
Italian sausage grinders.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!

Batard, French, or Sub loaf. Whichever you prefer. Cut the bitch in half. put some sliced provolone on one half of the loaf. Grill some sausage patties. I prefer Gianellis sweet from Syracuse NY (available at Wegmans). In a pan saute some peppers and onions. Cut those patties in half after they have rested on the plate. Add them to the loaf along with the peppers and onions. Add a sweet spicy bbq sauce if you have it on hand. Banana peppers are good too.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I had a sausage off with my neighbor. He is from Wisconsin which I had heard has some good sausages. His weapon was Millies Italian Sausage from Milwaukee. He used soft hotdog rolls from some bakery from Chicago also. No cheese, peppers, or onions. He used chopped up generic Gardiniera. He also used Celery salt. He made a plate of six and so did I. Pretty confident I kicked his ass. Mine were all gone and he had 2 left. Folks just didn't like the Gardiniera. His sausages were coarsely ground and of a poor quality. Very greasy. The casing that wasn't scorched was chewy. The spice combo for his was Parsely and Onion with Marjoram. Mine was Salt, Pepper, Garlic, Paprika, and Onion. Everyone agreed mine were better. Bet was a six pack of Leinenkugels Creamy Dark (very good by the way...) for a 12 pack of Genesee Bock (not so good) and a trip to the Bongshed....