
i am through with women...........


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
i have come to the conclusion that women are here to make me weak and tempt me to do things that are against my better judgement. in realization of that i have decided that i am going to swear them off from now on. And before any of you wise asses say anything no i am not going gay.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
biggins said:
i have come to the conclusion that women are here to make me weak and tempt me to do things that are against my better judgement. in realization of that i have decided that i am going to swear them off from now on. And before any of you wise asses say anything no i am not going gay.
Taking a pussabbatical? Given that you already ride, you'd better start doing pushups and ironwork. That was the only other outlet for testosterone that kept me from going postal during periods of abstinence. Good luck!


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC

Biggie, biggie biggie............don't let the pussy whoop you---you gotta whoop that pussy!!! :nuts:

Swearing off women only increases your bank account, lowers your hair loss, reduces your stress level completely, and boosts your self-worth to an all time high............wait, that almost sounds like a good thing....... :think:

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Greyhound said:

Biggie, biggie biggie............don't let the pussy whoop you---you gotta whoop that pussy!!! :nuts:

Swearing off women only increases your bank account, lowers your hair loss, reduces your stress level completely, and boosts your self-worth to an all time high............wait, that almost sounds like a good thing....... :think:
One word for him...............Rookie


trail builder
Jun 17, 2002
Calgary AB
I took this approach about a year and 2 months ago.

Now I've been with Julie for about a year and 3 weeks :love: :heart:


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
i am just getting increasingly tired of the "game" i mean why cant a man be a man and why cant a woman make up her mind then stick to her decision?

better yet why dont they even know exactly what they want?fickle broads.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
clancy98 said:
then you better change your custom title....

just because i am done with women does not mean i am not still a rump junkie! the female rump will always and forever be a magical and mysterious thing to me.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
stoney98 said:
hahaha! you're funny. I give you a month MAX!
What's the spread?

i will have you know that i am declaring this after being single for a year and 3 months.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
biggins said:
i am just getting increasingly tired of the "game" i mean why cant a man be a man and why cant a woman make up her mind then stick to her decision?

better yet why dont they even know exactly what they want?fickle broads.

Probably gonna have to move to find it.

I'd suggest Flagstaff. :p



Dec 6, 2004
biggins said:
just because i am done with women does not mean i am not still a rump junkie! the female rump will always and forever be a magical and mysterious thing to me.
thats the spirit! On a related note, joking aside I feel you on this one.... I just moved out of my ex-gf's apt on the day of our one-year anniversary...

I'm wondering if I'm just good at picking out the crazy (literally; certifiably) ones or if I'm making them that way.

But no point in not trying again, right? Better than the alternative!


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
clancy98 said:
But no point in not trying again, right? Better than the alternative!

i like to think of it that way but when something is starting between a female and myself i tend to step back and realize how i am changing and sacrifices being made and occaisional bout of vagina induced stupidity and this has led me to the conclusion that i like who i am and what i do and the freedom i enjoy and i'll be damned if i am giving any of it up.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
SkaredShtles said:
I hear that there's some quality fly fishing down there......... ;)

maybe but the job market sucks and there is no way in hell i will find a job that pays as well as this one out there.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
stoney98 said:
I've been single since Nov 03.
I have no pity for you.
I'm bored too. I've decided to climb and ride all the time, I'm done with girls too!
Then again, I go to the bar every weekend, to hang with my bro's and go home with chicks... I think I just need a g/f

i am at the point where i really dont even feel like putting the effort into going out to randomly hook up with chicks at the bar.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
SkaredShtles said:
Well, there is that.

As a bonus the Grand Canyon is about an hour away. :thumb:

so i can wing myself off the edge of it in a brokie and unemployed stupor?


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
stoney98 said:
biggs- do you think that it might have something to do with WHOM you are hanging out with? I know that's my problem here. It's not getting chicks, it's getting the ones you want to hangout with.
that could be a possibility but i do not stick to any one type of woman thats what leads me to discount that theory.

i do not discriminate.