
Jamie Goldman Chimes in from Jump Ship!


News & Reviews
Jun 26, 2009

Santa Cruz rider Jamie Goldman has been providing some great first hand event coverage, and his latest work comes on the heels of the dirt jumps on a barge event hosted by Jordie Lunn and aptly named Jump Ship. Read on!

Words by Jamie Goldman
Photos by Jordan Insley

Crowds filled the harbor of Victoria last weekend for Jordie Lunn's Jump Ship dirt jump comp. The course was technical thus being very entertaining for the riders as well as the spectators. The atmosphere was incredible, pontoon planes landing and taking off every few minutes, boats, sea gulls, and even a boat of pirates showed up for the festivities. It was classic.

Prior to the event I think that most of the riders had thought it would be rather sketchy riding on the water. But the barge was actually rather stable, and the only movement that we could actually feel was the slight wobble of the scaffolding start drop as someone rolled off. Since we were in a harbor, there were no waves and the wakes that came through from small boats were no match for the size of the massive barge. After the first few minutes standing on the barge, I know that my mind was set to ease.

Best trick was first on the menu and I couldn't wait. The first jump was so much fun and I couldn't wait to throw some tricks for the massive crowd that gathered. I got a flip nac, flip tuck, and flip indian air on my runs and was super stoked. Casey Groves was throwing down as well, nailing some of the most technical tricks I've seen in a while, most notably his tuck no hand to tailwhip!! But it was Mike Montgomery that stole the show. With a huge 720 on the first jump followed up by a flair over the channel gap, no one could argue he was the man of the hour. Congrats buddy.

Day 2 was underway and the crowd had grown even larger. The beer garden was selling out as truck after truck arrived with kegs, you could tell the spectators were getting rowdy! One guy managed to scale onto the barge and attempted to dive into the harbor but was caught by security moments before his lift off. Ohhhhh, drunk people, they always think they are so sneaky. Qualifiers were underway shortly after. The format was best run of three, which was very helpful for some people because the headwind became difficult at some points during the event. Top 10 proceeded to finals best of 2 runs. It started off rather slowly in finals but by the end it was getting intense. I blew my foot of on my first run and didn't make it through the rest of the set. Frustrated, I was ready to try and throw it down on my final run but tagged a little case on my flip nac and missed my second trick. I continued through the line but these days if you're not tricking every obstacle you'd better kiss your podium spot goodbye.

The show ended with a bang as Mike and Brandon were the last 2 riders to drop. Mikes 1st run didn't work out so the pressure was on, he dropped in and nailed his run! The crowd went wild. Putting together the top run hands down so far, Brandon has his work cut out for him. Everyone was watching closely as Brandon scaled up the scaffolding, we all knew Brandon was about to get rowdy. Flip, 3x, oppo 3, truck, and a tailwhip over the channel. With a giant roar from the crowd Brandon flipped his bike into the air and raised his arms. Vulnerable and in the moment, Brandon had no clue what was about to happen. A group of riders flew him through the air and into the giant pool that was on the barge, and that's how you know… you've won. Congrats Brandon! A podium later the top 5 was revealed and the long night of partying began. Thanks again to Jordie for producing another top notch comp. I can't wait until next year. See you all in Highland. -Jamie Goldman

1.Brandon Semenuk
2.Mike Montgomery
3.Mitch Chubey
4.Geoff Gulevitch
5.Casey Groves
6.Anthony Messere
7.Scott Grant
8.Tyler McCaul
9.Jamie Goldman
10.Kurt Sorge

Thanks to the Syndicate Sponsors:
Gore® RideOn™ Cable Systems

And Jamie's personal sponsors:
Monster Energy
Globe shoes
Jett clothing
Trick x protection​

