
Jobs puts Adobe in their place!!!!!


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Jobs said the his beef with Flash comes down to six points:

-He said Flash is proprietary and while Apple has its own closed products, it supports open web standards such as HTML5, CSS and Javascript.

-Apple is encouraging many websites to encode in H.264, which can be seen on the iPhone and iPad's Safari browser. He said while Flash games won't work on the iPhone OS, he said there are 50,000 games in the App Store.

-Flash has security problems and is the number one cause for Mac crashes, Jobs said. He said Adobe still hasn't shown Flash can work well on a mobile device.

-Flash is a battery hog which doesn't work well with mobile devices, said Jobs. He said users can get twice the battery life watching H.264 videos than Flash video.

-Jobs said as mobile goes to touch, Flash isn't designed to support it. That would force many developers to re-write sites. So why not make the move to HTML5 then, he asks.

And finally, Jobs said most importantly, he's opposed to allowing developers to use Flash to create iPhone apps because it results in "sub-standard apps" and can slow the pace of app development to when Adobe updates its developer tools. He said Adobe's goal to enable cross-platform apps would lead to apps that don't take full advantage of the iPhone OS' strengths.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/techchron/detail?entry_id=62441&tsp=1#ixzz0mVv8HWeH
Fvck You Flash!@!!@#


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Jon Stewart puts Steve Jobs in his place...

"Apple - you guys were the rebels, man, the underdogs. People believed in you. But now, are you becoming the man? Remember back in 1984, you had those awesome ads about overthrowing Big Brother? Look in the mirror, man! …It wasn't supposed to be this way - Microsoft was supposed to be the evil one! But you guys are busting down doors in Palo Alto while Commandant Gates is ridding the world of mosquitoes! What the **** is going on?!
…I know that it is slightly agitating that a blog dedicated to technology published all that stuff about your new phone. And you didn't order the police to bust down the doors, right? I'd be pissed too, but you didn't have to go all Minority Report on his ass! I mean, if you wanna break down someone's door, why don't you start with AT&T, for God sakes? They make your amazing phone unusable as a phone! I mean, seriously! How do you drop four calls in a one-mile stretch of the West Side Highway! There're no buildings around! What, does the open space confuse AT&T's signal?!
…Come on, Steve. Chill out with the paranoid corporate genius stuff. Don't go all Howard Hughes on us."



Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Apple is kinda like Israel.

They were cool when they were fighting the much bigger opponent (Arab States/Microsoft). When they finally got their due, then they start picking on the little guys (Palestine/Gizmodo), making them look like the same jerk-offs they were fighting a decade earlier.


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
Also, Flash was never optimized that well for OS X. It takes twice the processing power to play flash on OS X as it does Windows. So **** em.