
Last Fall Hoorah?


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
I just never know when we're going to turn the corner and have winter hit so we made sure and got this loop in again since it's up around 7 and 8000'. I've posted pics of the Newberry Caldera ride before, but here are some new ones. They were doing controlled burning (I HATE THAT:rant: ) and it completely screwed up the view of the mountains all around, but the trail was still as sweet as ever. It was a gorgeous day - about 68 degrees and sunny as could be. Cheers

We parked at the bottom and were the ONLY car in the entire lot. The place was deserted. That's fine, I'm more than happy to have the trails to myself!

The climb up to the trailhead is a long fireroad climb of about 5 miles...up to 7984'.

You can see the obsidian flow in the distance. It's HUGE!

Panorama of both Paulina Lake and East lake.

A little series of me on the first switchbacks section. Derek brought his fancy camera so I didn't take any pictures today.

Meadow shot.

Derek practicing with the blur effect.

Cindercone hill was our lunch break, it's a little more than halfway around the 24 miles.

Last picture.

I wish we could have taken more view photos, but it was all washed out because of the smoke. Bummer