
"Kony 2012", the plot thickens?


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Interesting little anecdote I'd share. So our 14 year old daughter bursts into our bedroom last week about 11:30, fires up my iMac and exclaims "OMG you have got to watch this, I don't care if you're asleep.........." I ask her what it's about, she says its about this guy in Africa who's forcing little kids Noah's (her little brother) age to be in the army and raping girls. I said "is that the Invisible Children thing on YouTube?" When she said yes, I told her we've had the orginal DVD downstairs since about 2007, and that if she wanted to watch the whole thing she was welcome to, but I've seen it and would like to go back to sleep.

She huffed out of the room slamming the door..............


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Anyone want to get blind drunk with me in San Diego? I'm planning on beating my dick like it owes me money in public, down by the beach.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Anyone want to get blind drunk with me in San Diego? I'm planning on beating my dick like it owes me money in public, down by the beach.
when partying that hard...warm mash potatoes should always be around to stick your dick in.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Yeah so these are the guys that made that Kony vid


And wackmaster mcJesus rUpAul lover pretty much said that these here kinds of videos were the goal of the fundraising.

It's bull****.

No NGO can cover all issues nor all facets of any one issue as complex as conflict in Uganda. They are doing good work, and there is nothing nefarious. They just can't do everything themselves.
You know I love you man, but I really am kind of giggling a bit. I can't help it, it's just the way jesus made me.
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Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Let's just say I watched the whole thing, and was able to keep the drunken masturbation indoors. Shot off when the chunky moms in spandex make an appearance in the latter stages.
spoiler alert much?
