
Jesus Christ, Hollywood Superstar?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
I am very excited to see it, however I do not like big crowds so I will wait a week or so to go view it.......


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by I Are Baboon
Sit in a roomfull of 300 Jesus freaks? No thanks. I'd go to church if I wanted to experience that.
yes, but you can't get popcorn in a church, can you?? Go see Starsky and Hutch... Hutch looks and acts a bit like jesus, so you can just pretend :D

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by N8
There is certianly a lot of hype about it. It looks as bloody as Scareface though.
What is it with Mel Gibson and the bloodshed? First Braveheart, now this. Those are the only two films he's directed, right?

*quick research* Oh yeah, "The Man Without a Face" too. We all know what a big hit THAT one was.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
I don't get it... the very people who decry Hollywood for making violent, gore-fest movies is embrasing this one... weird.

Its just a movie... like The Hulk.


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by N8
I don't get it... the very people who decry Hollywood for making violent, gore-fest movies is embrasing this one... weird.

Its just a movie... like The Hulk.
I never saw the Hulk, but I have a hard time believing this movie will be anywhere near as bad and I'd sooner see this Jew-Hating movie than that piece of crap :devil:

Starsky & Hutch... good flick, saw it last weekend :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
Originally posted by N8
I don't get it... the very people who decry Hollywood for making violent, gore-fest movies is embrasing this one... weird.
That goes in both directions, people who had nothing to say about Natural Born Killers are very set against the level of violence in The Passion.

Originally posted by LordOpie
I never saw the Hulk, but I have a hard time believing this movie will be anywhere near as bad and I'd sooner see this Jew-Hating movie than that piece of crap :devil:
I don't think you should come to any pre-decisions on if the movie does portray negativity to the JEWISH NATION until you see the film.


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by zod
That goes in both directions, people who had nothing to say about Natural Born Killers are very set against the level of violence in The Passion.
I'm calling you out on that one :rolleyes: I want you to find just one source where anyone says that a movie like NBK's violence level is ok, but passion's isn't.

EDIT: Oh, I know you didn't say NBK was ok, but you implied silence was tantamount to approval.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Originally posted by I Are Baboon
What is it with Mel Gibson and the bloodshed? First Braveheart, now this. Those are the only two films he's directed, right?

*quick research* Oh yeah, "The Man Without a Face" too. We all know what a big hit THAT one was.
Did he do that one where it was basically Braveheart in the American Revolution? The one where he (single handedly) massacred a group of red coats with a hatchet...

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by Tenchiro
Did he do that one where it was basically Braveheart in the American Revolution? The one where he (single handedly) massacred a group of red coats with a hatchet...
"The Patriot"? No, I think he only starred in that one. He and Health Ledger.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
I was wondering if the Passion-o-Christ is as anti Jewish as some claim. Has any of the Jew Krewe seen it?

If not, perhaps they are as bad as the christians who protested against the Last Temptation-o-Christ without ever seeing it for themselves...


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Originally posted by N8
I was wondering if the Passion-o-Christ is as anti Jewish as some claim. Has any of the Jew Krewe seen it?

If not, perhaps they are as bad as the christians who protested against the Last Temptation-o-Christ without ever seeing it for themselves...
I remember like two months before it had come out and nobody had seen it. There were Jewish groups whining about it. But all they really did is call more attention to it.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Originally posted by I Are Baboon
"If Jesus actually received the amount of punishment dished out in this film, he would have been dead three times over before arriving at Calvary. "

I didn't know movie critics were also doctor's...............:rolleyes:


Oct 17, 2002
haven't seen it, not gonna see it, don't care about it. Honestly, I saw some pictures and thought, as a movie, it's just not for me... it does look violent. I think I'll start a thread about that :)

What I heard was that gibson edited the movie, removed the most potentially offensive stuff. So while some may claim that the Jews were just whining, they did have a positive influence.

It does NOT matter if y'all are reasonable and intelligent people... you know darn well there are a lot of morons out there who will leave that movie thinking it's the gospel straight from G-d himself.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
Originally posted by LordOpie
It does NOT matter if y'all are reasonable and intelligent people... you know darn well there are a lot of morons out there who will leave that movie thinking it's the gospel straight from G-d himself.
That is what I am really interested to see, is how true to the Gospel it is. Sadly many will as you said take it as Gospel......eventhough they MAY have never even read the Gospel. For their sakes I hope Gibson kept to the Word and didn't use too much artistic license


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Originally posted by LordOpie
It does NOT matter if y'all are reasonable and intelligent people... you know darn well there are a lot of morons out there who will leave that movie thinking it's the gospel straight from G-d himself.
I think the Gospels are from God (inspired by God and without error as orginally transcribed), does that make me a moron?

So what if I do believe the Gospels were written under the inspiration of God (as I believe the Old Testament was too). How in any way does that translate to "Jew hater"? That is not the story of the Gospels ("Jew hating").

Have you read the gospels LordOpie(this is not an effort to "convert" you but to educate)? If you have I can't understand how you come to the conclusion that the story of the gospels equals "Jew hating". If you haven't then your just demonstrating your ignorance of a religon other than your own.

I'll admit I had some preconceived notions about Judaism (none were hateful though) until I studied (and continue to do so) the Torah, Talmud and learn to read and speak Hebrew. I would encourage you to do the same if you really want to find out if Christianity is "Jew hating".


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by Andyman_1970
I think the Gospels are from God (inspired by God and without error as orginally transcribed), does that make me a moron?
No, but misunderstanding the question gets you a little way there...:devil:


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by fluff
No, but misunderstanding the question gets you a little way there...:devil:
Originally posted by fluff
As I read it the reference was to people coming out of the movie thinking the movie was the inspired work of God..

Not the same thing IMO.
If you ever come to the states, I'm gonna have to buy you a beer.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Originally posted by LordOpie
I'm calling you out on that one :rolleyes: I want you to find just one source where anyone says that a movie like NBK's violence level is ok, but passion's isn't.

EDIT: Oh, I know you didn't say NBK was ok, but you implied silence was tantamount to approval.
OWEN GLEIBERMAN film critic, Entertainment Weekly

Natural Born Killers -- The tale of two brashly hellbent outlaws who turn mass murder into a kind of bloody channel surfing, Oliver Stone's brilliant, hypnotic, revolutionary head trip is the spectacle of our time, a Moebius strip of madness, mayhem, and hallucinatory pop imagery that flows into your head and then back again.
Oliver Stone -- see above.
Ten Best: Natural Born Killers, Boogie Nights, Saving Private Ryan, Pulp Fiction, Ed Wood, The Sweet Hereafter, Titanic, The Player, Dazed and Confused, Breaking the Waves
too many bashing reviews to post. I can't find an Owen review w/o having to pay for it - and i certainly wouldn't want to presuppose what he said w/o having read it.

that would be judgmental. And you certainly would call me out on that, because - after all - you're on balance.


May 14, 2003
Santa Barbara county
Now, finally, Christians can cash in on the people who have been waiting all these years for the new testmeant to come out on video!

I haven't seen it, but I heard that Gibson makes Pilate, the man with the ultimate authority at the time, look like an unwilling player getting his arm twisted. Give me a break- the Romans didn't take crap from anybody. He was in charge, it was his deal- not "the jews" as a huge collective entity (although i'm sure some people who are Jewish helped). One of the big complaints about Gibson is he potrayed the Jews as a huge bloodthirsty mob, while the Catholic Church guidelines were to potray the Jews as a "small crowd".

To Andyman: If the NT was written without flaw, why do they offer different accounts of Jesus' death, and differ in so many details? Why did God even offer 4 stories (well, actually more, but only 4 made the official cut and survive today) of the same event? Wouldn't one good one have been better?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
Originally posted by towelie
I haven't seen it, but I heard that Gibson makes Pilate, the man with the ultimate authority at the time, look like an unwilling player getting his arm twisted.
Have you read the Gospel? He tried multiple times to persuade the crowds away from an execution. He saw nothing wrong with Jesus and did not want to kill him. I have toyed with the idea that Pilot himself was a closet believer. He tried to have him not killed for one. He prolonged his life until the crowd grew weary and King Harrod showed disapporval to the Roman Empire. Then when one of the guards wished to mark out "King of the Jews" from the sign placed over his head Pilot would not allow it. Saying something to the effect of (and this is off the top of my head) "Let it say what it says." If nothing else when I read the Gospel I defintly see signs that Pilot felt sympathetic towards Jesus.

Originally posted by towelie
Give me a break- the Romans didn't take crap from anybody. He was in charge, it was his deal- not "the jews" as a huge collective entity (although i'm sure some people who are Jewish helped).
If the movie follows the Gospel I think you will see the the Jewish nation is not a responsible party in the death of Jesus. The ruling high preists were the ones who plotted his death, but in no way is the movement of a few damning to Jews as a whole.

Originally posted by towelie
One of the big complaints about Gibson is he potrayed the Jews as a huge bloodthirsty mob, while the Catholic Church guidelines were to potray the Jews as a "small crowd".
The crowd is described as just that in the Bible, a crowd... How big were they? Who knows? Were they bloodthirsy, yes. They yelled to have him crucified. Were they mainly Jews, yes. Big deal, so was Jesus and once again the actions of a few do not make Jews as a people responsible. It's a silly argument anyhow, God's will would be done. Pilot, Judas, Caephas, The crowds, Annus, all controlled by God. Jesus was destined to die way back in the Old Testament days.

Originally posted by towelie
To Andyman: If the NT was written without flaw, why do they offer different accounts of Jesus' death, and differ in so many details? Why did God even offer 4 stories (well, actually more, but only 4 made the official cut and survive today) of the same event? Wouldn't one good one have been better?
Great question, God works in mysterious ways, maybe something was to be learned from all of them. There are differences but the end effect is the same and that's the most important part of the Gospels


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Originally posted by towelie
To Andyman: If the NT was written without flaw, why do they offer different accounts of Jesus' death, and differ in so many details? Why did God even offer 4 stories (well, actually more, but only 4 made the official cut and survive today) of the same event? Wouldn't one good one have been better?
I don't have a clue, maybe it was to get 4 different points of view.

Each of the Gospels have different "purposes". Matthew is directed at Jews and showing how Jesus is the Messiah. Mark is generally thought to be writing to an audience in Rome to prepare them for the presecution that will come. Luke (my favorite gospel) writes to a guy name Theopilus and says in the first chapter "that you may know the certainty of things that were taught". Scholars think John wrote his gospel with a gentile audience in mind.

It's the same story from 4 different points of view with 4 different intended audiences.

Actually I think if there was only one gospel it would be easier for skeptics to attempt to refute. With 4 written a different times, by different authors in different places that essentially tells the same story lends to it's authenticity.

Anyway good question...............


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I said it before, and I'll say it again.

I already know how it ends :D

I don't have a problem with the violence in it, but I do have a problem with (not all, but just the Christians) who scream about violence in movies, and then think it's A-OK to bring a kid to this just because it is based on the Bible.

Would you watch a movie where Lot's daughters get him drunk and have sex with him? That's based on the bible as well, y'know. Personally I think that section reads like a porno more than anything else.

And yeah, Mel Gibson's done some pretty gory movies. I think the mace scene in Bravehart was one of the only times I almost got physically sick watching a film.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Originally posted by Silver
Would you watch a movie where Lot's daughters get him drunk and have sex with him? That's based on the bible as well, y'know. Personally I think that section reads like a porno more than anything else.
Can you say Olsen twins?!? :devil: :monkey:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
You guys are all suckers and have been duped. Everybody in the know realizes that the Passion is actually another sequel in the Matrix series. Suckers...