
I'm Home!


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
I never realized how many awesome friends I have, I am so totally blown away..To everyone that helped me get out of the woods and to the hospital, or visited me, or called me, or sent me healing vibes, or posted in the monkey down thread, or did a Tequila shot in my honor, or hooked me up w/magazines / games / booze, or said a pray - YOU ALL ARE THE BEST! and thank you so much

I am home, still in pain (feels like I did a couple million situps yesterday) but its less pain, and I have a big bottle of Loratabs. Oh, and at least 5 days off from work.

The bad news, Doc says 3 months before I can bike again.

I'll write more later, its nap time now


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
good to hear you're back and getting better. Keep us posted to your recovery.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Rock on Tequila Doug!! Glad you're doing better! If there's anything you need give me a buzz and Kell and I can run it down!! :thumb:


bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
glad to hear you're ok, doug. I'm sure you'll make a full recovery in less time than the doctors anticipate.

got a play-by-play of what happened? I've never heard of anyone lacerating their liver while biking...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I've got about two hundred back issues of Bike if you need something to oogle while you go through riding withdrawls during your recovery...


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
doug, glad to hear you busted out of the sterile hospital environs, back to yr abode. heal up fast. the three months off the bike sounds like a long time, but i be it will fly by.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
YEAH!!! I called the hospital before I left school and they said you were just discharged! PLEASE let me know if you need anything at all!!! I don't live that far away and I would be happy to help!

REST and you'll be 100% in no time!


7034 miles, still no custom title
Jan 6, 2003
Shadows of Mt Boney, CA.
Good to hear you are home and healing. Now get busy and write up the details on how you managed to get in this mess, so we can all learn a valuable lesson regarding livers, spleens, and handlebars.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
douglas said:
The bad news, Doc says 3 months before I can bike again.
I disagree. 1) You had a major injury and will still be around in 3 months and 2) it's a great day whenever we hit the trails, good ride or bad (serious injuries excluded of course...).

Glad to have you back.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
good news that you are healing well and home now.......youll be back onthe bike soon and we can all read about your adventures again. maybe you should start writing your memoires?


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
McGRP01 said:
Rock on Tequila Doug!! Glad you're doing better! If there's anything you need give me a buzz and Kell and I can run it down!! :thumb:
i don't know the guy.
but it seems to me that you should be giving HIM the buzz. :)


Feb 12, 2006
McGRP01 said:
If there's anything you need give me a buzz and Kell and I can run it down!! :thumb:
After all that hospital food, roadkill is probably the last thing he wants to eat right now! :looney: j/k

Glad your doing okay Doug! Heal up quick.


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
This'll keep ya busy for a bit...

Take one down,
Pass it around,
99 bottles of Tequila on the wall!

Heal well!!



Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
I wish I could say I was doing something exciting like a One foot no hander 360 but.....not the case

Every Friday's theres a group ride at Grafton (state Park) followed by a pot luck BBQ. Grafton can be pretty technical due to tons of rocks.
14 of us meet up and hit the trails, it rained that morning so it was extra sliperly. I was in take it easy mode (had to save some for Treesaw's ride & Sunday's darkhorse40 race). We were only riding for maybe 30 minutes. I was going slow, passed a tight tree, and I think my front tire slipped on a root, and my bike slams to the ground (tree side). It lands so my handlebar is sticking straight up, I had nothing to grab/reach for to stop my fall, so I basically belly flopped onto my bar which knocked the wind out of me. And man, that is not fun..Once I caught my breath I was still in major pain, everyone went from "are you alright" to asking "whats wrong"

Thnak you Chris for bringing a cell so a 911 call could be made immediately. But I had a mile walk to the road. The pain was crazy bad. Then I had a 30 minute ambulance ride to Samaraton hospital. It felt like a knife was in my chest, the pot holes really sucked.
They did xrays & a cat scan and determined my Liver was lacerated & bruised, so the call went out to Albany Med that they had a critical patient to transfer> But before that I started sweating bad, and ontop of the excruiating pain started feeling reall bad. Next thing I knw my friends get booted and there 6 or 7 people working on my. Not sure what, besides 3 IV's of saline that put in me..but thankfully the stuff worked.

Albany Med's determination for surgery would be to see how bad the internal bleeding was. This is monitored by your bloods hemoglobin levels. I was borderline. So basically the next few days was spent pumping me full of morphine, Saline & who knows what and closely looking at my "crits". Luckily mine leveled and I didnt need surgery. Even with morphine every 2 hours the pain was so freaking bad. Its been slowly getting better. Oh, at some point my potassium was realy low too. Oh it was a long time to get to have water, then even longer for food!

So no surgery, and its just going to be letting the body heal itself.

And again thanks for caring so much, you all are great!

ouch..stuff hurts - must be nap time again