
How do you keep from getting discouraged.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
I know there are a few of you that had absolutely no issues finding jobs, I don't really care to hear from you. All of the leads I have had on jobs have either fallen through, are stringing me along, or are so backed up from the holidays that they just don't know anything right now. I am headed out to another interview this morning. I have become so discouraged that I don't even look forward to interviews anymore, simply assuming that I won't get the job. This really doesn't make it easy to make a good first impression. Those of you that looked for jobs forever, how did you keep from getting discouraged? Seriously this is getting old.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Are there really that many jobs in your field, or are you applying for anything that's remotely close to acceptable?

When I was looking and getting frustrated, the only thing that seemed to help was finding that job that really excited me - the jobs that were right up my alley, that I was qualified to do, etc etc.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 4, 2003
Tar Effing River!! NC
All I've got to say is...I'm with ya. Been on the search for 2 months now. I've filled out apps, had an interview, called them back and they don't even remember my name. I'm as frustrated as I've ever been. I am steadily lowering my standards as to what job I will take...trash collector is starting to look promising. Luck to you in your search.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
I would not want to have to find a job in this town right now. I talk a lot about how I hate my job and I hate this town... which I do... but I am very lucky. Hopefully things will improve for you.


Crusading Clamp Monkey
Sep 27, 2006
Deep in the heart of TEXAS
The last job I really wanted took me over 4 months to get hired. I just kept rolling and did my thing. It finally happened. It ended up not being for me, but that's a different story.

Keep plugging along, Laura. You'll find your niche somewhere.

There are days that I would like to look again, but continue to be hopeful that the owner will let me have more latitude as days go by. Being hopeful is the only thing that ever really helps me through anything.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
I have interviewed for two that I was really excited about. One strung me along for a month and then kind of BS'ed me around. If I get a call from them, i won't look forward to working with them. The second is a teaching position that I really really want but there was the holidays, another teacher transfer, just a whole bunch of crap and I am basically discouraged although I still have a chance at the job.

I've just been looking since last april and it's wearing on me.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
After spending 24 years "sheltered" in the military cosmos, after "retiring" I had to enter the job search as a 43 year old with limited "real world" skills, or so I thought. I had gotten a degree and had considerable supervisory skill. It turned out I searched and interviewed for about 6 months before taking a job as..surprise..a contractor to the military doing almost exactly what I was doing. I was either too qualified or not qualified enough. Had to convince myself a few times that the only reason the managers wouldn't hire me was that they were afraid of me taking their job. It worked. Just keep plugging. What is your field if you don't mind telling?


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
After spending 24 years "sheltered" in the military cosmos, after "retiring" I had to enter the job search as a 43 year old with limited "real world" skills, or so I thought. I had gotten a degree and had considerable supervisory skill. It turned out I searched and interviewed for about 6 months before taking a job as..surprise..a contractor to the military doing almost exactly what I was doing. I was either too qualified or not qualified enough. Had to convince myself a few times that the only reason the managers wouldn't hire me was that they were afraid of me taking their job. It worked. Just keep plugging. What is your field if you don't mind telling?
Anthropology Urban and medical issues. I can do research but I am far more interested in working with kids or in a community initiative/organization type setting.
After spending 24 years "sheltered" in the military cosmos, after "retiring" I had to enter the job search as a 43 year old with limited "real world" skills, or so I thought. I had gotten a degree and had considerable supervisory skill. It turned out I searched and interviewed for about 6 months before taking a job as..surprise..a contractor to the military doing almost exactly what I was doing. I was either too qualified or not qualified enough. Had to convince myself a few times that the only reason the managers wouldn't hire me was that they were afraid of me taking their job. It worked. Just keep plugging. What is your field if you don't mind telling?
So where's X3pilot come from? According to Wikipedia, the X3 made its last flight in 1956.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 17, 2006
So where's X3pilot come from? According to Wikipedia, the X3 made its last flight in 1956.
He's from your dreams...

One good thing about the process is that after going on a number of interviews, you become used to the process and less apt to be nervous. That can help you be much more relaxed and be to your benefit.


Oct 17, 2002
I did not stop from getting discouraged. In fact, I bordered on depression.

In the last six years, I've had three years of secure employment. I've used the unemployment system for nearly a year during those six years.

Sorry, no advice, just posting to let you know that you're not alone.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
I've got no advice on the finding work thing as I've always been 'lucky' in that dept and am now self-employed, but why not pursue your jewelry making while you wait? A huge, boutique-laden city is 90 short miles away from you...... Instead of waiting for others to present an opportunity to you, I would spend the free time looking at ways to strike off on your own.


May 26, 2004
All the good jobs are always taken. Jobs available around here are crappy ones nobody stays at very long !
Our economy really sucks.
US government takes,takes,takes our money! Fatties in congress spend,spend,spend.IRS is evil.
Employers constantly try & squeeze every last fraction of work out of you for the absolute least amount of pay & that's a fact!


They drank my Tooters
Sep 7, 2006
a state called denial
Back in Nov. 03 I was laid off from my job. I sold cars for a while and then had surgery and couldn't work for a few months. While I was recovering from the surgery I went on interviews and no one would take me because I couldn't start right away or I didn't have at least 10 years of experience. So I started taking off my cast when I went on interviews, and I finally got a job, but I was unemployed for almost 5 months, and let me tell you it sucks. You feel like you're unwanted and are a complete idiot. I was going on interviews where the company wanted you to have a college degree but was paying less than Home Depot WTF!! You have to believe that you will get the job, and if not its their loss. One thing I did when I know I nailed the interview and had the qualifications they wanted was to give them a call a week after the interview, if you don't get the job ask why not.
Hope this helps, and good luck.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
It took me a long time to get a job after college, and it was really discouraging....to the point I was considering going back to school and getting another degree (IT guy looking during the fallout of the .com mess). All I can say is to remain optimistic and keep applying. I would apply for everything as well, jobs you may not want to jobs that you aren't qualified for. I wasn't really qualified for the job I got, but they hired me because they liked me.


took the red pill
There is a particular reason your running into the blocks over and over. However I feel not able to divulge the answer on here for fear of ridicule.

I have been where your at and with a little work have got any job I wanted after I learned how certain things work. That is if you have an open enough mind to beleive there is a reason your creating the same scenario over and over. PM me and I'll help you.



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
I know there are a few of you that had absolutely no issues finding jobs, I don't really care to hear from you. All of the leads I have had on jobs have either fallen through, are stringing me along, or are so backed up from the holidays that they just don't know anything right now. I am headed out to another interview this morning. I have become so discouraged that I don't even look forward to interviews anymore, simply assuming that I won't get the job. This really doesn't make it easy to make a good first impression. Those of you that looked for jobs forever, how did you keep from getting discouraged? Seriously this is getting old.
it took me about 100 resumes to get two measly interviews, and the first one didn't even pan out. and this was for jobs within my field, and my credentials look pretty decent on paper. go figure. (i bet it varies a TON by region -- i was hunting in portland, oregon.)


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
I've got no advice on the finding work thing as I've always been 'lucky' in that dept and am now self-employed, but why not pursue your jewelry making while you wait? A huge, boutique-laden city is 90 short miles away from you...... Instead of waiting for others to present an opportunity to you, I would spend the free time looking at ways to strike off on your own.
I plan on it. I met and be-friended a woman who owns a shop down the street and I am going to start with her. I am going to grab myself a part time job in the meantime to afford jewelry making stuff.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Laura - you should invest in a good career coach & find out whats going wrong. Are you being direct in your interviews? Are you projecting an over idealistic image of who you are and what you can do for your potential employers? Do your expectations exceed the reality of the job market? Are you willing to settle for less until the right job comes around?

Or... are there a lot of people looking for a few jobs?


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
There is a particular reason your running into the blocks over and over. However I feel not able to divulge the answer on here for fear of ridicule.

I have been where your at and with a little work have got any job I wanted after I learned how certain things work. That is if you have an open enough mind to beleive there is a reason your creating the same scenario over and over. PM me and I'll help you.

I can tell you right now my mind is way too closed to get it.

I interviewed today for an internship with Keep Greater Milwaukee Beautiful as a special events planner. The basic gist is that I will be running their entire Great American Cleanup from marketing, to recruitment, to community event planning, to sponsorships.

It doesn't pay ****, and it's part time. The office was a dump, the woman that interviewed me was in blue jeans and has a nose ring, they only have two full time employees and run mostly off of volunteers and it was the most relaxed and happiest I have been about anything I've interviewed with since graduation. I think I've got it in the bag. If the teaching position I'm in the running for falls through I think I'll take it. It would give me a good opportunity to explore some of my alternative money making schemes on the side.

Thanks for the kind words everybody. I've got PM's to get back too, but now I am going for my "celebration" lunch.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Laura - you should invest in a good career coach & find out whats going wrong. Are you being direct in your interviews? Are you projecting an over idealistic image of who you are and what you can do for your potential employers? Do your expectations exceed the reality of the job market? Are you willing to settle for less until the right job comes around?

Or... are there a lot of people looking for a few jobs?
I have little confidence in myself in most of the interviews I've been to. BTW I've only been to 5 interviews in all. I know what went wrong in all of them. And I'm still waiting to hear from a couple.

I am more concerned with not getting discouraged than with finding a job in general. I'll get a job, I just don't want to be miserable while looking.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 16, 2004
The last time I was looking I went close to four months without one.

I tried to keep things as close to normal as possible, so I'd get up in the morning, work on job hunting while I'd normally be at work, then later in the afternoon go for a bike ride or something similar like I usually do in the afternoon. That seemed to help more than all of the people telling me I'd find something eventually.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
You know, I've kind of wanted to just take part time jobs off and on and write a book but the tight assed responsible side of me says no. Go with what makes you happy.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
I have little confidence in myself in most of the interviews I've been to. BTW I've only been to 5 interviews in all. I know what went wrong in all of them. And I'm still waiting to hear from a couple.

I am more concerned with not getting discouraged than with finding a job in general. I'll get a job, I just don't want to be miserable while looking.
I am really surprised to hear you say that you lack self-confidence. RM is not reality but your personality here tells a different story.
I mean, not everyone can be the queen of RM ya know.

Unless you hit it really big, money will be an issue for the rest of your life. It's just a matter of degree. So take this time to enjoy the things you won't be able to do once you get a job.

Or are you taking a blow to your self-worth because some asshat interviewer won't call you back? The fact that other people don't see your merits is frustrating but don't let it become self-defeating. It's their problem, not yours. Be honest in your interviews and don't go overboard saying what you think they want to hear, rather than what you really want to say. That way you can hold your head up - and probably find a better fit anyway.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I am really surprised to hear you say that you lack self-confidence. RM is not reality but your personality here tells a different story.
I mean, not everyone can be the queen of RM ya know.

Unless you hit it really big, money will be an issue for the rest of your life. It's just a matter of degree. So take this time to enjoy the things you won't be able to do once you get a job.

Or are you taking a blow to your self-worth because some asshat interviewer won't call you back? The fact that other people don't see your merits is frustrating but don't let it become self-defeating. It's their problem, not yours. Be honest in your interviews and don't go overboard saying what you think they want to hear, rather than what you really want to say. That way you can hold your head up - and probably find a better fit anyway.
I thought you were going to say riding your guts out and tequila.



Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
I am really surprised to hear you say that you lack self-confidence. RM is not reality but your personality here tells a different story.
What it really boils down to is me being intimidated by professional life. I've worked with kids, community organizers, churches, people dealing with housing issues, drug issues, public health issues, AIDS/HIV work, academics. When I have to get dressed up to go to an interview and sit across from a suit, I'm uncomfortable, I don't like it. I don't handle HR questions well because they are stupid, they are not me and that is not my "scene". I'm probably just looking for jobs in all the wrong places. I'll never be a suit, no matter how hard I try, I imagine.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I am more concerned with not getting discouraged than with finding a job in general. I'll get a job, I just don't want to be miserable while looking.
The job I have now sucks ass. I have been looking for another one for more than a year now. I have only landed one interview and it payed crap so I didn't take it.

The market is almost non-existent here because I am not a wine industry person.

My problem is I am good at many, many things but not really great or extensively trained at any one thing that would pay very well.

"Jack of All Trades" just means you get stretched thin on many different projects.

I am holding out for the day that I will get a job that is challenging and I actually enjoy. It doesn't have to pay top dollar even. Just give me enough to live well and some health care. It will happen, and I'm patient, but fvck - come on already!

Hang in there. Good people get good things. Stay good.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
"Jack of All Trades" just means you get stretched thin on many different projects.
I am finding this out the hard way. I can do a million things pretty damn good, which is why everyone loved me as a graduate assistant, but now that I'm looking for full time, decent pay and benefits I don't fit the bill for much of anything.

Honestly, I think I'm just going stir crazy. I imagine I'd be happier working at a grocery store as long as it got me out of the house and put some dough in my pocket. I just want to talk to people. I find myself enjoying going to walgreens because I get to talk to the person behind the counter. :disgust1:


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
You know, I've kind of wanted to just take part time jobs off and on and write a book but the tight assed responsible side of me says no. Go with what makes you happy.
Thankfully, I don't have too much to be responsible for yet. I just want to be able to save up for a nice camera!!!!!!!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
What it really boils down to is me being intimidated by professional life. I don't handle HR questions well because they are stupid, they are not me and that is not my "scene". I'm probably just looking for jobs in all the wrong places. I'll never be a suit, no matter how hard I try, I imagine.
Back when I looked for jobs I treated the HR peeps just like they looked at me: a prospect. No emotion, not allowing myself to be intimidated by someone who had no bearing on my life and using the opportunity to see if they fit my criteria rather than the other way around. Unless you're desperate for work, the interview process should be a two-way street IMO.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Thankfully, I don't have too much to be responsible for yet. I just want to be able to save up for a nice camera!!!!!!!
Every job I've had in the last 22 years had to account for either:

Band (2nd family)

I had to have a job that would support a family yet stay flexible enough so that I could stay in a band (or would be a throw away job if needed).

Stay focused on what you might want long term and then go for it. Think about the dream job, someone out there is offering it.

Here's one example:
My brother in law loves to play video games and he loves making electronic music and he loves the ocean.

Now he lives in San Diego and he's a video game tester for Sony and he's making music in his spare time.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Here's one example:
My brother in law loves to play video games and he loves making electronic music and he loves the ocean.

Now he lives in San Diego and he's a video game tester for Sony and he's making music in his spare time.
You know you just swung that door wiiiiiide open....