
Home Brew Porn!


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
Well, this weekend the Pops finally finished the basement brewery. For the last 10+ years he has been home brewing beer. It all started with a kit that he got as a Christmas gift. Initially he started with simple brewing kits, but it quickly became an obsession and he ditched the kits and started brewing his own recipes. He has years worth of notes and Excell spreadsheets. It is almost freakish the attention to detail and amount of information and data he has recorded over the years, but this is his passion and what else would you expect from a life long Enginerd!

So a few weeks before this past Christmas my Mom calls me since she has no idea what to get my Dad and is looking for ideas. Now I'm no brewer, but I have a cursory understanding of how it all jives and also had a pretty good understanding of what needs to happen to do serious full grain brewing so I suggest the only logical thing I could think of was to help him get on his way to moving up the home brewer totem pole and move up to the professional level and start full grain brewing. After a couple days of research on my part, and a list of some of the necessary parts that we would be able to easily get, it became official that "The Project" would soon be underway. To simply put it, there aren't too many people that a) get excited when they get two 10 gallon coolers as a gift or b) know what the hell they are for right off the bat with zero hints.

Things got underway and he wasn't about to half-ass it, "I'm going to do it right". Approximately 6 months later after countless hours of work and a wife that was probably regretting ever getting him into this project (now that the beer will be made not any more!), the old man now has a full fledged full grain brewery.

Without further ado, the brewery.

One happy camper

Brewing with dumb-dumb aka Rosco


Mash Tun, Pump, Heat Exchangers, Heating Elements, Heat Controls, Lauter Tun, Sparge Arms, and more!!

Brew on and Happy Father's Day!!!


Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
Very cool indeed. I used to brew my own beer back in NZ, but didn't have the cool setup you have.

That setup connected to the bike workshop/gym/boys room would be kickass.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
how much can he brew in one batch?
Well, he is constrained by keg/cooler size. The coolers are 10 gallon coolers, but because of other factors, he suspects that the final batch size is going to be somewhere around 8 gallons, maybe a little bit more? So that will be approximately ~ 85 12oz. beers. It will be possible to pull off a full 10 gallons, but the beer would have to be a smallish one due to the amount grain used.