
It's official, Pot makes you stupid...


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
if your frat house is right next to a coffee shop parking lot where cops frequently sit to write reports/check email (free wifi :D ), would it be wise to have a clambake every night with the windows open?
my capt. pulled me aside tonight and asked me to check on this address that has been smoking up so much that customers leaving the coffee shop have called the PD to complain about the residual smoke blowing across the parking lot from 2 houses away.

so anyway, here i sit, in the same parking lot , downwind from that house and lo and behold i'm getting the munchies .
i went over to talk to the kids and explain the situation. i don't believe they're dealing, just smoking a buttload of pot so i gave them the option of trashing whatever was left in the house or i could just lock the place down on the plain view doctrine, get a search warrant and then end up arresting someone for what would probably end up as simple possession. they opted for the first option and surrendered the little amount that hadn't been smoked already and promised to be more discreet in the future. (since i know it's pointless trying to give the "say no to drugs" speach to a bunch of college kids with mushroom paraphernalia all over the place :rolleyes: )

so having never smoked pot myself, does it make you think that no one can smell it or something? i mean, no one is going to freak out if you smoke a blunt every now and then......but the amount that was coming out of that house was rediculous!
eh...college kids :rolleyes:

i really don't even know why i'm telling you all this.....i try to focus my efforts on dealers but this just perplexes me i guess.

The Amish

Dumber than N8
Feb 22, 2005
manimal said:
if your frat house is right next to a coffee shop parking lot where cops frequently sit to write reports/check email (free wifi :D ), would it be wise to have a clambake every night with the windows open?
my capt. pulled me aside tonight and asked me to check on this address that has been smoking up so much that customers leaving the coffee shop have called the PD to complain about the residual smoke blowing across the parking lot from 2 houses away.

so anyway, here i sit, in the same parking lot , downwind from that house and lo and behold i'm getting the munchies .
i went over to talk to the kids and explain the situation. i don't believe they're dealing, just smoking a buttload of pot so i gave them the option of trashing whatever was left in the house or i could just lock the place down on the plain view doctrine, get a search warrant and then end up arresting someone for what would probably end up as simple possession. they opted for the first option and surrendered the little amount that hadn't been smoked already and promised to be more discreet in the future. (since i know it's pointless trying to give the "say no to drugs" speach to a bunch of college kids with mushroom paraphernalia all over the place :rolleyes: )

so having never smoked pot myself, does it make you think that no one can smell it or something? i mean, no one is going to freak out if you smoke a blunt every now and then......but the amount that was coming out of that house was rediculous!
eh...college kids :rolleyes:

i really don't even know why i'm telling you all this.....i try to focus my efforts on dealers but this just perplexes me i guess.
Your one cool :oink:

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Did they make you any Yager mushroom tea?
I tried that one time back when I was dumber than now, and I stared at a ceiling fan for 5 hours.
Sounds boring, but it wasn't.
Damn teenagers. :)

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
it probably would have been quite funny if they were tripping at the time when you talked to them. some people that my friend knows were tripping on shrooms one time and they freaked out for 2 hours because they thought the predator was in the room with them. and ive had a friend who thought he was a pterodactyl when he was on something else. i only heard about this stuff so i kind of wish i could have seen it to get the full effect. i really should just start following some of my stoner friends with a camera.


Transcend said:
Smart kids. Their parents savings are obviously being well spent.
Some kids pay for their own college in America, ya frikkin' Kanuck. :D


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Before I left CO, it seemed all the brilliant ones were drinking themselves to death.

The process of weeding out....


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
stevew said:
The process of weeding out....
is that a pun? :D

and about the incense....they had it burning strong, but you really can't hide it, especially when you leave the dime bag on the table :help:

...i am friggin hungry now though :confused:

i met a guy leaving a club in orlando (home town) that frantically asked me what time it was because he said his watch melted. i started moving erratically and speaking slow then fast.....'twas a good time :thumb:

i meet a lot of strung out crack heads that have all kinds of weird crap going on in their heads, those are the ones that worry me. a stoned kid isn't usually going to be very violent.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
LordOpie said:
you've never smoked?

I've seen pictures of you bro, you look like a burner :blah:
that's just my chubby cheeks, they give the appearance of being stoned :D

would you believe that i've only been drunk twice? apparently, i riverdance very well when drunk but all i remember is that i had sore ankles the next day :confused: ;)
..and the reason i've only been drunk 2 times, quoting an old military bud: "dude! when we get back to the states i'm taking you to the clubs with me cause you're hilarious and you can talk to girls but you're ugly so i can take it from there...." luckily he was drunk when he said that so i let him slide ;)


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
manimal said:
is that a pun? :D

and about the incense....they had it burning strong, but you really can't hide it, especially when you leave the dime bag on the table :help:

...i am friggin hungry now though :confused:

i met a guy leaving a club in orlando (home town) that frantically asked me what time it was because he said his watch melted. i started moving erratically and speaking slow then fast.....'twas a good time :thumb:

i meet a lot of strung out crack heads that have all kinds of weird crap going on in their heads, those are the ones that worry me. a stoned kid isn't usually going to be very violent.
I am not going to try to convince you to smoke pot. Even if you wanted to, you could you lose your job, which would lose us our favorite :oink:.

However, one could argue the affects of liquor are much worse the marijuana. Not that pot is a harmless drug now, but the guy who is tossing back a 40 is probably worse off than the kid smoking a doobie.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
sanjuro said:
I am not going to try to convince you to smoke pot. Even if you wanted to, you could you lose your job, which would lose us our favorite :oink:.

However, one could argue the affects of liquor are much worse the marijuana. Not that pot is a harmless drug now, but the guy who is tossing back a 40 is probably worse off than the kid smoking a doobie.
Agreed. i'd much rather deal with a stoned kid than a bad drunk.


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
sanjuro said:
I am not going to try to convince you to smoke pot. Even if you wanted to, you could you lose your job, which would lose us our favorite :oink:.

However, one could argue the affects of liquor are much worse the marijuana. Not that pot is a harmless drug now, but the guy who is tossing back a 40 is probably worse off than the kid smoking a doobie.
Are you sure about that, you were more than happy to get me drunk, were as you are quite leary about me smoking put??


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2001

You have to be the coolest cop on the beat. Thanks for the story and for cutting those kids a break.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
TheMontashu said:
Are you sure about that, you were more than happy to get me drunk, were as you are quite leary about me smoking put??
teenage drinking is a crime
pot smoking is a crime
your body odor is a crime.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
spoke80 said:

You have to be the coolest cop on the beat. Thanks for the story and for cutting those kids a break.
werd. i always try to give a break for minor stuff THE FIRST TIME. if i catch them again, it'll be a different story. not like i think they're going to quit or anything, it's just the fact that i let them slide once. "don't mistake my kindness for weakness" <---- motto i try to live by. as long as they're straight up and honest w/ me i'll be fair and understanding, but try and screw me over or fool me and tubby can turn into a grade A prick. :devil:

"mushroom paraphernalia" = big blanket with shrooms on it hanging on the wall and black light incandescent shroom posters all over the place. kinda like having metallica posters on the wall....it doesn't take much detective work to figure out that the person likes metal :cool:


Apr 17, 2004
Are you sure they only had a dime bag? From the sounds of things they probably have much more. Maybe they gave up the dime bag for the good of the ounce hidden away. "Okay, you got us...here is all of it" (snicker, snicker)


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Bullitrider said:
Are you sure they only had a dime bag? From the sounds of things they probably have much more. Maybe they gave up the dime bag for the good of the ounce hidden away. "Okay, you got us...here is all of it" (snicker, snicker)

manimal said:
..surrendered the little amount that hadn't been smoked already
i got a dimebag PLUS the empty bags that were on the table and i wasn't really feeling like a full blown search. afterall, they knew they were busted....i was happy as long as they weren't dealing and i pretty much ruled that out after talking with them.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Bullitrider said:
Are you sure they only had a dime bag? From the sounds of things they probably have much more. Maybe they gave up the dime bag for the good of the ounce hidden away. "Okay, you got us...here is all of it" (snicker, snicker)
What was he going to do, call in the DEA and the State Police to do a top-to-bottom search, sans warrant?