
is this "healthy food?"


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
OK, so, i'm trying to drastically change the way I eat. I'm coming off of microwave pizza, chicken nuggets, and french fries as a daily diet.

For dinner tonight, I make beef stir-fry with onions, garlic, teriaki sauce, and cooked in Canola Oil. I had some garlic bread, and 1/5 (supposed to be 1/4th, but my cutting was off :)) of a canteloupe (sp?) would that be considered a "healthy" dinner? I have also been snacking on apples, grapes and fruit snacks, instead of potato chips. I know there are a lot of health nuts out there, lets hear what you have to say ;)



find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
That sounds like a good start.

No reason to be a health nut. Everything in moderation, and you'll not only be fine, but you'll be happy as well :D


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Originally posted by Silver
That sounds like a good start.

No reason to be a health nut. Everything in moderation, and you'll not only be fine, but you'll be happy as well :D
I'm not turning into a health nut, just eating better :)


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
sounds good to me man.
Most guys our age eat nothing but fastfood and microwave dinners. Your already ahead of the game if you cut that crap out and eat like you just did all the time.
Me personaly...i haven't eaten fast food (or drank coffee) in almost two years:D (except Dicks Drive-In in seattle once or twice, but thats like fine dinning.)


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
i think that sounds like a fine meal. "fruit snacks" are dubious, but the real fruit is perfectly suited for snacking, as long as you don't down a carton of peaches or the like. :D


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Originally posted by Toshi
i think that sounds like a fine meal. "fruit snacks" are dubious, but the real fruit is perfectly suited for snacking, as long as you don't down a carton of peaches or the like. :D
Is it bad to take a can of fruit, dump out the fruit and drink the syrup? I was counting that as a fruit serving...


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
If you are having a hard time finding the bad foods you eat, write it all down. Write everything you eat down. I guarntee you'll figure out what you should not be eating.

My killer is soda. Man I love soda. It has been 2 months now of 1 can a day if that, and drinking lots more water. I drink gatoraide while playing basketball. Eating out is a HUGE, I can't even say how HUGE it is. Take a look at mcdonalds health facts or taco bell. It will amaze you. 1 whopper can have like 40grams of fat. Hell atleast if you buy hamburger and cook it, making your own you'll get a fraction of that. Also by cooking you get a much better grade of food.

Fruit is good except it gives me gas. All the fiber etc... My calories are fine, it's the fat and salt you gotta watch out for.

Good luck though, people on the monkey are good at health advice, it's a lifestyle change so hopefully you'll learn to go slow and ease into it.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by BigMike
OK, so, i'm trying to drastically change the way I eat. I'm coming off of microwave pizza, chicken nuggets, and french fries as a daily diet.

For dinner tonight, I make beef stir-fry with onions, garlic, teriaki sauce, and cooked in Canola Oil. I had some garlic bread, and 1/5 (supposed to be 1/4th, but my cutting was off :)) of a canteloupe (sp?) would that be considered a "healthy" dinner? I have also been snacking on apples, grapes and fruit snacks, instead of potato chips. I know there are a lot of health nuts out there, lets hear what you have to say ;)

It's not bad! If you wanted to be a health nut, I'd tell you to look out for the teriyaki sauce because it can contain a lot of calories, and the garlic bread could be bad if it was doused in butter and cheese. ;)

Fruit snacks can contain a lot of sugar and calories, so go easy on them. Eat a bag of dried fruit, and you'll eat more calories than you would if you ate potato chips (granted, the fruit is fat free).


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Originally posted by I Are Baboon
It's not bad! If you wanted to be a health nut, I'd tell you to look out for the teriyaki sauce because it can contain a lot of calories, and the garlic bread could be bad if it was doused in butter and cheese. ;)

Fruit snacks can contain a lot of sugar and calories, so go easy on them. Eat a bag of dried fruit, and you'll eat more calories than you would if you ate potato chips (granted, the fruit is fat free).
No, the garlic bread is the best ever! It came from Price Club, they sell it in two loaf bags. Its like italian bread, but with cloves of garlic in it. Its got other stuff too, I just cant remember what. But now I'm goign to go have some!

and oh yeah, i've been keeping up with the healthy ish thing. I've only had some microwave pizza's for lunch in a pinch :)


Jan 2, 2004
South Bay, CA
Two snaps for BigMike for eating healthier. Don't forget to have balanced meals though... I noticed no dairy... you need that milk and calcium stuff for strong bones. I know you're not 5-years old or a girl for that matter but those vitamins are still important, especially if youre planning on starting or stepping up your exercise program. Mountain bikers need strong bones to survive crashes! Anyways, try to throw in some low-fat yogurt which is high in protein too!



Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Originally posted by mudhunny
Two snaps for BigMike for eating healthier. Don't forget to have balanced meals though... I noticed no dairy... you need that milk and calcium stuff for strong bones. I know you're not 5-years old or a girl for that matter but those vitamins are still important, especially if youre planning on starting or stepping up your exercise program. Mountain bikers need strong bones to survive crashes! Anyways, try to throw in some low-fat yogurt which is high in protein too!


Thanks. Yeah, i havent drank milk in years, but I just started to this week (well, chocolate milk, but milk non the less :)) I also have grilled cheese somtimes, and yeah, i'm in college, so, pizza is unavoidable

I've been doing pretty well with this change to healthier food, I've been sticking pretty much to it, except tonight is my roommates birthday party, so there is going to be a lot of chips and bad for you food

but hey, what fun is it if I cant have a slip up day ;)