
hey bibs, how's nick?


Aug 8, 2002
Ballard, WA
I can't remember what he said his RM name was, but he said you were his roommate. I met up with him at 38 on Saturday and he had an unfortunate encounter with a tree. I was just wondering how he is doing? Shortly after he left (same run) my friend went down hard on HMO and hurt his ribs.
moondog said:
I can't remember what he said his RM name was, but he said you were his roommate. I met up with him at 38 on Saturday and he had an unfortunate encounter with a tree. I was just wondering how he is doing? Shortly after he left (same run) my friend went down hard on HMO and hurt his ribs.

yea, he was sore...but hes ok. Hows oyur friend sounds like a rough day :D


Aug 8, 2002
Ballard, WA
Good to hear it. He seemed fine when he left, but he looked like he hit hard. I was glad to see him get up and shake it off.

Possibly bruised or cracked rib. Hopefully he'll be fine. He's visiting from Colorado and was planning on hitting Whistler and the Shore this weekend, but that might not be in the cards now. He had a chest protector on, but a log or rock glanced off the edge and got him.