In the past 5 months there have been more than 7 car accidents caused by drunk illegal immigrants, driving on the wrong side of the road. one of which claimed a dear friend of mine. And none were deported.)
4. Immigration laws should be regulated on the state of the economy. If we don't have enough jobs for our own citizens then why bring more in?
5. Keep a strict regulatory watch on all immigrants prior to their becoming U.S. citizens.

Most of you will probably think that all I am is a stupid 18 year old that knows nothing of politics, and you are right I don't. but i know what seems the most effective, and what isn't working.
Well, you got the last part right anyways. Have you even read any of the other threads on this, or why your points are just completely absurd?

Have you ever even seen or heard of the "naturalization process"? First of all, it woudl be immigration process. Naturalization is what you get after you have lived there legally for a certain period of time. Naturalizing takes 5-7 years in the USA I believe, 3 after a marriage.

Do you know anything of the visa application process? I do. It takes YEARS and lots of money to apply for a visa, or a very very large coorporate sponsor with massive clout, and lawyers. You usually need either very special skills, or research grants otherwise. The green card is a lottery with about 1000x the applicants are there is green cards.

So if someone immigrtaes to the US has a car accident, they should be deported? Are you Native American? Have your parents ever had a fender bender? Your grand parents? Your great grandparents ever crash their horse and buggy? Now you see how retarded this statement is.

The economy DOES regulate immigration. Americans DO NOT WANT these jobs. Most would rather sit at home and collect unemployment or welfare then raise a finger doing the jobs the illegals are doing at the wages they get. You do realize that the US economy would completely collapse without the cheap labour the illegals do, correct? Textiles, clothing, food service, transportation, manufacturing, farming...all would shut down.

Do you have any idea how many "immigrants" are in the usa? There is 300 some odd million Americans. Unless you are a Native American, you or some member of your family was, at some point, an immigrant. Good luck wacthing the 100 million or so immigrants. You guys can't even keep an eye on your politicians and government employees, let alone "all immigrants".

Stay in school, you have much to learn about how the world works, let alone politics.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Transcend said:
Unless you are a Native American, you or some member of your family was, at some point, an immigrant.
hey, my ancestor's were here before there was a United States, so technically I'm not an immigrant either.


1. A person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another.

if they came before there was a country, then they weren't immigrants!!! :weee:

But back on subject, DJ you might want to read up a little bit on the situation before you start ranting again. Imagine if all the services that the immigrants (legal or otherwise) did for $5/hour, unionized americans did for $28/hour (just like our autoworkers). Would you be willing to pay 5x as much for groceries? Double the amount you would currently pay for hotel rooms? Imagine trying to eat out in a restaurant, where all the food that they buy is 5x more expensive, and then the cooks in the back are making $28/hour as well. Then you have to pay the janitors to keep the place clean, and you'd be sitting down to a $100 hamburger.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
dante said:
hey, my ancestor's were here before there was a United States, so technically I'm not an immigrant either.


1. A person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another.

if they came before there was a country, then they weren't immigrants!!! :weee:

But back on subject, DJ you might want to read up a little bit on the situation before you start ranting again. Imagine if all the services that the immigrants (legal or otherwise) did for $5/hour, unionized americans did for $28/hour (just like our autoworkers). Would you be willing to pay 5x as much for groceries? Double the amount you would currently pay for hotel rooms? Imagine trying to eat out in a restaurant, where all the food that they buy is 5x more expensive, and then the cooks in the back are making $28/hour as well. Then you have to pay the janitors to keep the place clean, and you'd be sitting down to a $100 hamburger.
That's kind of over the top. Most other western industrialised nations have nothing like the illegal immigration of the US and you can still get cheap food and produce.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
All we have to do is throw a couple of executives from Tyson foods in federal pound me in the ass prison for hiring illegal workers. Do the same to some large farmers and winemakers in California.

Problem solved.

It'll never happen, and since the illegals themselves don't contribute to politicians, it's easier to just crap on them to look like you're doing something about the problem.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Silver said:
Interestingly enough, a Big Mac in Canada is not more expensive than the US.

Dante, care to explain the chart here?

Well, lets see:

1) how much of the food for that big mac is actually produced in Canada?

2) you do realize that how much it costs to produce something has zero to do with what you sell it for, only whether you should sell it at all, right? or did you sleep through that part of economics? ;)


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
dante said:
Well, lets see:

1) how much of the food for that big mac is actually produced in Canada?

2) you do realize that how much it costs to produce something has zero to do with what you sell it for, only whether you should sell it at all, right? or did you sleep through that part of economics? ;)
Well, Canada exports both beef and wheat, so I'm going to assume that is homegrown. The labor sure as hell isn't imported. The workers aren't making $28 an hour...why not? Do you have any idea how much of farming costs are labor compared to capital? I don't have numbers, but since you're talking out of your ass, I'll let you look them up instead of doing the work myself.

So, explain it...how come that Big Mac in Canada isn't $10?


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Jesus, the racism I've seen in society and this thread for the past week has been amazing.

I find it entertaining that we don't have any "Ellis Island" type place...We welcome your huddled masses, as long as they're white...