
Infected scrape/ best way to clean?

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I blew a mod to get this title
Feb 25, 2004
Slugman said:

Infections would make it puffy soft and red. It would also feel hot... what you've got there looks like it's in good shape - just be careful to keep it clean!!!
Thanks! It is a little red, just from irritation I think and it feels a little warm but nothing crazy. My mom thinks the yellow stuff is puss but I told her its part of the scab thats kind of soaked with the ointment, whos right?



Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
the yellow stuff is lymph, which is a fluid that is produced by the body that aids in healing. Some redness and itchiness is to be expected, especially as the scab gets hard. Neosprorin is good, as is exposing to air. Watch for fever, and excessive redness. Red streaking would be a bad sign, as would a bad smell or fever.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
geargrrl said:
this is what we learned in OEC ( outdoor emergency care) I'm pretty sure that both hydrogen peroxide and betadine kill healthy tissue. Soap and water and scrubbing to get the crud out is it..... I've been on the recieving end of that treatment.

But it kills everything, right? :love:

They used it at the hospital...probably out of fear of staph.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
blue said:
But it kills everything, right? :love:

They used it at the hospital...probably out of fear of staph.

yes, but..... not generally *in* a wound. outside, mostly in prep for surgical stuff, or other forms of skin prep.

for stuff like this, soap and water is the good stuff. or normal 0.9% saline. there are some commercial wound cleansers that are good as well, but a good soap and scrubbing is the best bet.

i'm fortunate enough to have a nice supply of the good stuff from work. ;) various forms of 'caine stuff for when it really is painful makes the scrubbing so much easier/nicer!

covering? sometime yes, sometimes no. depends on how deep and oozy it is.
sometimes i'll use a clear occlusive dressing, other times just plain 4x4 pads. if i'm covering it, it's got some form of abx goop underneath. usually i only cover my own wound stuff up when at work, to prevent other stuff getting in....