
"If Saddam does not disarm,........


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by mrbigisbudgood
we will lead a coalition to disarm him"

He stopped just short of a Declaration of War.

yup. and feb 5 is judgment day apparently. hmm


Honestly guys -- the thought of war, this war, makes me shudder a bit. I'm not well-versed enough in politics to say whether it is right or wrong, so I can't really make an argument for/against and sound as rational as some on this board.

Prior to tonight, I've stuck my head in the sand hoping the problem would go away, but it seems war is eminent. My heart goes out to all of the men and women abroad fighting for our freedom. The freedom to discuss politics, drink beer, listen to loud music, ride our bikes and do whatever our hearts desire.

I worry because......A freind of mine served in Desert Storm, and he swears he was exposed to some type of chemical agent over there. Not too long after he came back, he was diagnosed with hepatitis. Some of our troops could meet a worse fate during this campaign. A war may even trigger terrorist cells that could expose the population to bio-terroism here in the states. Maybe I'm thinking the worst, I am a bit pessimistic at times. But these are complicated times we live in.....Sorry to be a bummer.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Originally posted by mrbigisbudgood
we will lead a coalition to disarm him"

He stopped just short of a Declaration of War.

Just for giggles (not that it changes anything) the full quote in context reads:

"The world has waited twelve years for Iraq to disarm. America will not accept a serious and mounting threat to our country, and our friends and our allies. The United States will ask the U.N. Security Council to convene on February the 5th to consider the facts of Iraq's ongoing defiance of the world. Secretary of State Powell will present information and intelligence about Iraqi's legal--Iraq's illegal weapons programs, its atempt to hide those weapons from inspectors, and its links to terrorist groups.
We will consult. But let there be no misunderstanding: If Saddam Hussein does not fully disarm, for the safety of our people and for the peace of the world, we will lead a coalition to disarm him"

So to build on what has been stated, it looks like the Iraqi government has until early Feburary to comply...
Jan 25, 2003
los altos, ca
its stupid, Bush says they have waited twelve years for him to disarm and now because sadamm has not they are going to invade. if sadaam really wanted to blow up any country he could have done it by now, but i dont think hes that stupid. and so what if they have "weapons of mass destruction", so does the U.S and a lot of other countries but the US has enough to destroy the whole world if placed right. "a pistol in your hand is offensive, but a shotgun and assault rifle in mine is just defensive.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Sadam deserves what he's going to get.
Everyone can agree that he's broken every sanction put in place. Its only now that we have a president who's willing to act, that something's actually going to be done about it.
Clinton was a wuss, too worried about his image, and then he blew that anyway.


Sep 10, 2002
Originally posted by BurlySurly

Clinton was a wuss, too worried about his image, and then he blew that anyway.
Or should you say, Ms. Lewinski blew his image?!?! :eek:


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Originally posted by androshandrew
its stupid, Bush says they have waited twelve years for him to disarm and now because sadamm has not they are going to invade. if sadaam really wanted to blow up any country he could have done it by now, but i dont think hes that stupid. and so what if they have "weapons of mass destruction", so does the U.S and a lot of other countries but the US has enough to destroy the whole world if placed right. "a pistol in your hand is offensive, but a shotgun and assault rifle in mine is just defensive.

The danger lies not with the sword so much as the hand that wields it. I would personally be more frightened by a deranged lunatic holding a steak knife than a policeman holding an MP5. Saddam has been funding and otherwise supporting(and committing) acts of terrorism for many years now. 09/11 has merely been the catalyst for galvanizing our national resolve to thwart it. Your comments simply illustrate the fact that for many, no crime is egregious enough to warrant armed retaliation. As blitzkrieg fell upon Poland, voices similar to yours suggested that war with Germany was "stupid".


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by BurlySurly
Sadam deserves what he's going to get.
No argument there. My question is do American soldiers deserve what they're going to get?

Originally posted by BurlySurly
Its only now that we have a president who's willing to act, that something's actually going to be done about it.
Clinton was a wuss, too worried about his image, and then he blew that anyway.
Give me a break. No matter the president, it's all about image. Bush Sr was the first to screw up Iraq (well actually it goes further back than that...). Bush Jr is trying to save his ass just like everyone else. If we come out ahead, we can count ourselves lucky.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by ohio
No argument there. My question is do American soldiers deserve what they're going to get?

Give me a break. No matter the president, it's all about image. Bush Sr was the first to screw up Iraq (well actually it goes further back than that...). Bush Jr is trying to save his ass just like everyone else. If we come out ahead, we can count ourselves lucky.

If helping his image by doing whats right for the country is his matter of course, i cant see any way for that to be bad.

American Soldiers are here to fight and die. Its our job. We niether deserve nor regret.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by BurlySurly
If helping his image by doing whats right for the country is his matter of course, i cant see any way for that to be bad.
He's helping his image by diverting attention from the impending scandals surrounding his administration. Going to war may or may not be the best thing for the country, obviously it's debateable, but Bush doesn't care one way or the other.

I haven't explicitly said it yet in any of the threads, but I'm actually for invading Iraq, and ousting Saddam. What I'm against is the way we're going about it, and the precedent that our methods are setting. This won't be our last battle, and I don't believe we're thinking about the repercussions enough.

The soldier's attitude scares me. Something about Americans passing their free will out the window creeps me out. But it does remove one of my moral obstacles to war...


Dec 16, 2001
Originally posted by ohio

I haven't explicitly said it yet in any of the threads, but I'm actually for invading Iraq, and ousting Saddam. What I'm against is the way we're going about it, and the precedent that our methods are setting. This won't be our last battle, and I don't believe we're thinking about the repercussions enough.
I think that is quite a common view.

Ignoring valid of opinions of other countries will do you no favours when you move to the next target.
It also invites a lot of suspection about the reasons of going to war.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
I would like see to Saddam out of power, I think that can happen with a minimum of civilian deaths.

How you may ask? Simply destroy all the military and communications facilities of Iraq. Then capture Hussien and have him tried in a war crimes tribunal. Then seperate the church from the government in Iraq and allow for the people of Iraq to rebuild their government.

Hopefully it goes better than the Kosavar Muslim's rebuilding did, they were helped by the United States to rid themselves of Milosavich and then proceded to burn Christian churches and act every bit the tyrants of the previous regime.

Or we could just say "screw it" carpet bomb the country and make it a big gas station.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Originally posted by Eddie420
I heard Dubya say on the news last night "this is not America's gift to the world, it's God's gift to humanity"
This made me puke.
:eek: :angry: :dead:

If you would put the quote in context it would be easier to see if you are making a vaild point of just blowing smoke...;)


Strangely intrigued by Echo
Oct 30, 2001
Charlotte, NC
Originally posted by ummbikes
If you would put the quote in context it would be easier to see if you are making a vaild point of just blowing smoke...;)
Ask and you shall recieve

Americans are a free people, who know that freedom is the right of every person and the future of every nation. The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, it is God's gift to humanity.
Jan 25, 2003
los altos, ca
Originally posted by llkoolkeg
The danger lies not with the sword so much as the hand that wields it. I would personally be more frightened by a deranged lunatic holding a steak knife than a policeman holding an MP5. Saddam has been funding and otherwise supporting(and committing) acts of terrorism for many years now. 09/11 has merely been the catalyst for galvanizing our national resolve to thwart it. Your comments simply illustrate the fact that for many, no crime is egregious enough to warrant armed retaliation. As blitzkrieg fell upon Poland, voices similar to yours suggested that war with Germany was "stupid".
sadaam is not the only one who has supported some kind of terrorism. do u think the US always uses its own forces to destroy an enemy, we have used many people who support and are terrorsits in wars. and there are crimes that warrant retaliation but Sadaam has broken rules with the possesiona and maybe sometimes the intent to use his weapons, but then what is the US's intent, that when one nuke is launched we just nuke everyone we are pissed at becuz we are screwed and want to take everything out with us.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Originally posted by Eddie420
because killing innocent Iraqi's isn't liberty.
I don't think God would think bombing Iraq is a gift to humanity.
It is unfortunate that the inocent will die.

Taking Hussein out of power aids liberty, librety is a gift from God. Bush didn't say bombing Iraq was a gift to humanity. If Hussein would cough up his chemical and biological weapons and the delivery systems needed to use them this would all be avoided.
Did you watch the whole speech? A transcipt can be found at www.whitehouse.gov


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Originally posted by androshandrew
sadaam is not the only one who has supported some kind of terrorism. do u think the US always uses its own forces to destroy an enemy, we have used many people who support and are terrorsits in wars. and there are crimes that warrant retaliation but Sadaam has broken rules with the possesiona and maybe sometimes the intent to use his weapons, but then what is the US's intent, that when one nuke is launched we just nuke everyone we are pissed at becuz we are screwed and want to take everything out with us.

...brinkmanship, today's friend can be tomorrow's enemy. Politics do indeed make for strange bedfellows. Once we shared with Saddam a common enemy. Now he has become that enemy. We need to deal with him as he is. He fancies himself the rallying point for what we call Islamic Fundamentalist Extremism, so why should we deny him the martyrdom he seeks? It is a terrible thing that noncombatants will suffer if there is another war, but what would you call those in the towers? If it were up to me, we would not nuke Iraq. We would eliminate as few of the Hydra's heads as required to bring Iraq into UN compliance. Saddam's would be non-negotiable, though.:dead:


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Originally posted by androshandrew
its stupid, Bush says they have waited twelve years for him to disarm and now because sadamm has not they are going to invade. if sadaam really wanted to blow up any country he could have done it by now, but i dont think hes that stupid. and so what if they have "weapons of mass destruction", so does the U.S and a lot of other countries but the US has enough to destroy the whole world if placed right. "a pistol in your hand is offensive, but a shotgun and assault rifle in mine is just defensive.
you're missing the point. this is not a pre-emptive strike. this stems from the original surrender agreement 12 years ago. in order for saddam to save face and stay in power, he signed a "treaty" stating that he would disarm. he hasn't disarmed and it's been 12 YEARS! it's about time we went in and finished the job.