
Internet Hernia Experts - Right this way


took the red pill
My doctor says I have a hernia. However I have no bulging or anything. My intestines arent popping out, thank God. Just pain on the left side. It feels like a nerve is being pushed against my hip or something. It's 2" down from the belly button to the left by the hip. Sometimes my testicles hurt. The left one.

Doc says they don't do anything for this. WTF? So I'm supposed to be in pain for the rest of my life on ibuprophren daily? Not acceptable.

I've downloaded the hernia bible and have been doing the pilates exercizes but that's been 2 months and it has not helped.

Now the thing that really bothers me is that I'm a musician. When I sing, I sing a lot from the stomach. I play blues. Sing / Guitar. When I sing, this is when the pain is the most.

What do you think? Get another doctor?
Thanks, Kevin


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
the blues?

what do you sing about, your failed pyramid schemes?


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Dude....it's only going to get worse. I had the surgery 2 years ago to fix mine(inguinal hernia--same place as yours), and it's the smartest thing you can do. I lived with it for a year and a half, and right before I had the surgery, it was bad enough to where it was painful to walk, move, lift anything or ever worse...hip sprints-if you know what I'm saying. Expect it to get worse and bulge out over time--that's what hernia's do. In the worst case scenario, your intestine can get twisted as it pokes through the opening--cutting off vital flow for teh poopie.

Bottom line....get it fixed. I had them do both sides of mine while they were in there because there is a high likelihood that if one side erupts, so will the other eventually. Good Luck!!!

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
I bet big Pharma will try to trick you into taking something to help you condition. Don't do it. It's all a big scam.

I bet you've got all kinds of artistic inspiration thought, right? What's next on the hit parade:

"Ouch, My Sack"
"My ball done hurt me"
"Left one won't leave me 'lone"
"My hernia feels like her-knee aaaaaaahhhhhhh!"


took the red pill
the blues?

what do you sing about, your failed pyramid schemes?
No pyramid schemes. I really don't give a **** about any of that stuff any longer. I've become a christian again. I don't push it on people, I pray for what I need and that's about it. I take meds when I need them, I just think there's a lot of bull**** as far as passing meds that do more damage than good. New drug - celetran - allergy suffering is no longer with celetran. Might cause (stroke, heart attack, thrombosis, viral infection, hernai, cataracts, bowel obstruction, etc...)

There comes a time in your life where you are so preoccupied with what you think you need, it consumes you and you miss out. I've been focusing more on the small things like my baby girl, well almost 2 now. I could give 2 ****s about the next guitar or bigger house. Haven't watched TV in months.

Inner peace is what I'm after. I go to work, come home, help my wife and play with my daughter. If I'm not doing that, I'm at my other daughters house who's 12 now, involved as I can be with what she's going on. If there's any free time left, I'm writing music and practicing. That's my life.

However, music is my passion and to not be able to sing really sucks.

I'm not the best singer, but it fits the music I play.

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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Get a second opinion. I'm surprised you haven't already.

Oh, and the company I work for makes the reconstructive meshes used in hernia operations. Thanks for keeping me employed.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Woke up this morning had them hernia blues
Woke up this morning had them hernia blues
I cried and peed a little bit when I tied my shoes

Come on momma now, turn that lamp down low
I said, come on momma now, turn that lamp down low
I've fallen off the toilet and I need your help fo' sho'.........

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Inguinal hernia's are no joke. It will get worse. I had one when I was 10. I couldn't figure out why my right nut would swell to the size of a softball...I thought that's what they referred to as "growing pains"...well it wasn't.

Once you pass the age of 12 it's strongly recommended that if one side starts up, get the procedure done for both.

Sack up and ....uh...heh....just git 'er dun.


Nov 13, 2007
Are you talking with your PCP or a surgeon? If you haven’t been talking with a surgeon get your doctor to refer you to one. Though if it’s not actually poking through he may be right and they can’t do anything, at least for the time being. I’m not an expert though. If you do go in for an operation, see if you can get laparoscopic, I believe there’s less side effects…


took the red pill
Are you talking with your PCP or a surgeon? If you haven’t been talking with a surgeon get your doctor to refer you to one. Though if it’s not actually poking through he may be right and they can’t do anything, at least for the time being. I’m not an expert though. If you do go in for an operation, see if you can get laparoscopic, I believe there’s less side effects…

I'll do whatever will fix it. I'll walk around with a banana up my ass if that will fix it. My pcp said they don't do anything for hernias. It's my PCP I've been talking to. I don't have fear about this. I've had a hernia on the other side when I was 12, undescended testicle, tonsils, shoulder operation. Knee operation. About 17 different broken bones. I'm no stranger being horizontal on the gerney

I've researched a little and read that that mesh sh*t causes all kinds of problems, but I don't know. I just don't want to have to take 12 ibuprophrens a day for the rest of my life.

So, I'll perhaps see the pcp for a 3rd time about it. If she still decides to do nothing, then I'll find a new doc.
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Knucks, if your PCP is telling you they don't do anything for hernias, you might want to look into malpractice because that b*tch has NO IDEA what she's talking about. Definitely time to find a new PCP.


Nov 13, 2007
I'll do whatever will fix it. I'll walk around with a banana up my ass if that will fix it. My pcp said they don't do anything for hernias.

I've researched a little and read that that mesh sh*t causes all kinds of problems, but I don't know. I just don't want to have to take 12 ibuprophrens a day for the rest of my life.

So, I'll perhaps see the pcp for a 3rd time about it. If she still decides to do nothing, then I'll find a new doc.
If I had a dime for every time...never mind. There's a ton of bad information out there. The operation has gone a long way just in the past 5 years. You can be up and moving around in 3ish days with the current mesh. JonKranked may be able to correct me on this but failure with mesh is like 2-3%. A surgeon will probably tell you that you can resume normal activities in 1-2 weeks, which is a bit optimistic. I’d double the number. Side effects can be un pleasant, (read: junk may turn black, kinda like a black eye except more personal) and you’ll get prescription meds. If you’re in pain I would get it sorted, they really don’t ‘get better.’ Just get a surgeons opinion!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Failure on our current meshes is really low, I think around the 2% you mentioned. Can't speak on meshes from other companies. Supposedly some of the new ones are even more reliable.

FWIW, most of the mesh failures are caused by patients being too active too soon. Very rarely will the mesh fail on its own.


Nov 13, 2007
What I meant was I was raised Christian, but was turned off of it for a while. I'm just talking about more inner peace since I've started praying and believing again.

Now someone said "your junk may turn black"

You mean my poop or my johnson :shocked:
Thee ol' trouser trout or both if your hungover, but it's best not to drink before an opperation. I think this is more an issue with open (as opposed to laparoscopic). It’s concerning to look at but it’s just bruising and excess fluid. Both are hard to avoid any operation. It doesn’t happen every time though. Shouldn’t really add to any excess un-comfort, short of the physiological effect.

Now if they nick the baby maker tube, well then all bets are off (just kidding).


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Knucks, if your PCP is telling you they don't do anything for hernias, you might want to look into malpractice because that b*tch has NO IDEA what she's talking about. Definitely time to find a new PCP.
not all hernias require or should be treated with surgery. stop talking out of YOUR ass.


took the red pill
Well F*ck it, let's get into it.

I accept Christ as my savior. There is no way direct to God and Heaven except through the belief and release of ones life to Christ. If you don't, your going to go to hell.

Think hell is not real, think again. Also to just accept Christ is not enough, you must go out and spread the good news to others. This is what God wants. What God does not want, is what is happening right now in this country. Deceit, lies, greed and selfishness. God will flatten the place if we don't wake up to what's really important.

Think there's no God? Well what's keeping your heart beating? What's replacing 1 million cells per second? What's keeping these cells that make you up decide to stick around for another day? If that's not God or an aspect of God, I don't know what is.

I use to believe this stuff was rubbish. But all I can say is that since I've changed my life in respect to putting God first, and praying a lot, things have become a lot better.

Now the hernia. I went to the doc for something else, I forget? Maybe viagra? The pain was not that bad. I mentioned it, and she took a look and gazed inside me with her x-ray vision and determined it was a hernia.

I went back a second time and explained the pain was in my nut. She did another exam with her x-ray vision and ruled out testicle cancer. This was all I was concerned with. She stated that such a hernia is not operated on and that's about all I recall.

Now the pain is bad, or annoying enough to prevent me from running, cycling and I was in enough pain last night to use F'N ice on it. I don't like having to use ice or heat or any of that crap that my nurse wife recommended. I want it fixed. I don't want F'N ice.

So I'll give the doc 1 more chance, then I find another doc.
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Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
I accept Christ as my savior. There is no way direct to God and Heaven except through the belief and release of ones life to Christ. If you don't, your going to go to hell.

Think hell is not real, think again. Also to just accept Christ is not enough, you must go out and spread the good news to others. This is what God wants. What God does not want, is what is happening right now in this country. Deceit, lies, greed and selfishness. God will flatten the place if we don't wake up to what's really important.

Think there's no God? Well what's keeping your heart beating? What's replacing 1 million cells per second? What's keeping these cells that make you up decide to stick around for another day? If that's not God or an aspect of God, I don't know what is.

I use to believe this stuff was rubbish. But all I can say is that since I've changed my life in respect to putting God first, and praying a lot, things have become a lot better.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
not all hernias require or should be treated with surgery. stop talking out of YOUR ass.
I know that not all hernias require surgery. There's a big difference between not having surgery and doing nothing. In case you misread what I said:

Knucks, if your PCP is telling you they don't do anything for hernias, you might want to look into malpractice because that b*tch has NO IDEA what she's talking about. Definitely time to find a new PCP.

edit: and I did misspeak on one thing; it wouldn't be malpractice. It would be negligence.
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took the red pill
9 minutes from not wanting to push your beliefs on others, to that?? :hmm:

This isn't bad.
I'm just messin with you guys on the Christian stuff. All I know is this. I know lots of Christian people that are active participants in the religion and they have a glow of happiness about them. Perhaps it's not going to help me. But all I can say is that I've been praying and I've been seeing results. Gradual but good.

Thanks for the comments on the tunes. I do a diverse number of blues songs as I don't like the typical I IV V stuff.

Blues is like listening to "you shook me all night long" over and over. Makes you want to take a bullet to the cortex. So it's my goal to play a little blues and slide and push it in the direction of a more modern style. Sort of like when Days of the new were around. They sort of had that edgy modern acoustic style to them. That's sort of my vision with the slide guitar.

Resos are cool instruments, you can get a vast array of sounds out of them depending on how you play the tthings. Plus they are indestructable (to an extent)

Reso vs. Wall, reso wins.

So willing the hernia away wont work huh? :think:


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Well F*ck it, let's get into it.

I accept Christ as my savior. There is no way direct to God and Heaven except through the belief and release of ones life to Christ. If you don't, your going to go to hell.

Think hell is not real, think again. Also to just accept Christ is not enough, you must go out and spread the good news to others. This is what God wants. What God does not want, is what is happening right now in this country. Deceit, lies, greed and selfishness. God will flatten the place if we don't wake up to what's really important.

Think there's no God? Well what's keeping your heart beating? What's replacing 1 million cells per second? What's keeping these cells that make you up decide to stick around for another day? If that's not God or an aspect of God, I don't know what is.

I use to believe this stuff was rubbish. But all I can say is that since I've changed my life in respect to putting God first, and praying a lot, things have become a lot better.
you are a great spokesman, mr. tinfoil hat.
I'm convinced. :rolleyes: