
Link to Pictures of my new Motiv Groundpounder

Ride it, and when it dies buy something better. When that dies, buy something better. When that dies, buy something you really can't afford and your wife/gf will kill you for buying. Ride it to stay awy from her while she's still mad at you. Whne that bike dies, buy something she'll leave you over. Welcome to mountain biking!
And to Ridemonkey.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Originally posted by edoz
Ride it, and when it dies buy something better. When that dies, buy something better. When that dies, buy something you really can't afford and your wife/gf will kill you for buying. Ride it to stay awy from her while she's still mad at you. Whne that bike dies, buy something she'll leave you over. Welcome to mountain biking!
And to Ridemonkey.
lol That's basically a good part of the fun in MTBing...dealing with the wife/GF (or husband/BF).


Dec 17, 2001
Las Cruces, NM
Judging from the amount of pictures you took, you're really excited about biking. I hope the bike serves you well. One tip: if you had Costco assemble the bike, take it to a bike shop and have them go through it. Department store employees typically assemble those bikes as fast as they can and with as little care as possible.

Have fun riding.