
Just one of those days...


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
Yesterday a couple of us went out to sandhill to get out of the cold and ride our bikes.

It was so much fun. We mainly just did laps on the 4x course, but there were also some features to hit off to the side. I brought my trail bike, as I just got a new fork and wheelset for it and was excited to try them out. But still.... the drops looked so fun. I hit one once and it felt sloppy, so I decided to hit it again... and time w/ speed!

But what happened is what happens to me occasionaly with drops... especially if i'm going a little faster. I just totally froze up. I got to the end of the drop and just let my bike drop w/out pulling up at all. I went face first into the ground. Usually I try and get up right after a crash because I get so emberassed. This time I couldn't. For a moment I thought I broke my ribs when I smashed the front of my body on my bike. I just lay there. I couldn't even take my helmet off.

I'm fine. Bruised up the side of my face (even w/ a full face helmet on) and my body is just riddled w/ swelling and bruising.

Long story short.... I'm so frustrated. Sometimes I'm ok w/ drops. Other times it's an absolute disaster. My husband just says relax and have fun and that I get too emotional about it.

Just venting. And feeling sorry for myself. Yep.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Dang, sorry to hear you got hurt. Maybe your husband is right though, maybe you are putting too much pressure on yourself. I don't know you at all, but from reading some of your posts and looking at picture, you know how to do drops and jump. Not sure why what happened happened, sometimes it just does. We have all had crashes where we instantly looked at it and said, What the hell was I doing?" Hang in there and heal up so you can get back out and ride again.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
thanks heidi. i gotta lighten up a little. riding bikes is supposed to be fun.... it shouldn't make me all glum when i screw up.
Definitely. I find that I crash less when I am just out having fun. I too freeze up sometimes when I am riding. It's weird because I will have ridden things before that I suddenly don't "feel" and I either crash or puss out and then I get even more frustrated with myself. Take care of yourself and heal up. You'll be back hitting everything with confidence in no time.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
Yeah, you really shouldn't have a bruised face while wearing a good full face helmet. Maybe it didn't fit well and your face had room to move inside your helmet.

661 Hurricane Flight (MX)
Troy Lee SE (MX)
or a Troy Lee D2 (MTB)

I've worn all of these and if fitted properly they protect excellent. I've had more than a few wrecks to try them out. :)


Jan 31, 2006
MD by way of Austin, TX
amydalayna -- sorry to hear about that! It totally sucks. Don't let it get you down!!

I can really psych myself out of things too. It seems that if I think about anything too long (you know, dwell and hesitate and worry) and stall for more than a minute, I usually crash or make a stupid mistake. I avoided this stupid root drop (which is really pretty easy) forever because of the the way it made me feel (full of dread, knots inside, whatever). (It's not a problem anymore). But I do get the same feeling about drops.

I really think there is some truth to just doing things without thinking or following someone (as hard as it can be sometimes).

Heck, I even get feelings of dread about stupid technical sections that I *always* clear and I have to remind myself "you've done this before many times, the bike will roll, get your a$$ back off the seat". That helps too. It's sort of a mantra I tell myself especially on DH runs. The whole time up the lift -- it's like saying "ohm" or something..."the bike will roll..." ;)


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
thanks guys. i feel better. i get too emotional about some stuff.

mohshee. you're right. following someone can be better. the first time i hit the drop i was following the friend. second time i went for it when no one was watching (so to not be scared of making a fool of myself) and just freaked out.

i think i just need to get drops to be more of an automatic thing. make a smaller one and hit it 1000 times until i don't even need to think about it.


Apr 15, 2005
When we took a class at Whistler with Daimiaan Skelton, she would demote us if we bolluxed something up. So if you blew a drop or jump, you'd have to demote yourself to the next level down and do that until it was automatic and you got your position, speed, etc. down, then you could move back up. I think it's a good rule of thumb. People might tell you the old cliche to "make sure you get back on the horse", but it's not so easy. I took the longest time to go back and do a dirt jump after I crashed face first when my bike bucked me up in the air. Maybe you were just reaching alittle too much and need to go back to basics. And of course there's always the case of s*** happens - some days you get lazy or careless and down you go. Something you may have done hundreds of times. Your mojo will come back!


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
Hang in there! Some days are just really off for me. I'll freeze up at places I've nailed before or not ride certain things after falling there. I think a lot of it is just not watching yourself too closely. I have trouble with this because I tend to ride with a group of fearless guys. I try not to judge myself by their standards, but by my own. Some days it's just hard to find your self confidence.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
I have trouble with this because I tend to ride with a group of fearless guys. I try not to judge myself by their standards, but by my own. Some days it's just hard to find your self confidence.

my friends all ride like rock stars. i am the big wuss. so it's hard not trying to keep up.

yesterday was

mr.amyd floating through the air..

our friend kris being all stlyee over vehicles...

and me cheering them on.


Jul 19, 2006
Shoreline, WA
I so do this too, freeze up on stuff I've cleared before, then I'm hung up on it again for another bike ride. My husband says the trick it to do the littler thing so many times that you are so bored you have no choice but to move onto the harder thing. When we are riding and I clear something, I automatically think it's time for the harder thing, but he tells me, no do it 10 more times until it's an automatic motion, then you are ready to move on...I hope that helps. Feel better soon. By the way, those drops are sweet!


Apr 15, 2005
It's hard when you're in a group where everyone else is better. You need to recruit someone who is not as good as you so you can feel better and get your confidence up! :lighten:

I would have a hard time with that and feel like I'm barely hanging in there when I ride. I don't like that feeling. Sometimes that happens when I'm having a bad day - everyone else is having a great day and bombing down. It's just the pits. :plthumbsdown:


Mar 19, 2006
Oh ouch, sorry to hear about the crash. You know, it's all a matter of perspective. You're beating yourself up because you don't think you ride as well as you want, and here I am thinking "man I wish I could ride half the stuff she does."

Be well :)


Sep 22, 2005
Issaquah, WA
Good for you for being out there with your friends and pushing yourself...if you're not crashing, you're not pushing yourself as hard as you could be...I'm amazed that you had the guts to even do the drop again...sometimes, I'll just freak out and give up!

I agree with "demoting" yourself, just for a little while until you get your body positioning and CONFIDENCE back...but it sounds like you just froze up...mountain biking is so incredibly mental.

Its funny, my fiance often accuses me of overthinking everything and encourages me to just get out there, loosen up, and have fun. Definitely a girl thing--I think we're just smarter! I have a friend who used to be a pro superX racer and he always said "you have to be a little retarded to race superX". I think that holds true with freeriding as well!

This past weekend, I turned my brain off and just rode. It actually really helped. I'm the type that will study up on proper techniques, but when it comes down to riding, its not like I'm thinking about the technique, I just ride and hope the studying sank into my subconscious. Now, I'm just babbling!


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
zoey... you are so sweet. i'm not really all that awesome. i just post pictures that make me look better. it's all in the photos.

GrapeApe, I agree. Some of the best freeriders out there seem a bit slow in the head. You hear Paul Bas or Jordie Lunn speak? Not so good. But when they ride it's soo good it's freaky.

one of my biggest problems too is that i'm too tense in my upper arms and back when i ride.... especially when i'm nervous. i don't think this helps matters. does anyone have any tips on fixing this?
Yesterday a couple of us went out to sandhill to get out of the cold and ride our bikes.

It was so much fun. We mainly just did laps on the 4x course, but there were also some features to hit off to the side. I brought my trail bike, as I just got a new fork and wheelset for it and was excited to try them out. But still.... the drops looked so fun. I hit one once and it felt sloppy, so I decided to hit it again... and time w/ speed!

But what happened is what happens to me occasionaly with drops... especially if i'm going a little faster. I just totally froze up. I got to the end of the drop and just let my bike drop w/out pulling up at all. I went face first into the ground. Usually I try and get up right after a crash because I get so emberassed. This time I couldn't. For a moment I thought I broke my ribs when I smashed the front of my body on my bike. I just lay there. I couldn't even take my helmet off.

I'm fine. Bruised up the side of my face (even w/ a full face helmet on) and my body is just riddled w/ swelling and bruising.

Long story short.... I'm so frustrated. Sometimes I'm ok w/ drops. Other times it's an absolute disaster. My husband just says relax and have fun and that I get too emotional about it.

Just venting. And feeling sorry for myself. Yep.
I have the same problem sometimes with drops, and a XC bike is very unforgiving, I like to nosedive especially when someone is filming...:disgust1:


Aug 25, 2004
nor cal
so sorry to hear about your mishap...but you shouldn't let it get you down...the thing about biking is that if you're not crashing, you're not progressing...unfortunately, it's hard to remember that shortly after the fall...

one thing I have figured out on drops that I constantly remind myself of is that a drop is a drop...the steepness of the landing may change or the lip of the runoff may be varied, but they're all inevitably the same concept...I've found that whether it be a 2 foot drop or a 10 foot drop, I use the same exact technique...the thing you've gotta remember is the only thing that really changes is the slight difference in time that you're in the air...but that's so minute, there's no need to fret it...this all changes of course if you're going for a 15 to 25 footer...but I'm pretty sure that's not your goal right now...(edit: not that I've hit a 15-25 footer)

oh, and you have to hold on a little tighter for a larger drop too...but you don't have to be hercules...

I'm pretty sure most of us have been where you are and the key is to get back on the bike and try again...and sooner seems to be better than later...good luck

if you're ever near the Chico area I'd love to session some drops with you...we could ride as well...:biggrin:


Crusading Clamp Monkey
Sep 27, 2006
Deep in the heart of TEXAS
I'm just glad you can still type. The crash sounds ugly. Glad you're ok. I had issues with drops and still would never drop more than 3 or 4 feet. It has to be perfect for me to hit it.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
if you're ever near the Chico area I'd love to session some drops with you...we could ride as well...:biggrin:
awesome. thanks. maybe sometime we could meet up 1/2 way in auburn? and do some shuttle runs. i'd like to get out there again soon before sea otter.


i find that the people i ride w/ don't really give any good tips on drops.

when i'm laying on the ground after crashing... it's not really helpful to say, 'you should pull up more'.


Feb 7, 2005
i find that the people i ride w/ don't really give any good tips on drops.

when i'm laying on the ground after crashing... it's not really helpful to say, 'you should pull up more'.
I wouldn't be buying any of those friends ale at the end of the day.


Jan 16, 2002
nor cal
Yesterday a couple of us went out to sandhill to get out of the cold and ride our bikes.

It was so much fun. We mainly just did laps on the 4x course, but there were also some features to hit off to the side. I brought my trail bike, as I just got a new fork and wheelset for it and was excited to try them out. But still.... the drops looked so fun. I hit one once and it felt sloppy, so I decided to hit it again... and time w/ speed!

But what happened is what happens to me occasionaly with drops... especially if i'm going a little faster. I just totally froze up. I got to the end of the drop and just let my bike drop w/out pulling up at all. I went face first into the ground. Usually I try and get up right after a crash because I get so emberassed. This time I couldn't. For a moment I thought I broke my ribs when I smashed the front of my body on my bike. I just lay there. I couldn't even take my helmet off.

I'm fine. Bruised up the side of my face (even w/ a full face helmet on) and my body is just riddled w/ swelling and bruising.

Long story short.... I'm so frustrated. Sometimes I'm ok w/ drops. Other times it's an absolute disaster. My husband just says relax and have fun and that I get too emotional about it.

Just venting. And feeling sorry for myself. Yep.
Ooh, sorry to hear that. But, Sandhill is fun, so vent away, but remember everything else you did over there.
The last time I was at Sandhill, I was practicing a set of doubles, left turn, 9' double, immediatley following, an 11' double, then a quick right. I came down crooked on the second double & racked myself.
Don't let a guy tell you it hurts worse, because I ended up going to the hospital for a <<cough>labial hemotoma <<cough>>

I empathize...and next time lemme know when you're heading out there, I'd join you guys!


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
holy crap lucee. that sounds worse that smashing my face. ouch!
i'm thinking of going out there for the 4x race on march 3rd. you wanna meet up????

i am NOT fast... but that course is alot of fun.


Jan 16, 2002
nor cal
holy crap lucee. that sounds worse that smashing my face. ouch!
i'm thinking of going out there for the 4x race on march 3rd. you wanna meet up????

i am NOT fast... but that course is alot of fun.

Well, it did hurt, but I'd take that over a black eye. Or maybe not...
There's a 4X this w/end, huh? I'd love to meet up, except I'm visiting with a friend in Oakhurst (Yosemite area). I'm planning on riding there.

Next time, though, let me know. It'd be kinda funny to be out there on a ht...


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
Well, it did hurt, but I'd take that over a black eye. Or maybe not...
There's a 4X this w/end, huh? I'd love to meet up, except I'm visiting with a friend in Oakhurst (Yosemite area). I'm planning on riding there.

Next time, though, let me know. It'd be kinda funny to be out there on a ht...
yeah.... we finally got good snow in the mountains so i'm passing on the races too.

oh well...


Turbo Monkey
Feb 28, 2005
Pa. / North Jersey
Glad to hear you are O.K. and none the worse for wear...

I know exactly how you feel - at the last Duryea DH in Reading Pa. I kept chickening out on the last 5' drop to a STEEP tranny/landing... everytime I would say "O.K. this is it - I'm gonna do it" but I'd bail on my line for the drop and go around.

I got soooo pissed. I tried to picture myslef going off the drop that night and "project" myself through what I wanted to do. Was still freaked the next day during practice, but just said "Fu@k it" and held on... I took the approach at medium speed and landed it pretty sketchy but stayed in the saddle. Felt GREAT after that... huge mental block out of the way finally.

No rush here - you'll get your drops wired soon enough. Just keep practicing within your comfort zone until you get bored, then step it up (add a foot to the height of the drop). Learn how to judge your speed - like what was said before - try following someone - that's a really good idea or watch someone else and take mental notes. Study your landing - very important too.

Hope this helps, and keep rippin'.