
KFC "Famous" Bowls


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Is it me, or is this the most disgusting trough of slop ever thought of?

I'll eat a Hamdog, but this mess makes me throw up A LOT!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
I agree. Whenever that commercial comes on the TV I go into gag reflex:oink: Those foods are not all supposed to be touching….they must remain in their own area!


i said change it damn it....Janet...Slut!!
Aug 3, 2003
i saw it and actually wanted to try one...

I love foods where i can just throw everything together in a bowl and spoon it up....Much easier to eat in front of the TV and stuff...none of this cutting business and what not.

Though i do think that this bowl will have too much mash, and not enough everyhting else. Maybe if the base layer were mash + chili i would be really excited...


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
While I have been known to concoct similar bowls for breakfast hangover cures (mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, white gravy and cheese is one of my faves. sometimes i substitute cheese grits for the mashed potatoes.) the looks of that bowl gross me out. all i can picture is the bowls lined up in a burger-tray-slide-thing sitting under a heat lamp all day. and the smell, oh the smell. then i get a mental image of someone trying to scarf it down while driving. yuck yuck yuck. I can only imagine the gastro-intenstinal destruction that would follow the consumption of that bowl.


Nov 29, 2004
Looks like something my Mother-in-law (who somewhat resembles Jabba the Hut) would get right off the couch and into the car for. She would probably have to add her own twist to it by adding bacon and/or the grease.

I know, I know; bacon should not be thought of in this manner, but it is her, not me!!


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
I would not go to a KFC, but I have scoured the internet and come up with a photo of this crap in case someone actually thought about consuming it. You've been warned!


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I don't have a big problem with the concept (it's like a Shepherd's Pie but with chicken instead of beef), but the thought of KFC's nasty mashed potatos, under KFC's nasty gravy, with KFC's nasty canned corn, mushed in with the already greasy chicken... Ugh. Makes me want to puke.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
binary visions said:
I don't have a big problem with the concept (it's like a Shepherd's Pie but with chicken instead of beef), but the thought of KFC's nasty mashed potatos, under KFC's nasty gravy, with KFC's nasty canned corn, mushed in with the already greasy chicken... Ugh. Makes me want to puke.
Yeah, but I bet if it was home made it would rock. KFC is just plain nasty crap.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Ugh. That is just really nasty.

I found this nugget (hahaha!! nugget!) of info after a quick search:

"This totals almost 700 calories, with 31 grams of fat and 9 grams of saturated fat, 2110 mg sodium and 27 grams of protein."



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
binary visions said:
I don't have a big problem with the concept (it's like a Shepherd's Pie but with chicken instead of beef), but the thought of KFC's nasty mashed potatos, under KFC's nasty gravy, with KFC's nasty canned corn, mushed in with the already greasy chicken... Ugh. Makes me want to puke.

Shepherd's Pie = good
KFC Shepherd's Pie = not so good


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Mizzle said:
But i'd eat the hell out of it....

I can't wait to try one.....

I love everything KFC...and in limited doses does no harm.


eh, I'd change that to 'in limited doses, does little, mostly reversible harm. nothing that gross can pass through your system and not leave its mark. my first guess would be the liver and kidney.


Apr 11, 2004
When it comes to food, I'm pretty adventurous. My guess is that the folks that are absolutely disgusted by "the bowl" have never been to Europe, Asia, ... or outside of the US and walked through a market? You've got every part of an animal hanging from the ceilings.

I thought the KFC concoction sounded pretty bad when I saw the commercials, and even joked about it with my buddies, but then curiousity kicked in. Yesterday, I pulled into my KFC drivethrough, ordered me up a mashed potato version (I think there's also a rice version?) and took it home.

So what'd I think? It doesn't look that good, but it tasted ok. This makes it easy to scarf down with a spork. Have you ever eaten chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, and corn in one sitting? If so, you've eaten this.

After finishing up, I thought it might be an easy cold meal in the middle of the night during a 24 hour race between laps.

At least this KFC stuff is cooked. Ever eaten a hot dog? What about Jell-O? (BTW, I like sushi, hot dogs, and jell-o, but not all mushed together :) ) I have a friend that was raised on a farm who'd never eat ketchup. When I asked him why not, he said that the tomatoes that they use for ketchup are usually the most spoiled ones (close to rotting), and usually had bugs and flies all around and on them.

I think the bottom line is that you don't want to really know how your food arrives at your plate. If you did, you'd grow all your own food! :looney:


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
there is nothing adventurous about trying a new fad slop meal from a fast food restaurant. nice try though. I eat pig uterus way before i try that garbage.


Apr 11, 2004
laura said:
there is nothing adventurous about trying a new fad slop meal from a fast food restaurant. nice try though. I eat pig uterus way before i try that garbage.
Yummmm, pig uterus! Where do I get some of that?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Drevil said:
My guess is that the folks that are absolutely disgusted by "the bowl" have never been to Europe, Asia, ... or outside of the US and walked through a market? You've got every part of an animal hanging from the ceilings.<snip>
I think the bottom line is that you don't want to really know how your food arrives at your plate. If you did, you'd grow all your own food! :looney:
I don't have any issue with what may or may not be in my food, and I am not even remotely deluded about the contents of hot dogs and many other delicious foods.

But laura is right, there is nothing "adventerous" about this. It's dehydrated potato flakes that have been moistened and had canned "gravy" poured over them. You're not trying exotic or foreign cuisine here.

I just think it's disgusting. That's all. I tried jellied eel when I was in England (I do not recommend it, by the way). But this isn't adventerous or different. I know what it tastes like, without even trying it.


Apr 11, 2004
Ok, adventurous is overstating my experience with the KFC bowl. My point is I'll try a lot of stuff as long as I believe it's clean and dead.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Drevil said:
My point is I'll try a lot of stuff as long as I believe it's clean and dead.

My dad has an old college buddy who will try anything. I mean, his least favorite food in the world is turkey, and that means he'll only have two helpings.

He has said on more than one occasion that if he were to happen by a piece of good looking roadkill and he had the opportunity to stop, he would have no problem taking a bite out of it.

His emphasis is less on the "clean" part, you see.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Drevil said:
So what'd I think? It doesn't look that good, but it tasted ok. This makes it easy to scarf down with a spork. Have you ever eaten chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, and corn in one sitting? If so, you've eaten this.
Ummm.......... no. My chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy and corn do not in any way resemble the crap that KFC uses.


Jun 10, 2002
(the idea) looks good to me....sans the corn. i don't like mixing corn with things...i like it alone. after a couple beers, i'd probably tear into one from KFC, though.


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
Drevil said:
When it comes to food, I'm pretty adventurous.
"Adventurous eater" usually refers a willingness to try all different kinds of ethnic cuisines. I don't think eating nasty fast food wins you the "Adventurous" title.


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
the Inbred said:
(the idea) looks good to me....sans the corn. i don't like mixing corn with things...i like it alone. after a couple beers, i'd probably tear into one from KFC, though.
The corn is so that the bowl is recreated in it's original form on the way out, so they can serve it again.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
BeerDemon said:
"Adventurous eater" usually refers a willingness to try all different kinds of ethnic cuisines. I don't think eating nasty fast food wins you the "Adventurous" title.

Eating something you've never heard of in a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown - that's adventurous. Eating a bunch of food you know is crap thrown together in a styrofoam bowl? Not so much...........


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Well he already admitted it wasn't the right word but "adventurous" is still cracking me up. Maybe it's adventurous in the sense that eating it is dangerous to your health, but eating industrial food that makes it to millions of people exactly the same way and that is backed by a national marketing campaign is hardly gonna make you the next Indiana Jones of the Food Network.

And it's hilarious that this is being touted as some new thing when really it's just the same old slop packaged a different way. A way that basically says "Here at KFC we know that our customers are not smart enough to eat food sold separately, so we mush it all together for them!"
