
I need help


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
I signed up for my first Triatholon.

I just need general advice for teh swim and run, I can swim and can run, the riding part is in the bag already. so Any advice I can get to help with the running<I am NOT a runner> and the swimming<I am not a swimmer> will be greatly appriciated.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Don't be Mr Niceguy during the swim portion. When I did the chicago tri I took many kicks to the face before deciding to swim over everyone's back so i could have clean water. It helped that I was faster than my group so they couldn't catch up for pay-back.


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
I signed up for my first Triatholon.

I just need general advice for teh swim and run, I can swim and can run, the riding part is in the bag already. so Any advice I can get to help with the running<I am NOT a runner> and the swimming<I am not a swimmer> will be greatly appriciated.
Which triathlon did you sign up for? What is the distance? Wetsuit or non-wetsuit?

If you can do the individual events, you will only need training/advice for the unfamiliar parts:
swimming in a crowd of people
swimming while getting kicked in the head
spotting buoys and not swimming off course
racing smart in excessive heat or cold
proper nutrition so that you do not bonk, cramp up, or end up hating life that day or the next day (usually applies to long-course tri)

If you have time, I'd recommend a tri clinic. If you do not have time, I'd recommend practicing your transitions so that they are smooth. You can cut literally minutes off your time by having smooth transitions.

Knowing what nutrition products work well with your body will greatly improve the quality of your race.

Good luck! :)


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Which triathlon did you sign up for? What is the distance? Wetsuit or non-wetsuit?

If you can do the individual events, you will only need training/advice for the unfamiliar parts:
swimming in a crowd of people
swimming while getting kicked in the head
spotting buoys and not swimming off course
racing smart in excessive heat or cold
proper nutrition so that you do not bonk, cramp up, or end up hating life that day or the next day (usually applies to long-course tri)

If you have time, I'd recommend a tri clinic. If you do not have time, I'd recommend practicing your transitions so that they are smooth. You can cut literally minutes off your time by having smooth transitions.

Knowing what nutrition products work well with your body will greatly improve the quality of your race.

Good luck! :)

October 5th at Bonneli park, 3 mile run 6 mile ride..... Not sure how long the swim is for sure yet, wetsuits are allowed.

As far as training for the running, I was going to start runninng the Local Hischool stadiums for an hour three times week , as far as swimming, I am kinda screwed, all I can get is small pool laps, couple friends have pools I can go swim in, just need to get some time in.

I am not trying to win this one, I just want to finish not last. Currently I normally use HammerNutrition products with riding and I get great results, so I will probably stick with those.

With using a wetsuit, is there any suggestions to a good brand/style that would be better for swimming in?

I already know I am going to take my tinme during the transitions, I dont want to fall on my ass like I have seen a few people do trying to haul ass inbetween at teh last tri I ran Bike support at.

Is running the Stadiums a good training? and the wetsuit......STyle brand suggestions???

Akayne.... Great .gif I love it


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
For a tri that distance, there is no reason to wear a wetsuit. The time you spend getting out of the damn thing wouldn't be worth it. October 5th is still a ways off, you should have plenty of time to get in shape good enough to run 3 miles. Heck, you should be able to walk out you door now and run 3 miles without too much effort. As for the actual swimming, don;t sweat technique if it's your first one. Backstroke, breaststroke, heck...doggie paddle if you have to, noone is going to care as long as you're having a good time and you finish! Good luck!!! :)

Colonel Angus

Feb 15, 2005
land of the green chiles
October 5th at Bonneli park, 3 mile run 6 mile ride..... Not sure how long the swim is for sure yet, wetsuits are allowed.
You simply HAVE to get at least 2 or 3 swims in open water before the race or you will burn twice the energy by swimming off course. When you swim in a lap pool, you just look down at the line to make sure you're in your lane. When you breath, you don't have to look at anything, just twist your head to the side. When you swim in open water, you have to learn to lift your head up first for a real quick glimpse ahead, then to the side for a breath. If you don't learn this you WILL go off course.

As far as the wet suit, buck up and do without. They are hard to get used to and expensive. I swam open water courses at 59 degrees and it was DANG cold. I wore a wet suit hoodie type thing that keeps your head warm. Adrenaline will do the rest.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
thanks guys for mthe advice. I think maybe this week, since I am on vacation I will take a drive down to Bonelli and go for a swim!!! Any more advice is of coarse still welcome...Like I said, I know I am not going to be in first, but I dont want to be last, and of coarse I want to at least finish it


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Is running the Stadiums a good training?
If you like to be bored to death. The street is pretty boring, but at least you gets hills and stuff to change the pace. The hardest thing I find with running is to not pace myself at the start. Three miles shouldn't take you more than 30 minutes tops and if you train you should be able to easily drop it into the mids 20s.