
Kickass weekend out West

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Well I had an awesome weekend with riding on both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday included 2 runs on Cypress, Sunday was my first experience on Garbanzo.

First run at Cypress was Sexboy followed by Family Guy. Crashed pretty good off a rock roll pretty early on on Sex Boy. It started well, then put my front wheel off the little ramp at the bottom sending me straight to the ground. Hard. I've got one of my finer bruises on my right hip. No blood, no damage, no problem. A little further down I screwed up another skinny and somehow managed to go over the bars again. Bike catapulted me slo-mo style onto the skinny and kept tumbling. I managed to latch onto one of the rungs of the ladder and sorta dangled there. Apart from the crashing part, it was pretty ninja-esque. I discovered my rear derailleur had hooked itself into spokes and that took some prying and rearranging. I still had my middle three gears working so there was no problem.

Family guy was fun as always.

Our second run took us down 5th Horseman. This being my second attempt, I was still pretty intimidated. My first attempt had involved a lot of walking. I actually managed most it this time around. Awesome. That run is SO steep, and SO gnarly. I have to credit my new brakes. I'm getting great control out my Juicy 5s. They let you stay right on the threshold. I didn't crash at all. That is until the easy flat, fast meandering bit at the bottom through the grassy forest. I went a little off the trail, hit a sizable rock at speed and went for another tumble. What a stupid way to end a kickass run.

I was SHATTERED that night. Completely exhausted.

Started with some slow warmups on Karate Monkey to Aline. Then we checked out all of Aline. What a blast. It definitely took me a while to shake off the fear of speed, but I started clearing the tabletops where it counted. It's nuts how whimpy the drops at Whistler start looking when you've been riding around the shore a lot. There's nothing to hit! Most of the time...

Then we went to the top of Garbanzo and checked out Freight Train, to Original Sin, to Goats Gully, to In Deep, to D1, then mixed it up from there with Upper Joyride, Clown Shoes and Schleyer. Fan-frickin-tastic.

The long woodwork section on In Deep is awesome, I came so close to biting it at speed toward the bottom every time, but always cleaned it. My luck just might be turning into skill...

My fav. part was probably the steep rock rolls which I think were on No Joke. So steep, so long.

Goats Gully is super gnarly with rocks abound, but somehow I was managing it all. On the sharp switchbacks it seems as though I was trackstanding forever trying to line myself up just right.

Oh man, too many awesome moments to remember, and likely boring to read.

All I didn't hit was the step up onto the trailer (forget where that was) and the big drop on Clown Shoes. It looked like it was in perfect shape and the guys I was with pulled it off no sweat, but I was tired and didn't want to push my luck too far.

All in all, awesome. Not a single pic, but I guess that's a good sign.
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Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
I've down the big drop on Clown Shoes.

Sack up.
You shut up. I gotta figure out how to get my shock from bottoming out on steep trannies too. I was hearing metal on metal a few times just riding out of steep rolls.

I just did the roll-around the drop. I screwed that up too, I lost the rear tire in the curve. I took that as I sign I made the right choice about the drop.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
I did the drop without even looking. I knew it was there. I waited for a bit. I made sure not to look cuz I knew I'd chicken out. But I saw few guys do it on hardtails, so I knew it was doable. So I just went for it. I think I let out an audible gasp when I went over. But I pulled it off.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I let out audible groans of pleasure.
Really, disturbing, clown sex like groans.

Canada is afraid of me.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
I did the drop without even looking. I knew it was there. I waited for a bit. I made sure not to look cuz I knew I'd chicken out. But I saw few guys do it on hardtails, so I knew it was doable. So I just went for it. I think I let out an audible gasp when I went over. But I pulled it off.
Well, I guess you can just come out and demonstrate Mr. Talktheblah...

Lady Gravity

Jul 1, 2004
Mtnbike Mecca
nice work! props on doing 5th horseman - i haven't even walked that one yet, wild cherry scares the crap outta me.

the container drop is on freight train, right where it splits onto duffman - did you do the manager rockface? i always ride by and think NUTS.

i love whistler. can't wait for this weekend, after the rain it should be sick. new trail opens on friday - ninja cougar.