
How many pounds did you put on over the holiday season?


Feb 26, 2003
South Bay Area, CA
Just wondering.. for some reason I've been pigging out a little too often lately. Heck, fer two nights in a row I downed 3 slabs of roast beef per night :( Haven't checked yet, but I can hear the bathroom scale whimpering :D And to top it all off, I haven't touched the bike in a month!! :mumble:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
I lost about 5 lbs. Even with pigging out. :(

Me too.

I lose weight during the holidays: I don't have the time or the energy for workouts, so I just get lazy and out of shape.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
SkaredShtles said:
I lost about 5 lbs. Even with pigging out. :(

I hate people like you.... I can gain weight watching other people eat.

I actually kept myself in check this season... I just about broke even.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
I think I lost some too, but muscle. In general, I wonder how long it takes to lose muscle if you quit working out?


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Ha! Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the "cookie" season for me. I can't resist homemade chocolate chip cookies. Combine that with the crappy weather and it leads to fatness por moi!

"But it's just a couple of cookies" you say. Not so. For example, I was playing some silly PS2 game with my nephew and managed to eat at least a dozen cookies during that hour. That's some serious calories. My mom and 2 sisters each made several dozen CC cookies.

Then there's the beer that goes along with all that celebrating....

Grand total Thanksgiving - New Years? +10 lbs :dead:


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
BikeGeek said:
Ha! Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the "cookie" season for me. I can't resist homemade chocolate chip cookies. Combine that with the crappy weather and it leads to fatness por moi!

"But it's just a couple of cookies" you say. Not so. For example, I was playing some silly PS2 game with my nephew and managed to eat at least a dozen cookies during that hour. That's some serious calories. My mom and 2 sisters each made several dozen CC cookies.

Then there's the beer that goes along with all that celebrating....

Grand total Thanksgiving - New Years? +10 lbs :dead:
10 lbs??? :eek:

My weakness is most definitely beer. But, I walk a ways to get to the bar, and back. :)


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
yeah, the food and beer cornucopia is tough to keep away from...especially the combo of egg nog and pannatone. :drool: but i think i stayed even, as i've been going to spin classes for the last few weeks.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
BikeGeek said:
Yo, you calling me fat?! :mumble: Yeah, you got me. I'm setting the trainer up tonight.
heheh - you're a pretty thin guy to start with. Oh sure, get married and put on the weight.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
The holiday sicks just hit me tonight - I'm fighting them as best I can, but I'll probably drop a wee bit - but heck, girls are used to about a 5lb low and a 5lb high...
I didn't weigh myself at all over the holidays...haven't actually at all in about 3 months...but my trigger to weigh myself is usually when the pants feel snug about the butt or hips...and they didn't do that so I think I broke even ;)


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
none. unbelievable. i developed a nasty sugar/chocolate addiction that is going to be harder to kick than i thought. right now i'm on a mostly vegetable and vegetable protien cleansing diet to try to get rid of all the **** i put in over the holidays. i was really starting to feel bad. i got sick before the holidays, then went on vacation, then got back just in time for all the christmas food and new years boozing. i'm ready to get my homeostasis back in check.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I fell into bad shape in the fall but I managed to eat right and get back to the gym through the Holidays. Actually I really worked out hard, 10-15 hours a week 50/50 cardio/weights. I managed to put on close to 10 pounds. I hope to god it is muscle, if not I am screwed this is the most I have weighed in years.


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
Killed 2 kittens and lost like 15 lbs :rolleyes: ;) j/king

Seriously I dunno...just didn't weight myself...really don't care as long as I feel good...but unfortunately I don't! :(

this sh|tty weather is bogging me down..


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
Gained about 10 pounds, myself. :dead: Was layed off from work a couple months ago, moved to a new area, and ate / drank a bunch of bad stuff over the holidays. Haven't been to the gym in 2 months. Riding sporadically.

Current report card:

Riding shape: D
Energy Level: D
Current overall fitness level: F

Y'all have convinced me. I'm going to start looking at new gyms to join today, after work. :help:

Special K

Feb 12, 2004
CT by way of Beantown
Heidi said:
I think I lost some too, but muscle. In general, I wonder how long it takes to lose muscle if you quit working out?
I am pretty sure it takes between 2-3 weeks to lose muscle -- I am slowly rebuilding the muscle in my left leg after I broke my femur on Oct. 9th. It is amazing what three months of minimal activity does for your leg -- my left is quite mushy and my right is strong because I use it so much.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Grand total from Halloween - New Year's Day = -8 pounds!!!! :D
I did stay away from as many cookies as I could (so I could drink more beer & Bourbon). I also had the flu and have been working out a bit more....training for my race in February! It's great because I am feeling more fit and getting compliments from people too :D