
Laurel Mtn Trail Maintenance - April 1st


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
As posted on mtbr:
In conjunction with the Pisgah Gathering, Pisgah Area SORBA will be
hosting a trail work day on Laurel Mountain Trail on Sunday April 1st.
Meet at 12 noon at Yellow Gap of FS 1206. There are three sections
that need work in the first 2 miles of trail before Good Enough
Gap/ "the meeting log." One creek crossing needs cleaning up and there
are two sections where water is "standing" in the tread- we will be de-
berming/ "nicking" these sections to get the water moving. Work should
take about an hour. The plan is to ride out with trailers and tools,
do the work, turn around, back to car, unload tools, turn back around,
ride Laurel-Pilot. Should be fun and a great way to get some very
needed trail maintenance done.