
karpiel update at iast!

Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
dhtahoe said:
Karpiel Is Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:stupid: even if jan finds some saps to "invest" in his business, it will never amount to anything again. His reputation and word of the things he has done lately has spread so far and wide, i dont think anyone or their friends would ever find the logic to risk buying one.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 20, 2004

why do you all be such a idiots ? Jan have balls to make his own bikes !!

i mean who in this forum make his own bike ha ??

ps. you see that Josh Bender use Armagedon and Apocalypse so that is proff that Karpiel bikes are good,

you all spit on Jan and his bikes...
.. ITS NOT OK ...

what do you think about Karpeil Apocalypse ? ? ?


wannabe curb dropper
Sep 2, 2003
I want to move to BC!!!
Downhiller said:

why do you all be such a idiots ? Jan have balls to make his own bikes !!

i mean who in this forum make his own bike ha ??

ps. you see that Josh Bender use Armagedon and Apocalypse so that is proff that Karpiel bikes good,

you all spit on Jan and his bikes...
.. ITS NOT OK ...

what do you think about Karpeil Apocalypse ? ? ?
"newbie with an attitude" ALERT


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Downhiller said:
ps. you see that Josh Bender use Armagedon and Apocalypse so that is proff that Karpiel bikes good,
It doesn't proff anything really.

Lots of big bike companies sponsor big name freeriders and they have problems. I can think of 3 or 4 riders who were continuously on the new paint program for a variety of companies. All it means is Yan knew to take care of his rider. Mabe his bikes didn't break...just saying, the pro rider riding which bike is NOT a good way to judge how good a bike is.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Let's see here:

Downhiller said:

why do you all be such a idiots ?
We're the idiots, when you can't spell either "hi" or "hey", or whatever that first word was intended to be?
Jan have balls to make his own bikes !!

i mean who in this forum make his own bike ha ??
Aside from the random "ha" that ended your question (was that supposed to be "huh"?) and the "Jan have balls" (err, what?), there are a few people on this forum who have designed/produced their own bikes. Not to mention, this isn't a question of whether or not Jan has produced a bike, the issue is that he is, basically, a criminal. He's taken people's money, sent out un-heat treated bikes (which could cause severe injury), and has had poor business practices all along.

ps. you see that Josh Bender use Armagedon and Apocalypse so that is proff that Karpiel bikes good,
No, that's proof that Jan offered Josh a free bike. It's not proof that they're good. Are you really that much of an idiot to believe that pros ride only the best bike they believe is on the market? Pros ride with the sponser of their choice and that's usually the sponser who pays the most.

you all spit on Jan and his bikes...
.. ITS NOT OK ...
Yes, yes it is.

what do you think about Karpeil Apocalypse ? ? ?
It's an exercise in absurdity. And would you at least correctly spell the brand name that you're defending so hard? Christ.

kthxbye. :rolleyes:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 20, 2004
if Bender drop on 55 feet/foot whatever...

that means that bike are strong and good... but only for big drops not dh races...

this is my opinion...

ps. its not ok to say anything bad for any bike constructors, beachose they are trying to make best bikes in world who world rider will ride and say "this bike i love" :)

Karpiel is not only manifacture who is bad in sending bike...

in Croatia (my country) in Europe...
allmost every good manifacture faild in sending bikes from USA or Canada...

"math" yes i a newbie but what do you thing if you have 920 post that you are good rider and you know everything?

i hope tahat karpiel will sell again bikes...

pps. i ma sorry about few words if you dont understand beachose i dont know how you in America say some words... and my english is not a perfect SORRY!!!!

ppps. here in Croatia nobody is say anything bad about any bike ...

i dont know your experience about Karpiel but its not ok to say to anybody who is making bicycle!


wannabe curb dropper
Sep 2, 2003
I want to move to BC!!!
Downhiller said:
if Bender drop on 55 feet/foot whatever...

that means that bike are strong and good... but only for big drops not dh races...

this is my opinion...

ps. its not ok to say anything bad for any bike constructors, beachose they are trying to make best bikes in world who world rider will ride and say "this bike i love" :)

Karpiel is not only manifacture who is bad in sending bike...

in Croatia (my country) in Europe...
allmost every good manifacture faild in sending bikes from USA or Canada...

"math" yes i a newbie but what do you thing if you have 920 post that you are good rider and you know everything?

i hope tahat karpiel will sell again bikes...
Look mate,

The attitude will get you nowhere in this forum. So ditch it ASAP.

If you got something productive (or at least funny) to say , then feel free to do so. If not, go play somewhere else.

920 posts mean that i spend a lot of time here, not that i am a good rider or that i know-it-all.

Even if you had 20459249582324 posts , still the attitude is unacceptable.

Got something usefull to say? say it, if not hit the dirt.

BTW i am in Europe as well.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 20, 2004
look man i dont have any bad attitude i am only sad good about Karpiel beachose all you said bead and its not ok...

i said again i am from CROATIA so its very hard to get any bike from out of europe ...

ps. i am not saying anything bad about any of you members i am only said that its not ok to say anything who is try to make bikes...

what do you feel if you made bikes any many people said that bad things about you and your bikes...???

maybe he scam somebody and stuff like that i dont know
but you must respect his trying to make good bike- only that


wannabe curb dropper
Sep 2, 2003
I want to move to BC!!!
My friend, that is exactly the point,

People here in RM had problems with Karpiels, personally i have never seen a karpiel so i cannot speak for myself.

My point is, if someone is bad business then he is bad business, and that equals bad products. CS is one of the most important factors in commercial products, and a bicycle is a commercial product.

US bikes are tough to come by and HIGHLY overpriced in allover Europe, not just Croatia.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 20, 2004
that is true about overpriced american bikes...

i am defending karpiel beachose i am buying Apocalypse and maybe some people have bad experience in buying Jans bike but that is not main thing to say all bad about karpiel...

look i am only saying that its not ok to say bad things about karpiel bikes not about Jan himself so you can said whatever you like about man but bike is bike if you are true biker you will respect any bike !
i am thinkig like that !

many people in Croatia when you said "karpeil" somebody dont know what is that or who know that is mostly a "dream bike"...

so how much ****y bike is you must just little respect any bike ...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Downhiller said:
in Croatia (my country) in Europe...<snip>
pps. i ma sorry about few words if you dont understand beachose i dont know how you in America say some words... and my english is not a perfect SORRY!!!!
First off, let me apologize for the comments about spelling/grammar - I wasn't aware that English was not your first language.

But regardless, this discussion is not about the bikes that Karpiel produces. This is about the horrendous business practices that Jan has. Nobody is saying that a well made Karpiel that has gone through all the proper manufacturing processes, and has made it to the end customer on time, is a bad bike.

But the sad fact is, that seems to not happen very much. Bikes are months and months overdue, and in this last case, were sent out without being heat treated which is dangerous for the rider.

As was said to Brian, defending such a person only makes your opinion appear invalid and untrustworthy.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 22, 2003
South East Asia
Downhiller said:
look man i dont have any bad attitude i am only sad good about Karpiel beachose all you said bead and its not ok...

i said again i am from CROATIA so its very hard to get any bike from out of europe ...

ps. i am not saying anything bad about any of you members i am only said that its not ok to say anything who is try to make bikes...

what do you feel if you made bikes any many people said that bad things about you and your bikes...???

maybe he scam somebody and stuff like that i dont know
but you must respect his trying to make good bike- only that

I (also living in Europe) actually think we have the right as riders to say whatever we want to say about the bikes being produced and which WE pay for !!! I ride a Karpiel and I like it, but if I did not I would say my honest opinion about it no matter who has been making it.

Following the discussion in this thread I can understand people are pissed ! If I had been treated in the same way as some of the guys who have not gotten their frames, gotten something un-heat threated or in any other way been let down by a company I would be very angry ! :mad:

Why should we protect people who do not make good products ?

I want to ride a good bike and if parts of the industry can not deliver a product good enough for the money I put on the table ....then in my humble opinion they can just f... o.. :oink:

Well, maybe hard words, but we are the people riding and paying :)


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
Downhiller said:
if Bender drop on 55 feet/foot whatever...

that means that bike are strong and good... but only for big drops not dh races...

this is my opinion...

ps. its not ok to say anything bad for any bike constructors, beachose they are trying to make best bikes in world who world rider will ride and say "this bike i love" :)

Karpiel is not only manifacture who is bad in sending bike...

in Croatia (my country) in Europe...
allmost every good manifacture faild in sending bikes from USA or Canada...

"math" yes i a newbie but what do you thing if you have 920 post that you are good rider and you know everything?

i hope tahat karpiel will sell again bikes...

pps. i ma sorry about few words if you dont understand beachose i dont know how you in America say some words... and my english is not a perfect SORRY!!!!

ppps. here in Croatia nobody is say anything bad about any bike ...

i dont know your experience about Karpiel but its not ok to say to anybody who is making bicycle!

Please bring your attitude here or there.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 20, 2004
i am buying karpiel apocalypse from a friend and what do you think about that bike ????

i am now riding banshee morphine with all FUNN components and marzocchi 66rc fork for 2005...

so what do you think ???

ps. look everybody i dont have bad attitude i am only saying that maybe Jan have many problems and stuff like that but you must respect bikes witch he made just that i am defending Jan in sentence that i like karpiel bikes so if Jan will not mako no more bikes there will be lost little history in mtb world----- its only the way i am thinking...

ps. is true that Jan make apocalypse "hand made" or all karpiel bikes are hand made ??


pps. binary visions- its ok. again i am sorry if somebody dont understand what i am wrighting... SOORY !!!


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Downhiller said:
maybe Jan have many problems and stuff like that but you must respect bikes witch he made just that i am defending Jan in sentence that i like karpiel bikes so if Jan will not mako no more bikes there will be lost little history in mtb world----- its only the way i am thinking...
I don't speak jive.


Nov 4, 2007
I am very happy to be resurrecting this ancient thread. There is now, as I write this just over seven days to go till Jan Karpiel peels the covers of his new website and hopefully some totally incredible new Rigs for 2008.

Remember this

Can hardly wait....


Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Your face.
Karpiel can suck my left nut.

Why the hell should anyone support a company that ripped off a bunch of thier customers, and knowingly sent out a dangerous product (un-heattreated frames). I would have supported them, and wished them luck, but knowing that Jan is involved now...**** em. Let them rot.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
I am very happy to be resurrecting this ancient thread. There is now, as I write this just over seven days to go till Jan Karpiel peels the covers of his new website and hopefully some totally incredible new Rigs for 2008.

Remember this

Can hardly wait....
According to the owner the bike weights 31kg. He's a bit strange. Still wondering if he has to get off the bike, pick it up and turn it if he want's to turn.