
High School Reunion


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narlus said:
there were a couple of hotties in my calc class, one of whom i lusted for, futilely, pretty much from sophomore year through graduation.
Actually there was one that I absolutely couldn't stand on a goodie goodie, teacher's pet level. We ended up at the same grad school and she looked pretty dern good.

That was after said transformation.....loss of virginity, jesus etc.

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
Jeremy R said:
Actually I did not do anything wrong or anything like that, I just felt like a walking turd for two days.
I do remember my wife saying the next day, I had no idea you could drink that much and still function.:)
3 day hangover for me :)
revelations of the night:
My best friend who was staying with me at the resort picked that weekend to invite his girlfriend down and cheat on his wife.
The seriously smokin hot chic from HS popped out 6 kids and turned into the likeness of an old full ashtray.
The gay guy finally come out (only after it was over and there were just a few of us left though.)
Oh and I don’t have 2 kids and my wife is not a model on a shot in Ibiza.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
narlus said:
i wasn't a jock, plain and simple. :oink:

just a measly derivative. :mumble:
Well, she probaly married one of the fat football players who now has bad knees, high blood pressure, and a limp trouser snake.

You win.
If only she could have seen your record collection.;)


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Jeremy R said:
If only she could have seen your record collection.;)
record collector geeks are second only to this breed:


btw, i've never met a woman who was into record collecting...hardcore music fans, plenty, but not to the same level of fanaticism wrt to the physical artifact and pursuit thereof.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Went to both my 10 and 20, and had a good time at both. Better at 10, because I was in a "Fvck off and die" mode, but ended up really having fun. It is cool to see who got fat, bald, hot, chain smokes, divorced etc. I realized that now I have really nothing in common with any of them, but may go again. You spend a really short time in HS, and some of us spend the rest of our lives getting over it. Not me.


The Red Baron
Sep 29, 2005
BurlyShirley said:
I think it's great how people who werent cool enough to be liked in school try to turn it around and act like it was their choice to be anti social. Trust me. No one at you guys' reunion is going to miss you either.
Nice to see when kids grow up :rolleyes:

I didn't go mostly because it just wasn't convienient.
I hate to admit it, but I have gotten some guilty satisfaction out of seeing most of the "cool kids" who were pretty cruel to others at my school really struggling now.
I admired the cool kids who could do it without being unkind to people. I've seen a few pretty cool success stories from them and also kids who got picked on quite a bit including one who opened a fine dining restaurant in Portland,then two then three then sold all and has been traveling in Europe for the past 2 years. That kind of stuff warms my heart haha.
It's also been sad to see kids that were ridiculed constantly and gone on to pretty miserable lives. I hate it that high school is the time when kids are really starting to take shape because there is so much garbage shaping/influencing them.

I was an inbetweener too, Never one of the "elite" but most always had a g/f - played bball and soccer etc


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Knowing the people I knew and hung out with in high school, most of them are probably dead. The rest I could care less about.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
I'm looking forward to going to mine and I'm still in high school. Like BAH said, I think the highlight'll be the smug look on my face from seeing all the 'super cool' elitist kids failing.


H8R said:
High school? Fvck those people.
Back some years ago, 2000 I guess, I went to a mixer deal, but skipped the rest. I saw a chick I wouldn't mind doing. She lives in SF now. You guys should look her up.


BurlyShirley said:
I think it's great how people who werent cool enough to be liked in school try to turn it around and act like it was their choice to be anti social. Trust me. No one at you guys' reunion is going to miss you either.
Bad ass. hahaha I was too cheap to throw $75 at a dinner for me, much less twice. I was friends with more peeps in Julie's class so we rocked at her's. It was fun. Got trashed and went to an after party. Some dude that lived in NC that no one remembered wore the same clothes all weekend. Too funny.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
I dunno, If there is free booze at mine, I may go, rather than that, I can't think of anyone I would miss seeing


chicodude said:
I dunno, If there is free booze at mine, I may go, rather than that, I can't think of anyone I would miss seeing
Dude - if you are single, go. There were some decent chicks in HS that were smokin' 10 years later. I was married and tried to get laid. :D


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
BurlyShirley said:
I think it's great how people who werent cool enough to be liked in school try to turn it around and act like it was their choice to be anti social. Trust me. No one at you guys' reunion is going to miss you either.
Oh I know it wasn't my choice.

Screw those people and the jock they rode in on.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
loco said:
Back some years ago, 2000 I guess, I went to a mixer deal, but skipped the rest. I saw a chick I wouldn't mind doing. She lives in SF now. You guys should look her up.


H8R said:
It was Shannon Williams. Not sure if she got married. She was so thin and hot, I could only hope she was a lesbian. That was doing the whole dream right. :thumb: She was in advertising. yummy :drool:


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
H8R said:

Meh, why bother? Just walk up to every remotely hittable chick and say: "Um hi, I met this dude on an internet bike forum, his name is Loco or suck or something and he said there is someone in San Francisco he used to know that he wouldn't mind doing. Are you her?"

Best line ever!


OGRipper said:
Meh, why bother? Just walk up to every remotely hittable chick and say: "Um hi, I met this dude on an internet bike forum, his name is Loco or suck or something and he said there is someone in San Francisco he used to know that he wouldn't mind doing. Are you her?"

Best line ever!
You don't get it, ol' grandad. Chicks f*ckin' loved me in HS. Just to hear my name would get her pants off. :think:

H8R - everyone hated Britt in HS, with the exception of a few of us. He graduated a year earlier and is now a ROCK STAR.

For OG - this chick we speak of, she was pretty uppity, but we hung out a lot. She started doin' some dude with a bunch of jack so I dedicated Luckenbach, TX to her at a show with Britt's HS band. I was trashed and it was awesome. I also covered Dwight with them and the chicks would gush down there. Awesome.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
loco said:
You don't get it, ol' grandad. Chicks f*ckin' loved me in HS. Just to hear my name would get her pants off. :think:

H8R - everyone hated Britt in HS, with the exception of a few of us. He graduated a year earlier and is now a ROCK STAR.

For OG - this chick we speak of, she was pretty uppity, but we hung out a lot. She started doin' some dude with a bunch of jack so I dedicated Luckenbach, TX to her at a show with Britt's HS band. I was trashed and it was awesome. I also covered Dwight with them and the chicks would gush down there. Awesome.
I have no idea what you're talking about, what your point is, or who that guy is, but it is all starting to sound very sad.


OGRipper said:
I have no idea what you're talking about, what your point is, or who that guy is, but it is all starting to sound very sad.
Just a story. I disapprove of your inability to ever find humor.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 24, 2003
loco said:
He's the front man for Spoon, dammit.
He looks like the front man for queer eye for the straight guy. I might think differently if he was drinking a bud fat.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
High School sucked, and I may not go to my reunion, but I think I'd like to. I had some pretty kickass friends, and it'd be nice to see who got fat and who stayed hot out of the women...


Jun 10, 2002
BurlyShirley said:
it'd be nice to see who got fat and who stayed hot out of the women...
what? there are other reasons to go? that's the only reason i'd go. Facebook kind of took all the fun out of that, though.