
Karma better take care of this...


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008

Back in January I drove through a fence in my Tacoma. Did about $4k in damage.

Finally got all the money together to get it fixed, got it back yesterday to the tune of $3900.

Parked it out in front of my apartment tonight on the city street.

Came back from kayaking, and low and behold someone had hit the driver side mirror. Not really a big deal in the scheme of things, but its going to be less than my deductible, so I gotta shell out a couple hundred more dollars.

Didn't even stop or leave a note.

I'm hoping karma will drop a plane engine on their house or smote them with boils. You don't hit and run, no matter how WT scumbag Reno chunk of sh!t you are.



<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Eh, 17 days and I am gone.

Reno really has become the ass pit of the universe in the last couple of years. Between the flakey people, the "hipsters" who I think are here just for me to vent my aggression onto, the white/mexican/black/indian trash that has taken over down town this summer and the "old guard" who are keeping this town from moving in a positive direction, this town is just fvcked.

Reno, Vegas and all of NV are dying off. Its a product of their own greed and stupidity. I love it here in that I can ride, snowboard, kayak, and run nude in the desert, but its just done.

Onward and upward.

Kanye West

220# bag of hacktastic
Aug 31, 2006
I scratched someones bumper and took out their turn signal mirror with my truck a couple weeks ago. I left a note and actually caught the guy later while walking back to my car. Offered to fix it at my cost and my labor outside of insurance (I knew it would be cheaper than a rate increase - a front bumper and a turn signal lamp for a beatass '94 Thunderbird is nothing and I would have been happy to get the parts, get them painted, and bolt them on). He tries to take me for a ride and gets 3 bogus quotes (from shops of friends) for $2500 and demands cash immediately. I tell him to suck it long and suck it hard and to just deal with insurance.

KBB on this car is $1200 in excellent condition, and this thing was a beat pile of crap before I tagged it. He tried to give the same quotes to his insurance intending to pocket most of the money. They just totaled the car and wrote him a check for a few hundred. He was a total tweaker anyway, and was being impossible to deal with, so fvck him.

Being nice to strangers just does not pay. I take a break once from my normal full-asshole routine and someone tries to bend me over.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Sadly, there is no karma.

My g/f is busting ass as a marine biologist in Louisiana, and some douche smashed her parked car, no note.

I've seen it in my own neighborhood, a neighbor scraped another neighbor's bumper which I witnessed. I told her to tell our neighbor and she did nothing. Very neighborly.

The worst part is that I still obligated to be responsible, knowing that most people will drive off.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 13, 2008
Ellicott City, MD

Back in January I drove through a fence in my Tacoma. Did about $4k in damage.

Finally got all the money together to get it fixed, got it back yesterday to the tune of $3900.

Parked it out in front of my apartment tonight on the city street.

Came back from kayaking, and low and behold someone had hit the driver side mirror. Not really a big deal in the scheme of things, but its going to be less than my deductible, so I gotta shell out a couple hundred more dollars.

Didn't even stop or leave a note.

I'm hoping karma will drop a plane engine on their house or smote them with boils. You don't hit and run, no matter how WT scumbag Reno chunk of sh!t you are.


am i the only one that thinks maybe karma IS taking care of it. somebody appears to be getting their due... :D


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
karma, like jesus/vishnu/allah/his noodly appendage, doesn't care.

I've seen it in my own neighborhood, a neighbor scraped another neighbor's bumper which I witnessed. I told her to tell our neighbor and she did nothing. Very neighborly.

The worst part is that I still obligated to be responsible, knowing that most people will drive off.
so your nick name in the neighborhood is bobby brady, hall monitor?
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<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Its gonna be $100, just chalk that up to a really pricey parking ticket and a Bill Engvall "here's your sign" sort of moment.