
i'm frustrated(long rant your warned)


Oct 8, 2004
k, 1st off i used to be heavy into xc mtbing (what i thought was xc anyways) then i saw pics in mags and stuff for xc racing etc... their hitting nothing technical the course is laid out like a freegin goat trail and i'm like wtf?! when are they going to hit the rock garden or that log jump or that long scary as piss descent going so f'ing fast they don't even know what their hitting?! i'd see mtb expedition type shows on oln and their riding hairy-as-hell technical stuff and i'm like 'thats what xc racing should be' like playing football on a bike vs. mother nature. then this 'freeride' thing comes along.... wtf!? 1st i'm like alright this isn't like sanctioned racing or anything but its the kind of stuff i like to do; hit a trail with a good xc type pace and format (uphill, flat), hit the drops, the rock gardens, the log jumps, the road gaps (never really had a name just mtbing), climb a hill, hit the dh through rock gardens, gnarly jumps etc...so there, i'm a freeride guy i'm kewl w/that. then i said to myself 'hey freeride is just different for everybody you know?' say you really love hitting hardcore downhill sections, but you love the trip it takes to get there (xcish), and you love the technical ****e in between. you don't want a 50lbish dh rig, but you don't want a 3in bottom out machine for your rides either, this person would fit on a a.) long travel xc machine b.) trailbike (whats the diff?). but hell your paying for that rig so your getting whatever the hell you want cause your a freerider, hell get a rigid ride and beat all your friends asses to the playground.

so there i had the freeride thing all figured right? nope... hard at work in his r&d hole dr. crackhead is developing long travel big hit dh styled bikes as light as he can some as light as a fs xc racer, and he's losing sleep at night trying to make the damn thing pedal efficiently. then the 'freeride' thing starts to change meaning and the margins are getting narrower and narrower. well thats no big deal, just making a wider range of bikes for people with a wider range of interests. i'll be sticking to my vt/575/heckler styled bikes but those bigger ones are cool as ****e if your not doing a big epic run anytime soon and your just going out to do the wicked stuff. its when they start classifying the stuff that gets me, now i don't think i even fit in the freeride category anymore (the one the industry has developed anyways), so i guess its back to hey jerm what kind of mtbing do you do? well, i guess you call it mtbing, really technical, scary downhill, aggressive xc mtbing. how do you do all that with one bike, well you really can't (seriously) but you can compromise. a heavy xc bike with longer travel but not as much as a dh ride etc... i think i'll still say i freeride anyway cept my version of freeride doesn't involve me hitting djs all day and pulling mx/bmx tricks.
btw this half rant half realization of my thoughts is compiled from about 12 years of riding (seen alot of changes) so you high school guys might not understand. i thought about this when i was trying to figure out what new ride to get and was going crazy so this is a bit of an over reaction towards what the industry has done, is doing, and will do to my hobby. i'm not knocking anybodies style or anything it just feels like it takes a while to get used to/understand certain types of riding and types of bikes and when you get it down and plunk down the dough it changes... again. will someone please tell me what those bmx rigs with knobbies and front forks are for? are they dj/urban rides or what...?!?
i guess if that was my style i'd understand that it was combining the best of both worlds type thing. i dunno anymore. don't rag on me too much i'm just complaining and i'm not a puss, just frustrated.. :mumble:

will someone pls give me a cracker... and a beer my head hurts


Oct 8, 2004
just went to the photo gallery and clicked on freeride bikes and got some trailbikes in there (enduro looking) but mostly those big hit forked hardtails(bmx lookin). i just always thought freeride was what you made it, not some labeled passtime. for me it was everything brought into one best experienced on a 'trailbike' but i guess thats just mtbing now or aggressive xc or something... any opinions on that. i guess i'm being hypocritical in a sense complaining about labeling things and then trying to figure out what i'm labeled as. fug it i just like to ride (but not on dusty goat trails).


Oct 8, 2004
got that part taken care of. figured i couldn't use a full on 'freeride' rig but more of a ?burly azzed xc/trailbike rig so it was between heckler/575/vt1 and i got the vt cause it was cheaper.
in light of that:
where would you classify the following models? i'll give my .02 or a ? cause i have no clue. btw there should be a trailbike section in the mtb pics

sc heckler: ? (i'd have to say pretty much fills every category)
sc blur: xc/trailbike
sc vpfree: freeride specific dh-able
sc bullit: freeride specific dh-able
yeti 575: xc/trailbike light freeride
giant vt1: same as yeti
spczed epic & stumpy: inefficient xc and trailbikes guess you can't really say that about the epic cause of filip but the stumpy def. falls short of both
spczed enduro: inefficient trailbike light freeride ?

not really familiar w/ others like intense/ellsworth etc.. too pricey!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 2, 2003
Berlin, Germany
s1ngletrack said:
Get a bike that suits your purpose - have fun riding it - that it all there is. No sarcasm here.

what he said and the pirate is also right...

for real, fvck the categories the industry just made up to sell you one more bike


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
jeremy155rr said:
got that part taken care of. figured i couldn't use a full on 'freeride' rig but more of a ?burly azzed xc/trailbike rig so it was between heckler/575/vt1 and i got the vt cause it was cheaper.
in light of that:
where would you classify the following models? i'll give my .02 or a ? cause i have no clue. btw there should be a trailbike section in the mtb pics

sc heckler: ? (i'd have to say pretty much fills every category)
sc blur: xc/trailbike
sc vpfree: freeride specific dh-able
sc bullit: freeride specific dh-able
yeti 575: xc/trailbike light freeride
giant vt1: same as yeti
spczed epic & stumpy: inefficient xc and trailbikes guess you can't really say that about the epic cause of filip but the stumpy def. falls short of both
spczed enduro: inefficient trailbike light freeride ?

not really familiar w/ others like intense/ellsworth etc.. too pricey!

Nice Try. No really, keep it up, you'll figure it out soon.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
T-Pirate said:
Hooray for over-analyzation and hyper-categorization!

I'm paralyzed with doubt and indecision! I can't pedal my bike on something outside it's intended purpose - hell, I can't even ride because I need to go on roads to get to the trail, and I can't ride my mountain bike on a road...



Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
I do think it's funny that EVERY year at interbike EVERY bike company has jumped onto a new bandwagon.IMO this is the reason the industry is sooooooooo broke. It has become a design pecker contest EVERY year. Nobody sticks with what they have. Goes something like this. Our rider won a WC on a FS XC bike you have to have one it's the hot thing. Lance won another tour...wait you NEED our new road bike. Oh it's an olympic year... oh now you NEED our new lightweight XC hardtail. Wait Steve Peat won the World Cup on a single pivot DH bike you NEED one of those. Then every company jumps on the current bandwagon only to be outdated by next year. I think they spend too much money doing R&D on the next big FAD. Hey let's try something new...like turning a profit so when all this cool stuff hits the market it's not plastic crap that pukes after the 2nd ride.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
Our rider won a WC on a FS XC bike you have to have one it's the hot thing. Lance won another tour...wait you NEED our new road bike. Oh it's an olympic year... oh now you NEED our new lightweight XC hardtail. Wait Steve Peat won the World Cup on a single pivot DH bike you NEED one of those.
~ This is marketing not R&D

The Market dictates where Research and Development goes
(or it should in any successful company)

"Freeride" is the new market trend and all these companies would love for you to buy yet another bike to go along with your XC Hardtail bike, FS XC bike, Trail bike, DJ bike, Downhill Bike, Road Bike, Cyclocross, Tandem, and Unicycle.

Do you need all these bikes, of course not. I'm just as guilty for falling for this as anyone else. And how do they fool us into playing their game? By making us believe that it was really their companies "the latest and greatest" that helped so and so win XX UCI races. When in reality it was only steroids.

just my thoughts....


Oct 8, 2004
yep it was overdone but in some way i see agreement in there, it was just mind boggling is all, and yes i do think too much, i am a perfectionist, but i don't think its a bad thing. like dvnt said "making us believe that it was really their...." thats not going to happen to me i kinda like analyzing things untill i have it figured and then sometimes i get too much info get frustrated and seek out the opinions others who have the same idea. yes i think i should just get my bike and enjoy the ride but when you go to a shop you have these morons that don't know anything pushing product on you that hasn't came out yet and they don't even know what the hell their talking about, so i have to figure it out for myself. but i got the reaction i thought i would "chill out, and yeah its kinda bull****"


Oct 8, 2004
DVNT said:

So what music do you listen to?

list is longer :nope: don't go there, nah i know your being sarcastic but mostly hardcore stuff a little lighter and older rap
tool, slipknot, etc.., dmb, ben harper, etc... 2pac, older outkast etc...