
I CRASHED my First car


Turbo Monkey
Sep 20, 2004
this happend before hour or so i was driving slow cca 40-50kmh and my rear tyres get into road where people cross i dont know how do you call that and it was raining there was no grip and it just slide and i hit three nobody is hurt me and my friend was in car - friend is car instructor - and he said that it couldnt be avoid..

i get car before 3 days i dont drive fast i dont burn tyres i dont drift i am normal driver and one small reson do that, i am still in shock so sorry for bad english and bad pic quality, i was going by rule sin traffic nobody was there rain and slippy road and those white stripes where people cross road do that and this is result of it...

again i ma sorry i am in shock and i dont know what to do damage i high and i dont have any $$$ to repair..

my car when i was proud of it and when it was ok


car after i mean before 1 hour

the tree



Apr 27, 2005
San Diego
DUDE! thats sucks massively...im sorry about the car man...dont dwell on it for to long...its just metal...you always have your bike!


Aug 22, 2005
Sucks for you sorry I know what it feels like. Amazingly I hit a tree offroading but I was only going about 25 or thirty and I have almost as much damage as you. But I didn't have a bmw so mine will actually be cheap enough to fix.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Jeez that sucks. You are lucky you didn't hurt yourself, your friend, or someone else. Am I the only one that thinks 25 mph is actually pretty quick for a turn through a crosswalk in the rain?


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
well good to hear no one was hurt.

chalk it up to experience.

when my kids get to be driving age, i want to make sure they get some skid pad driving training...learning how to parallel park via the local driver ed teacher just ain't gonna cut it.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
when my kids get to be driving age, i want to make sure they get some skid pad driving training...learning how to parallel park via the local driver ed teacher just ain't gonna cut it.
2 best things I did to improve my driving were a defensive driving course (spin controll/ parallel parking/ safe braking/wet skidpads ect), and beleive it or not off-roading helps a lot. When getting offline could mean rolling, or breaking something and having to hoof it back down a 40 mile trail, you pay extra attention to where all 4 tires are at any given moment. Offroad racing and rally help too, but they're more advanced, gotta master the basics first.

Downhiller, sorry to hear about your car, don't know how Croatian auto insurance works, but hope they cover you and don't jack up the rates too bad. Look up some of Lovebuny's threads, they'll make you feel much better about the whole situation.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
If it is any consolation, I crashed my first car, second car, third car, and fifth car.


Turbo Monkey
this kid at my school (like the richest public school in portland) was talking on his cell phone and driving and hit somebody going through an intersection. he had just gotten the car from the dealership a half an hour earlier.

this was also a year after he flipped his parents $90,000 mercedes. i hate the people at my school.


Oct 17, 2002
2 best things I did to improve my driving were a defensive driving course...
Driving course sounds like a good idea.

So far, the best thing I did to improve my driving was getting a motorcycle.

You were doing 25mph like my dick is 12" long...

So my woman said, "Give me 12 inches and make it hurt!"
So I fvcked her twice and hit her in the head with a brick.

~ Dice

Holy $hit, a European Lovebunny.
I have had erections that lasted longer than that car.
awesome. approved.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
I bet your fourth car is sitting around on carmonkey.com telling everybody what a lunatic driver you are, and how he is happy to be alive.

That was a 77 Land Cruiser. The engine died in that.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
That's a whole lot of suck right there. Glad you're ok.

A few years ago I got to tow a totaled BMW z5 that had 7 miles on it. The guy was 4 blocks from the dealership and he got took out by a soccer mom in a Denali who blew a light while she was on the phone. All the miles were from the test drive a few hours earlier.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 20, 2004
i am ok and my friend are ok i didnt sleep i codnt sleep..

i wasnt going fast because its was huge intersection and i must slow down but because it was 11 at nigh no one was there and i slow and turn and road is pure **** and rain was falling and it make big puddle or rain into crossroad and my car just slips on side and good that i have bicycle reactions i turn wheel on left and we hit car with right end if i didnt turn it we would hit three directly...

thsi is what happend:

i was slowing down i saw no one is going and i turn right and on crosswalk where wa sthat puddle of rain and i just flip turn wheel hit three and we flip around about 720 degrees and we stop 6 meter away..



Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
That sucks dude. I remember my first car crash. It does shake you up a bit, but don't worry, you'll get over it pretty quick. I just hope you had good insurance.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 20, 2004
That sucks dude. I remember my first car crash. It does shake you up a bit, but don't worry, you'll get over it pretty quick. I just hope you had good insurance.
no insurance because car is old there is some age difrence where they pay something like that and i hit tree i didnt hit anyone so everything i msut pay, and i was hoping to go on dh races and start racing and this **** happend i still cant believe it i have car 3 days and it total damage..

i am in such stress i cant expalin, i didnt even go over 250km i didnt drive it anywhere except in city, i fall in love in that car minute i saw it and how it give love back ?! by hitting damn tree...

i have so much plans to go on races to enjoy riding ... i dont know what to say

car costs me 8000 euros repair is around 6000+ and it not worth or repairing it so plans for whole year is in that tree

i still smell the stink of airbag and i cant get rid of it i didnt sleep yesterday i am all screwed up...