
Is this guy for real?


Nam I am
Looks more like a Hi-jacked account.

1) the Deals are tooo good to be true
2) All the autions are kept private
3) look at the guys feed back , he is usually buying , sells very little
4) look at his feedback He never sells or buys Bike stuff.
edit : added #5
5) He just changed his ID !

THis is most definatly a Hi jacked account.


Echo said:
Hmm, looks like someone is breaching some dealer agreements, thanks for the heads up :thumb:

So you're the dealer agreement police too??? You wear many hats bro. :think: :D


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Ahahahahaha! Did anyone else check out www.akron-bike.com?

Check out the picture of the storefront. Then, after you get done laughing at the MS Paint rendering of the sign, go to the customer comments in the "About Us" link. How about that dude in Australia getting his bike delivered in 3 days! :D


What's funny is the American feedback is the only one with crap grammar and sentence structure. That is fast to Australia. It may have been the same one that I heard about in Asia last night on the news. Reporter chick was talking about China making wine and then started talking about other countries like Australia doing this before in Asia. Apparently geography was not a pre-requisite course there.