
I smell terrible

Feb 13, 2002
Seattle, WA
Yeah, I can't really bathe and the smell is getting to the point where the fumes are melting plastic stuff in my room.

I have to sit here all day and all night with my arm in a continous passive motion machine.

I am on the brink of insanity.

The worst part of it all is that I have to sell my bikes (see sig for link)

I think I'll build up a trailbike to get back into it as I heal ( a long time from now). Better not to think about that now, I suppose.

Someone entertain me!

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Sounds bad mate, what's happened? Sorry, not been around for a bit, I'm sure there's a thread about it... *goes and searches...*


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by SirChomps-a-Lot

Someone entertain me!
Dude, that sucks. Hope you get better quick!!

In the meantime, contemplate this picture that Burly Surly seems to love so much...


- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Dude, sounds nasty... do you have an xray for us all to go "oooooh" at? :)


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by bomberz1qr20
Dude, that sucks. Hope you get better quick!!

In the meantime, contemplate this picture that Burly Surly seems to love so much...

good god man. why do you insist on posting that. it makes me feel funny in the pants.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Someone needs to take a hammer to that statue and delete any evidence that it ever existed.......the guy is injured, don't be messing up his thread with MJ and a monkey :angry:.

Girlfriend+immobile BF+rank smell=sponge bath

I think it's time she pulled her weight :).

Hope you feel better soon dude. Shattered elbow, where you the guy that got injured at Calabazas? Best of the healing vibes to you.

The Ito


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by surfinguru
Well, if you can't get the little lady to help out, you should try something like these. Oh yeah, and WTF is with that statue?!? :confused:

Cottonelle RAWKS!

When I toured with my band, those were a godsend.

The sculpture is called "Michael Jackson and Bubbles" by Jeff Koons. He's a way-the-f**k-out-there artist.

Thought it would be entertaining.


Nov 1, 2003
Mandan, ND
Hey wasn't there a RM get well video we were using as a chain letter type thing? If so, get this man the tape so he can watch some biking while the girl sponges him. Hope you heal up fast Chomps and get back out there.
Lesbian tube
Last edited:


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Hope you heal up quick and proper.

That statue is scary. It's like MJ is King Kong on Planet of the Apes or something.

What's even scarier is the fact that MJ probably paid huge money for it.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by OGRipper

What's even scarier is the fact that MJ probably paid huge money for it.

Jeff Koons just make really weird stuff. I don't think MJ had anything to do with it.

Case in point, a bunny that looks like a mylar balloon, but is made of 100% stainless steel...



Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Hey Chomps, I don't know if this will help, but I drank tea made from an herb called Bone Knit when i broke my collar bone. It's supposed to speed up recovery and healing, if you believe the hippy stuff. Worked well for me, I played drums on tour 5 weeks later. (ow)

You can get it at Whole Foods, drop some in a tea strainer and add boiling water, steep for 5 min. Doesn't taste good but it helps.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Originally posted by SirChomps-a-Lot
yeah, that's me... were you the dude on the cheetah HT?
No(I'm a newbie at the jumps, just started going a week or two ago). I did see a dude on a cheetah HT last week when I went there though. Blue, fox fork, and v-brakes I think.

Anyhow, get well soon. Hope you can get a trail bike together, I know that was my first goal when I tore my ACL.

The Ito

Oh and:


Dec 15, 2003
Pemberton, BC
Hey man, I compound fractured my olecranon (point of my elbow) a little over a year ago...the olecranon broke through the skin on the underside of my forearm, took 2 operations and 5 days in hospital to get me going again and I now wear a plate and 8 screws in my right forearm.

I just wanted to put you on the "Knit Bone" tip too. The stuff is actually called Comfrey and comes in a topical gel or the tea that someone else mentioned.

It's an ancient herbal remedy yada yada yada <insert health food company floss here> but I've got to say it did (in my estimation at least) speed up the healing process significantly. Your situation is obviously different depending on whether the fracture was pinned and plated like mine, but I was comfortably riding a bike with the cast still on after 2 weeks, then comfortably riding (tamely) again 2 weeks after the cast came off. Get yo'self some Comfrey and give that shiznit a try.


May 8, 2003
Simi Valley, CA
Originally posted by FarkinRyan
Hey man, I compound fractured my olecranon (point of my elbow) a little over a year ago...
Hmmmm, I've got a 3/8" long bone spur growing on mine that they're going to grind off and reattach the tendon after I get off the crutches from an ACL reconstruction. I banged my elbow hard while surfing a few years ago, the doc says the tendon pulled off a bone chip and then the olecranon grew to reattach to the bone chip, which the tendon keeps pulling away from the elbow...

Just great, like I need more surgery.