
How to deal w/ a barking dog...


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
And I'm back...

Are you living on post or in a civi residence?

On post: No idea. I left the post as soon as her highness tried to move me in. Something about having to give them my guns and letting them register them for me didn't sit well. Either did the thing about random white glove inspections....

Off post: File a civil complaint of nuisance and prohabition of peaceful enjoyment against the neighbor. It's a civil action, so you're going to ask for damages. Keep it in small claims so you don't need a lawyer. Find out what your sleep is worth to you, find a way to make it so it fits to the statutory max of a small claims suit in your county.

Have it served on him, and then offer to settle the whole thing if he will:
a. find a way to keep the dog happy.
b. give you the dog.
c. move away.

Or, go sh1t on his front porch when the dog barks.
Finally, a voice of wisdom.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2009
Fenton, MI
There really is only one simple answer.

Ass rape your neighbor. He'll get the hint, espescially if you are average or well endowed and don't use lube.

Otherwise, dirtmcgirk seems to have a pretty good suggestion.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I had an issue w/ a barking dog and the owners that could care less about their dogs behavior. Police, animal control was a tedious process w/ little results. I should have listened to a freind that had a similar experience - don't say a word to anyone slip the pooch hamburger wrapped rat poison. Sounds cruel and punishing but I spent two years waking up @ all hours of the night from a fricken dog barking. The dog and owner seem to have more rights than you & me.
Yeah...no. Did you read the part about I dont want to hurt the dog?


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I had an issue w/ a barking dog and the owners that could care less about their dogs behavior. Police, animal control was a tedious process w/ little results. I should have listened to a freind that had a similar experience - don't say a word to anyone slip the pooch hamburger wrapped rat poison. Sounds cruel and punishing but I spent two years waking up @ all hours of the night from a fricken dog barking. The dog and owner seem to have more rights than you & me.
Whoops, I accidentally positive repped this dick. Could someone neg rep him for me thanks.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Every time the dog starts barking just go over there and start ringing their doorbell. Don't stop till they bring the dog inside.

If this doesn't work wait a few weeks and then steal the dog, take it to a dog rescue place and say you found it trying to cross traffic on the highway.


Jan 18, 2004
SouthEastern Massachusetts
Once upon a time, there was a simple guy who was suffering at the hands of a heartless neighbor who was keeping several barking dogs in his backyard. This went on for weeks & weeks with many complaints filed with the police. Of course, the dog-owner neighbor denied that his dogs were barking, and pretty much got away with it, leaving the police unable to do anything about the problem.

The guy finally proved otherwise by mounting a sound-emitting device in his backyard that automatically shot a burst of God-awful retaliatory noise into his dog-owner neighbor's house and yard whenever the dog actually barked, and the noise used a tone that was audible to both man and beast...Before setting it up, the guy informed the police of his plan and details of his device's function. And with the device in place, the barking was repeated with bursts of this awful noise again & again every time the neighbor's dogs barked, even when the guy wasn't home!

In short order, the dog owner neighbor called the police. I gather that he was of the opinion that noise - blasting into one's home from a neighboring yard - is an intolerable irritant.

The police officer who responded to the call, however, simply told the dog owner, "As long as your dogs are quiet, there won't be a problem."
...and that was the end of both that particular barking/awful noise ordeal and the end of the dog-owner's attempt to restore the previous paradigm of I'll- be-the-one-to-make-the-noise-while-you-suffer-in-silence.

Found on www.barkingdogs.net


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Dirt, the voice of wisdom? What is the Monkey World coming to?!
Ever read the Book of Revelations?
The sixth bowl dries up the river Euphrates to prepare the way for the kings of the east and causes the armies of the Antichrist being gathered together to wage the battle of Armageddon.
Trust me, its on...


Mar 12, 2009
Ft. Collins
if you think about giving anything to the dog then f*ck you! you dont know what the dog will get sick from take it out on the owner. hes the pos that shouldnt be allowed a dog def needs some double red :rant: