
Kyle Strait Becomes First Rider to Win Red Bull Rampage Twice


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Cool. I watched it today.

Now for my fanboy part:

I only thought Zink's score was pretty far off. It seemed for the other top scores they were doing the "combination" thing of technical difficulty coming down those chutes and crazy lines. The guys that played it safe and just pulled off a few jumps and tricks didn't score as high, the guys that only went straight down didn't get quite as high, but the ones that tried to get it all in there got what they deserved for the most part. Zink's run seemed like a one-pony show though, it seemed to be all about that backflip and then nothing else, in fact he didn't even really ride after that one move. An amazing feat no doubt, but I thought he got a way higher score for that than the guys that tried to hit all of the marks.
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