
Just ordered "The Big Ring"


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Woah.....that was a trip. Just ordered an engagement ring from Blue Nile. It was hard, hard, hard to push the "Complete Order" button, but it will be worth it to see her face when she gets it. Girlie has hung in there tough with me for long enough and deserves her props. I'm kinda jittery right now just thinking about it........fuh-eveh-evah?

Care to share any engagement experiences? I haven't solidified anything as far as proposals are concerned.....any sugestions?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
Go over to her house wearing a Gorilla outfit! (I don't know dude......saw it on America's Funniest Home Videos once) :p


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
put it in a cup cake. when she eats it and bites down on something hard she'll see it and be like whoooooooaaaaaa!then she'll give ya all the "O" face you can handle. Or in the bottom of a glass of wine.


Unfortunately I didn't plan anything fancy. Julie got a nice ring, but not the excitement part. I am more than SUPER happy that I found her to marry though. DO NOT put the ring anywhere that a poop may be necessary for her to view it. I repeat, DO NOT put the ring in food.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal

What's Blue Nile? I ask because on monday I am going to the jewelry district in downtown L.A. to get my GF her engagement ring. Asking her on x-mas day on the beach. Hundreds of dollars spent on Cracker Jacks and no ring.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Da-Da Duh-Duh-Duh, another one bites the dustaaaaaaa!

Dude, I know some chicks that liked you too.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
BurlyShirley said:
Da-Da Duh-Duh-Duh, another one bites the dustaaaaaaa!

Dude, I know some chicks that liked you too.
OMG you didn't... bwahhhhhhhhhhh

I say put the ring in a haystack in a field. See how hard she's really willing to work for it.


In response to BS' sig quote - maybe someone should ask him if he knows why LL Kool J recorded "Momma said knock you out".
Dude, I agree with loco. DO NOT put the ring in any kind of food. Bad idea surely to loose you bonus points.

My two suggestions?
- Go the total traditional route, on bended knee
- or, be creative. Set up some kind of "treasure" hunt. Start with a post it note on the fridge or wherever she'll see it early in the day telling her to be somewhere else at a specific time for the next clue. (Gotta build the excitement right?) Maybe put like two or three additional "search" points for her to find throughout the day. (Be creative here. Could be an email with a clue or whatever, just keep it easy so as not to avoid frustration.) Finally, have her "find" you with the ring as her last waypoint. The anticipation as well as the payoff will be something you two will never forget and it'll be a good story to tell all her friends. :thumb:


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Thanks everyone!

BlueNile.com----> It's an online diamond merchant. Great deals and everything is on the level. Recommended by Forbes, Consumer Reports, etc. Easy folks to deal with. They also provide financing through MBNA credit.

I've had about five beers in the last hour to offset the sticker shock. :help:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Greyhound said:
Thanks everyone!

BlueNile.com----> It's an online diamond merchant. Great deals and everything is on the level. Recommended by Forbes, Consumer Reports, etc. Easy folks to deal with. They also provide financing through MBNA credit.

I've had about five beers in the last hour to offset the sticker shock. :help:
So I have to ask and you can feel free to not answer but what kind of price rang did you buy in?


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Honestly......I've held out on this girl for as long as humanly possible. I'm getting a bit long in the tooth and it's about time I moved forward a little with things.

Stosh......I ordered from Blue Nile because they offered the best quality and selection for the price than I could find around here. If you buy from anywhere online, it should be from those guys.

I like the idea of the scavenger hunt. I was thinking about grabbing the boat, heading down to the beach, and doing the deed on a secluded little island on the Outer Banks.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Greyhound said:
Honestly......I've held out on this girl for as long as humanly possible. I'm getting a bit long in the tooth and it's about time I moved forward a little with things.

Stosh......I ordered from Blue Nile because they offered the best quality and selection for the price than I could find around here. If you buy from anywhere online, it should be from those guys.

I like the idea of the scavenger hunt. I was thinking about grabbing the boat, heading down to the beach, and doing the deed on a secluded little island on the Outer Banks.
How long ya been together?

I kinda wanted to buy one in person....


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
stosh said:
So I have to ask and you can feel free to not answer but what kind of price rang did you buy in?

Nahhhh....I ain't shy about being poor. Initally, I thought about the "two-month salary" starting point, but after I got to looking at everything, I realized that a nice comprimise between clarity, cut, and carat was the way to go. So.....although it may not be the biggest thing in the world, it also ain't a giant, yellow crack-rock on a setting either. The price range was around 3500 bones.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Greyhound said:
Nahhhh....I ain't shy about being poor. Initally, I thought about the "two-month salary" starting point, but after I got to looking at everything, I realized that a nice comprimise between clarity, cut, and carat was the way to go. So.....although it may not be the biggest thing in the world, it also ain't a giant, yellow crack-rock on a setting either. The price range was around 3500 bones.
What in god's name does a $3500 ring do that a $200 one dont? Sparkle? **** that. Im usually not one to harp on tradition, but what people pay for jewelry litterally drives me crazy. That is insane for something that does nothing. Not bagging on you, cause that's just the way it is, but g-zus, its some metal with a rock in it. :help:


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
stosh said:
Quit trying to annoy people before I delete your account and ban you IP addy.
you can't moderate this fool!!!!!!!!!!!!

you could just throw the ring at stosh instead


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
stosh said:
How long ya been together?

I kinda wanted to buy one in person....

Yes....buying in person would have been ideal. Unfortunately, I have what one would call, a "succeptable" nature with salesmen. I'm so spineless, I just can't say no. I bought my truck online, negotiating with the salesperson via email. I suck at haggling and all that stuff. I admit it. But, at least I know my weaknesses, and can work around them through the beauty of e-commerce. The folks at Blue Nile were awesome. I called them and spoke with a sales rep who gave me the whole low-down, and what to expect. It was easy, and took a lot of the stress out of what would be a hugely stressful situation. Now, all I have to do, is get through the proposal without crapping myself, and I'mm golden!


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
BurlyShirley said:
What in god's name does a $3500 ring do that a $200 one dont? Sparkle? **** that. Im usually not one to harp on tradition, but what people pay for jewelry litterally drives me crazy. That is insane for something that does nothing. Not bagging on you, cause that's just the way it is, but g-zus, its some metal with a rock in it. :help:

Hey Shirley.....I agree completely. When visiting some of the strip malls and independant jewelers, the most common statement I got from the salespeople were "Well....you DO love your girlfriend, don't you?" And my response to them everytime was "Look.....the size of the ring doesn't indicate how much I love my girlfriend. You guys are trying to sell me on guilt, and I ain't buyin' it." With an online merchant, you don't have to deal with that crap. $3500 or $200....she still would have been happy. But, when you get to this point, Shirley, you'll see that a little bling will go a loooong way towards keeping the ship on an even keel. You'll understand one day.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
stosh said:
I say put the ring in a haystack in a field. See how hard she's really willing to work for it.
I would like to believe he has already tested the goods with a "roll in the hay".

My suggestion is to do something that will be meaningful for her.

e.g. For my very first date with my wife-to-be, I took her out on a local lake in a boat with a gourmet picnic lunch and as hard as it was for me being pre-spawn and all, left my fishing tackle at home. Many moons later when I decided to propose, after I'd asked for her pop's blessing, I took her out on the same lake for another boat picnic, being sure to pack my fishing tackle to throw her off the scent. After a few hours of lazy fun, I reached into the basket for a post-picnic drink, withdrew the tiny box, and got down on one knee. Fortunately, it was a semi-vee fishing boat so it wasn't rolling too badly in the waves. Anyhow, she turned around, saw the ring and me...and just started bawling. I wish I could report that I was able to maintain a dry eye, but I'd be lying. :love:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
BurlyShirley said:
What in god's name does a $3500 ring do that a $200 one dont? Sparkle? **** that. Im usually not one to harp on tradition, but what people pay for jewelry litterally drives me crazy. That is insane for something that does nothing. Not bagging on you, cause that's just the way it is, but g-zus, its some metal with a rock in it. :help:
I'm totally with ya on this and many months ago I had posted a similar topic. I would love nothing more then to get my GF a pretty colored rock something non-diamond'ish. I'm still debating it actually.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Greyhound said:
Just ordered an engagement ring from Blue Nile.
I did the same thing. It's really weird to spend that much over the internet. Especially if you've only ever purchased bike parts that way before.


Get the ring appraised by an independent appraiser. If it doesn't appraise at close to what you paid or higher, return it. I've never heard firsthand of one from BN appraising lower, but I did read some horror stories elsewhere on the 'net.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
llkoolkeg said:
I would like to believe he has already tested the goods with a "roll in the hay".

My suggestion is to do something that will be meaningful for her.

e.g. For my very first date with my wife-to-be, I took her out on a local lake in a boat with a gourmet picnic lunch and as hard as it was for me being pre-spawn and all, left my fishing tackle at home. Many moons later when I decided to propose, after I'd asked for her pop's blessing, I took her out on the same lake for another boat picnic, being sure to pack my fishing tackle to throw her off the scent. After a few hours of lazy fun, I reached into the basket for a post-picnic drink, withdrew the tiny box, and got down on one knee. Fortunately, it was a semi-vee fishing boat so it wasn't rolling too badly in the waves. Anyhow, she turned around, saw the ring and me...and just started bawling. I wish I could report that I was able to maintain a dry eye, but I'd be lying. :love:
When we got back from Cali this summer all my GF's friends were asking her if I had proposed.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Greyhound said:
But, when you get to this point, Shirley, you'll see that a little bling will go a loooong way towards keeping the ship on an even keel. You'll understand one day.
My a$$. If I ever have a woman that bases ANYTHING off how much I spent on a ring, I married the wrong woman. Period.

Keeping the "ship on an even keel" should have NOTHING to do with what I paid for a ring. EVER.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
BurlyShirley said:
My a$$. If I ever have a woman that bases ANYTHING off how much I spent on a ring, I married the wrong woman. Period.

Keeping the "ship on an even keel" should have NOTHING to do with what I paid for a ring. EVER.
I just told my GF that poor little black babies die in South Africa because of Diamond money.
Now I can get her something good and worth the money.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
stosh said:
I just told my GF that poor little black babies die in South Africa because of Diamond money.
Now I can get her something good and worth the money.
Either that or she'll tell you all about diamonds from mines in Canada.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
BikeGeek said:
Either that or she'll tell you all about diamonds from mines in Canada.
I'm her door to the world, the information she knows flows thru me first.

If she did by chance learn about the diamond mines in Communist Canada I would simply tell her that yes there and they to are regulated to make sure the price for diamonds stays high and overpriced.

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
I thought this thread was going to be about a bash guard....

juuuust kidding, congratulations!

just toss it to her in a plastic baggie with a note that says, "thanks for putting up with all my sh*t"



Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Megan Black said:
I thought this thread was going to be about a bash guard....

juuuust kidding, congratulations!

just toss it to her in a plastic baggie with a note that says, "thanks for putting up with all my sh*t"

That ones actually kinda funny....

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
stosh said:
That ones actually kinda funny....
you may use that one for aubrey when the big day comes!

it always kinda cracks me up when i hear guys talk about their wives and that they married them cause they put up with them. i think it's a funny joke but sometimes i think people are serious, like they're saying, "no, really, she's the only one i could treat like sh*t and she still stuck around...she's AWESOME that way!"