
i had concussion last sunday


Aug 19, 2002
Penang, Malaysia
i crashed, can't mentioned mush abt it coz i totally forgot all abt wat happenened after the trailhead.

saw scratch marks at my fullface, bruises on my shoulder and wrist. :(

the time that i realized i have crashed is when i resumed ride abt a few corners after the place i crashed. it's like waking up from a dream and it is quite scarry.

i m not sure any of the :monkey: have had the similar experience b4 :confused:


Jun 6, 2002
Golden, CO
you better be thanking your fullface that all you got was a concussion.

Try not to do anything too complicated for the next few days. When I got a concussion like a year or two ago everytime I was trying to work on something I would get really dizzy and confused.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Originally posted by ckooi

i m not sure any of the :monkey: have had the similar experience b4 :confused:
Yes. Far too many times. The worst involved tearing the meninges in my head (the soft tissue that holds your brain in place). I was blind for about 24 hours and was walking on clouds for about a week.

Hold tight and stay away from anything jarring for a few days. You'll be fine. Glad to hear you had the fullface on.


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
Once I crashed hard on my head. Was coherent and all for like 30mins...then all of a sudden it's like someone had brainwashed me...couldn't remember a thing, including that 30 min I was totally ok.

-BB- remembers that I'm sure...

Matt D

Mar 19, 2002
charlottesville, va
Originally posted by kidwoo
Yes. Far too many times. The worst involved tearing the meninges in my head (the soft tissue that holds your brain in place). I was blind for about 24 hours and was walking on clouds for about a week.

Hold tight and stay away from anything jarring for a few days. You'll be fine. Glad to hear you had the fullface on.
Damn! That doesn't sound fun:(


Oct 4, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
I've had 4 seizures since the Durango National last year when I had a fall and separated my shoulder, the Dr's think it could have something to do with previous head injuries as well. (we have all had a few right)

Trust me, wear your F'in helmet boys... its not that big of a deal and a hell of a lot better than possibly going through what I am right now.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Dog Welder had a dream about a concussion once... :D

My one concussion was mild, and it sucked bad enough, thanks. The aftereffects, once I came to, were totally recognizable to me as a migrane; I suffered from migrane in my teens, and the aura lights, numbness migrating from left to right across my arms and face, and naseau (accompanied of course by splitting pain) were dead-on migrane. It was wierd.

It's really wierd how you can continue to act after a head injury; I singlemindedly found my sunglasses (although I couldn't see through the aura lights) after I woke up, realized a temple piece was missing, found it, put it together, and got myself down the mountain, but only remember little bits of it.



Sep 30, 2003
Dundee, Scotland
concussions are horrible, first time it happened to me was a good 4 years ago, well i dont remember it, but i got told the front wheel got sucked into a really soft bit of ground and the bike stopped and i carried on, only had a pisspot on at the time, but lucky enough it was only a concussion i got and a few scratchs just above the right eye.

2nd time was horrible cause i remember the whole thing, similar situation, landed off a jump front wheel got stuck into a rutted muddy section and went head over heals, i got up vision went very weird, hearing went weird, dizzy as hell felt like i was about to puke my guts out, i just sat down for about half an hour until i felt well enough to pick myself up and get myself down the hill. worst thing was i was 20miles from home. had to get to train station.had a sore haed for the rest of that day.
i never want to feel like that again it was so frightening cause i didnt know what was happening to me.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Originally posted by ssaddict
I've had 4 seizures since the Durango National last year when I had a fall and separated my shoulder, the Dr's think it could have something to do with previous head injuries as well. (we have all had a few right)
Damn I used to get siezures too. It was weird, but it seemed to happen whenever I'd get sleep deprived. I don't get them anymore but I haven't had a concussio for a few years now. I kept reading that the two were related. That was the only reasonable diagnosis I could ever get.

Definitely save the cooler than a helmet crap for the bmx crowd.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
It's too bad helmets can't save us from concussions...

(Not a dig at the wear-the-helmet sentiment; I'm 110% with that thinking, but it's just an observation. I'd rather have an intact head along with my concussion than allow my concussed brain to slide out of my head like an egg yolk.)


Jun 21, 2002
Yes, they are no fun. I Op-tested a Giro MadMax and got a mild one. I can remember reaching the front wheel down the meet the earth but it wasn't there. Next thing, I was talking to the medic but I couldn't remember my name. I felt better the next day but it took about a month for the cobwebs to clear.


Oct 4, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
Originally posted by kidwoo
Damn I used to get siezures too. It was weird, but it seemed to happen whenever I'd get sleep deprived. I don't get them anymore but I haven't had a concussio for a few years now. I kept reading that the two were related. That was the only reasonable diagnosis I could ever get.

Definitely save the cooler than a helmet crap for the bmx crowd.
Mine have only happened while I sleep, and I'll be lucky if they ever figure out the exact cause. A head injury is the easiest thing to point to even though when I crashed in Durango I didn't even hit my head nor even have a headache.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Originally posted by ssaddict
Mine have only happened while I sleep, and I'll be lucky if they ever figure out the exact cause. A head injury is the easiest thing to point to even though when I crashed in Durango I didn't even hit my head nor even have a headache.
Sounds similar actually. They would happen around 4 am either when I would wake up early for work or a road trip or if I had just been up all night. I had an epileptic friend in high school and what was happening to me was different.


Oct 4, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
I'm not waking up though, I'm having full blown Grand Mal Seizures until someone wakes me out of them. Thankfully, I have always had someone there too do so... otherwise I'm lucky I don't choke on my tongue (which I usually bite to sh*t every time) and :dead:


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Originally posted by ssaddict
I'm not waking up though, I'm having full blown Grand Mal Seizures until someone wakes me out of them. Thankfully, I have always had someone there too do so... otherwise I'm lucky I don't choke on my tongue (which I usually bite to sh*t every time) and :dead:
Maybe you're running into Freddie Kruger when you fall asleep?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
Originally posted by ckooi
i crashed, can't mentioned mush abt it coz i totally forgot all abt wat happenened after the trailhead.

saw scratch marks at my fullface, bruises on my shoulder and wrist. :(

the time that i realized i have crashed is when i resumed ride abt a few corners after the place i crashed. it's like waking up from a dream and it is quite scarry.

i m not sure any of the :monkey: have had the similar experience b4 :confused:
I can definitely tell your not right, I mean look at this spelling! Stay off the bike for a few days and take 'er easy. I clipped a tree at about 40mph at Mt. Shasta many years ago and lets just say I know just how you feel.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
I assume everybody knows this already but I'm just making sure incase some don't....


and when you do go to bed that night, set an alarm every hour or two. Otherwise you might not wake up. I damn near lost a good friend like this, he smacked his dome on the 4th of july riding his BMX (helmetless on concrete) and felt shaken up but OK, later he went to sleep and (here's the lucky part) he woke up at 5am in the most pain of his life. And this is a guy who has been seriously injured many times (he destroyed his left ankle skating and drove a manual to the hospital to get it set.) So to say the most pain is pretty serious. They had to open up his skull to relieve the pressure and he was in the ICU for almost a week. It was really bad. The docs say they can't believe he didn't die in his sleep. Of course they also said no more riding...yeah right, I don't think they understand what that means to people like us. 50 staples and counteless barbituates later he is almost normal...but one good smack and it could be the end. BE CAREFUL!!!


Apr 13, 2004
Central Massachusetts
i have had 11 minor(thank god) concussions over a 9 year span(football,skiing, Biking) I used to have a very good memory. But now i can barly remember what i did last week.
Feb 13, 2002
Seattle, WA
my worst one was at the angelfire collegiate nationals course. I got a pinch-flat in the middle of my front rim (the beads didn't pinch... a pointy rock pinched it right in the middle of the rim) all air left the front tire instantly, it washed out like a mofo and I went tumbling headfirst into a tree. my hearing didn't work for an hour, there were sparkles in my vision, and my head hurt for a week. i kept riding for the rest of the day:dead:
I've had 4 now. I think the worst part is having difficulty doing the basic, rudimentary stuff. Half way through writting an email, and um, uh, crap, what was my point?

Having a conversation with someone and just going completely blank on stuff you totally know. "Uh, crap, I dunno...."

Sudden waves of being incredibly tired. "Sorry, I have to go take a nap now....."

And of course the fricking headaches....:dead:

Definately wear a lid at all times....